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Joined: 11 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:34 pm Reply with quote
I'm still puzzled by your reaction to From the New World, and your total love of Psycho Pass. I do care about the characters in From the New World, and I very much want to know about the history and world. Psycho Pass, on the other hand, I had to drop because I found it boring.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:10 pm Reply with quote
I absolutely agree with Bamboo about Say I Love You. By the end of the show, Mei had lost any spark she initially showed. I was actively rooting for Megumi to hijack the show from her! Or at least for Mei to break up with Yamato... since dating him was obviously making her (more) miserable.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:11 pm Reply with quote
Blast of Tempest is actually quite intelligent, and the mind games make sense and are quite well done. Four smart people trying to convince one another of their views and trying to figure out what is happening. The twists have also been very impressive, like how the girl spoiler[gets off the island.] It's only real problem - admittedly it is a big one - is that the characters have been stuck on the same narrow slope for five episodes, and it is getting extremely tedious. However it looks like that will now end, thank goodness.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:21 pm Reply with quote
Great to see Sakurasou keeps on proving itself to those who initially snubbed it. Feels good, man.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:22 pm Reply with quote
The winners for me this season are definitely Blast of Tempest and Robotics;Notes

Blast of Tempest is absolutely fantastic in every regard, and if it continues on at the pace its going, it could very well become one of my favorite anime of all time. The plot surrounding the characters is interesting, the Shakespeare references make me happy, and the idea of a divine will shaping everything by causing tragedies to occur, really resonates with me. The mage, and time travel business is also very compelling. I need more episodes!

Robotics;Notes is also interesting. The slice of life story of kids trying to build a robot is interesting enough, and carries with it a great deal of charm. The addition of more science fiction elements is appreciated as long as it doesn't stray from the build up its had so far. The characters are interesting, and there seems to be a lot going on underneath the surface.
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Red Fox of Fire

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:36 pm Reply with quote
Like wow. When you liked Blast of Tempest, I could barely keep watching. When you started hating it, I started loving it. I find it ironic, but when the characters began just standing still and talking is when I started to really get into it. I can understand if it's tedious to some, but don't go blaming it on plot holes. If you follow it, it's actually really well-done.

My Little Monster is one of those ones that felt fresh and exciting at first but just couldn't keep its momentum until the end. Really liked it at first, began losing interest about halfway through, and would have given up by what is now the end if it was instead 2 cour.

Everything else I either agree with or understand. Well, except for Space Bros, but I don't really want to repeat myself every week on my disappointment over that.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:45 pm Reply with quote
supercreep wrote:
I'm still puzzled by your reaction to From the New World, and your total love of Psycho Pass. I do care about the characters in From the New World, and I very much want to know about the history and world. Psycho Pass, on the other hand, I had to drop because I found it boring.

I feel the same way as Bamboo about both of these shows.

I think one of my biggest problems with New World is that I have trouble identifying the characters (this is just me, and not limited to NW since I'm terrible at remembering names). When faces are drawn pretty much by cookie cutter, I depend on hair or other features to tell them apart, but in this series hair color changes from blond to brown to red to black depending on the lighting I guess, so I often think I'm watching one character and then realize it was someone else. Compounding this are all the timeskips, and changes in age, clothing, and members comprising the group.

I keep watching because on one level I can tell this is a well-done series in so many ways, and I keep hoping it will go somewhere interesting, but with Saki being about the only character I've been able to keep track of, and none of the characters people that I like at all (the info-dump lady was the most relatable so far), pretty much all that's left is just to see what's next. But watching it is really becoming a chore, so that might not be enough.

