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NEWS: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Tests Slated for Fall, Winter

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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:23 am Reply with quote
it's kind of hilarious how bad this game's launch was. I'm honestly wondering if Square's reputation can get any worse after this.
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Joined: 03 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:22 am Reply with quote
AiddonValentine wrote:
it's kind of hilarious how bad this game's launch was. I'm honestly wondering if Square's reputation can get any worse after this.

In my opinion they have repaired their reputation at least as far as XIV goes. The original launch being so bad was the result of 2 people. Tanaka didn't listen to a damn thing anyone said during the alpha and beta periods and didn't fix anything and Wada wanted the game done and out before it was ready. The result was the launch the game got and we all know how bad that was. Believe me I have stuck with the game since that terrible launch and I know how bad it was.

However Yoshida has made the game so different and so much better it's almost a different game. Really it's amazing at how much they have fixed and they are not even done. By the end of this they will have built a new MMO from the ground up minus all the work needed on the Lore(as that is staying the same) in only 2 or so years which is amazingly fast.

People gotta remember that SE could have easily just said screw it and pulled the plug on the game a long time ago and they didn't they wanted to show that they could turn it around and keep some of their pride and again as far as XIV goes they have done that. They has spent a crap load of money they didn't need to turning this game around which is more then some devs who pull the plug over alot less.

They still need to fix their reputation as far as single player games(I liked XIII but XIII-2 was crap as far as I'm concerned) but I think they have done a good job on getting XIV turned around in a very positive way. It's just a matter of if enough new players join in on the game when it launches on PS3 and relaunches on PC.
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Joined: 14 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:05 am Reply with quote
I agree. The new director seems to be very passionate about making FFXIV a better game. The changes have been slow but there have been many. I am sure 2.0 will be amazing. It may not be perfect but what game ever is?
I can tell they care about this game succeeding and they have shown that by butting in the time effort and money.
(fingers crossed!)
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Joined: 09 Jun 2012
Posts: 313
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:07 pm Reply with quote
Reibooi wrote:
In my opinion they have repaired their reputation at least as far as XIV goes. The original launch being so bad was the result of 2 people. Tanaka didn't listen to a damn thing anyone said during the alpha and beta periods and didn't fix anything and Wada wanted the game done and out before it was ready. The result was the launch the game got and we all know how bad that was. Believe me I have stuck with the game since that terrible launch and I know how bad it was.

However Yoshida has made the game so different and so much better it's almost a different game. Really it's amazing at how much they have fixed and they are not even done. By the end of this they will have built a new MMO from the ground up minus all the work needed on the Lore(as that is staying the same) in only 2 or so years which is amazingly fast.

Take notes Bioware. This is how you handle your MMO that bombed, not insulting the fans by saying they didn't 'get it' and then going F2P in less than a year. Laughing
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