As for Psycho-Pass, I guess I can see how it might drag in places, and Akane played as if she's a six-year-old is hard to buy in her role, but how did you find it boring enough to drop? Irritating at times, yes, but boring? I'm the puzzled one now. :)
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Joined: 11 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:52 pm Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:

As for Psycho-Pass, I guess I can see how it might drag in places, and Akane played as if she's a six-year-old is hard to buy in her role, but how did you find it boring enough to drop? Irritating at times, yes, but boring? I'm the puzzled one now. Smile

I find the idea of the Pass system very interesting, but none of the cases has gotten me involved. The whole Spooky Boogie incident I felt was especially tedious. I'm not a fan of most of the characters, as they come off as being rather shallow in my opinion. Also, the character designs in general just really irk me for some reason.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:53 pm Reply with quote
I got scared for a second when I saw Magi on the axed list, but I get that it's something that may be better to marathon. Even though I've read the manga and know what happens I'm sort of tempted to do the same as well since a lot of the events happening probably deserve a lot more of my time to dwell on them...not to mention I spend half the time looking at the clock time for each episode because I'm so worried about how their pacing it. I'll probably stick to keeping it weekly though, unless I happen to fall behind somehow.

While I wouldn't say I watch it because of how weird it is (that's reserved for My Little Monster) I'm not really sure why I'm watching From the New World either. I am pretty interested in where the story's going but nothing's really griped me about it. Maybe it's just the art style. Still pretty fun to watch though I guess.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:01 pm Reply with quote
For while my tops was Sword art Online, which grew on me fast due to the origin of the show idea. Psycho-pass overtook the #1 spot for me with episode 11 by far. The characters, animation, and voice acting has me wanting to know more about everything. Not to mention the closing song is my favorite OP/ED of the season.

Btooom!, while drawn out a bit has kept me reeled in with each character connection. Shin sekai yori had me turned off for two episodes (we all know those two) but like the article says, it's just so weird i love it! I find myself really connecting to Saki since a few episodes ago. The voice-over that makes me feel like what we are seeing is just a replay of the past makes me wonder what is going to happen next.

I appreciate Tempest's back and forth struggle with mere words as a change of pace to slow it down. If we don't jump right back into the action after the last episode I will be let down....

Last edited by Hoofz on Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 28 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:04 pm Reply with quote
supercreep wrote:
I'm still puzzled by your reaction to From the New World, and your total love of Psycho Pass. I do care about the characters in From the New World, and I very much want to know about the history and world. Psycho Pass, on the other hand, I had to drop because I found it boring.

I don't understand it either. Psycho Pass has generally been a bore and I find myself less interested in the setting and characters present than From the New World. I guess it's one of those "mature" shows that people praise because of it's dark and edginess than it's actual merit in writing. Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:14 pm Reply with quote
Definitely agreed with Psycho-Pass up there as one of the most enjoyable series for the Fall season, along with My Little Monster although I felt that the latter had a weak ending. Oh well, there's still the OVA to debut.

I'm also glad that Pet Girl of Sakurasou is still hanging in there but not sure on the Blast of the Tempest one. To me, it's a pretty interesting show. The latest trailer for the second half debuted earlier today and hopefully will conclude the series will.

Everything else on that list seems pretty good so far although I'm not liking Ixion Saga DT much. Strong Fall season this year imo.

I'm also hoping Robotics;Notes starts to pick up its story soon.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:45 pm Reply with quote
Correct me, I may be wrong, but there aren't any supernatural elements to Robotics;Notes are there?

I have seen 9 episodes, still need to catch up. I guess there is the whole issue with his reaction time, but I am sure there will be some quasi-scientific explanation. I haven't seen anything else that could be construed as supernatural?
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Joined: 21 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:51 pm Reply with quote
I think Psycho-Pass and From The New World have very similar themes, so i'm a bit puzzled how people can like one but not the other. I find both pretty fascinating.

Also loved My Little Monster, Ixion Saga, JoJo (which doesn't get ligella streamed, unfortunately) and K (which Bamboo dropped).

All in all a very decent season, winter season doesn't look quite as promising but i'm always open for surprises.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:05 pm Reply with quote
Blast of Tempest. With all due respect to Psycho-Pass, this is definitely the show of the season. It has always had strong characters, nice visuals and good action but in the last few episodes it really turned it up to 11. Yoshino and Somon's verbal battle is so cool to watch unfold and the show's capacity to just throw in twist after twist is amazing. Every time you think you know something the show turns it on its head. And what's so cool is that it doesn't just do it "because we say so". Every twist is supported by an argument. It's just fantastic.

Psycho-Pass has built into a really strong show. It still has the odd writing flaw here and there but otherwise, the latter half has been really good. Akane really comes into her own as a character. They continue to do a good job fleshing out Kogami's past and Makashima gives the the show much more of a driving force as the ongoing antagonist with more of a personal connection to the characters. The final episode is especially strong. They're playing with some neat ideas I think and they're not just the relatively standard "the system is wrong" that you might see on the surface. I look forward to seeing where this goes in season 2.

Robotics;Notes isn't doing anything for me with it's whole conspiracy plot line. It makes little sense and doesn't mesh in the slightest with the rest of the show. Still, the 90% of the show that is the robotics club is really a lot of fun. It's very low key but it has also got some nice humour and some rather genuine and nice emotional moments.

BTOOOM! was a fun show. It wasn't brilliant by any means and it had a few warts but it was still a very tense, well executed action/thriller that I quite enjoyed. Hope it gets a second season.

From the New World is certainly a lot better since they got back to the village and thereby some of the original plot points (ie. The disappearing kids and the nefarious goings on in the village). here's a couple really strong episodes involving Shun. (They also look like they're from an entirely different show. I wonder if they brought in somebody to do the animation or something? Either way, the result is gorgeous). Still, the show continues to struggle with bad exposition, clunky execution and a generally overstuffed story though. There's a really awkwardly executed twist involving spoiler[altering memories] that frankly raises far more questions than the show seems to have any intention of answering. In the end, I don't know. I was optimistic when they got back to the village and indeed, this show is a lot more tolerable now but it seems like the generally poor writing is here to stay which makes me think this will never actually be a truly good show.

Bamboo wrote:
before you know it, we are stuck on a small dirt path about fifteen feet long, watching some guy mumble his way out of plot quicksand.

I'll grant that you that a change of scenery would have been nice. Just looking at the exact same little mound of dirt for several episodes was a little bland. (Although in the show's defence, Yoshino did at one point move to the other side of the hill of dirt Laughing) I think you're dead wrong about pretty much everything else you said though. The actual content of the show is fantastic.

The twist that got me so excited about Blast of Tempest a few weeks ago (the possibility of the ultra powerful sorceress girl being dead) turned out to be a red herring.

No, it didn't. In the end, it was exactly as Samon said. Hakaze was dead. That's what makes it so awesome. Yoshino completely outwitted him with nothing but a bluff. By putting forth a totally untrue (but plausible) argument that Hakaze was alive, he totally turned the tables on Samon and put the onus on him to actually prove that Hakaze was dead which he was totally unprepared for. Essentially, he used Samon's own plan, which was so well done that it was very hard to prove true, against him.

Basically, he would think to himself, with the help of some freaky-deaky psychedelic backgrounds, “How can I convince these kids this plot twist wasn't totally bogus?” And then one of the kids would counter, “But magic!”

If that's all you heard when Yoshino talked then I'm not surprised you didn't like this show. That summation couldn't be more inaccurate though. Everything Yoshino said makes perfect sense and was said with a clear purpose in mind, to manipulate Samon and/or Mahiro.

There's the Tree of Genesis, and the Tree of Exodus, and which one you think is “good” really depends on which episode you're watching at the moment.

Yeah...again, this is what makes the show interesting. Instead of just having the evil tree that they have to destroy, this gives the show depth. The boys find themselves in a nearly impossible situation. I mean, who can really say if Hakaze is right of if Samon is. Yet the fate of the world may depend on what they do.

BarCho66 wrote:
I don't understand it either. Psycho Pass has generally been a bore and I find myself less interested in the setting and characters present than From the New World. I guess it's one of those "mature" shows that people praise because of it's dark and edginess than it's actual merit in writing. Rolling Eyes

You know, when you resort to these vague, baseless shots at the credibility and motives of the people who disagree with you, you just come off as someone who is both too stupid to actually explain why they feel the show in question is bad and also too immature to not get all butthurt over it.
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