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NEWS: Japanese Box Office Sales Fall 18% in 2011

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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:10 am Reply with quote
Obviously it's due to piracy! Damn you, Jack Sparrow! Twisted Evil
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Joined: 20 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:33 am Reply with quote
So I guess all their measures to counter piracy is not working? but then again, none of the anime now excpet 1 or 2 could compare to the anime you could gte in 2003-2006. Golden age of anime in my book. What we get now are perverted things but people like that I suppose. Just my opinion. don't bash me.

but I suppose even though the hentai, harem, loli series are in plenty, I guess they don't sell enough.
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Kawazoe Mika

Joined: 01 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:33 am Reply with quote
phoenixalia wrote:
So I guess all their measures to counter piracy is not working?

I would be very surprised if it was not exclusively due to the earthquake/tsunami.

(Note there is nothing particular to "piracy"... here in France, while "our politicians" were babbling about how we were "the worst downloaders" in the past years, movie theater revenues and attendance broke records four years in a row since 2008...).

phoenixalia wrote:
[...] but then again, none of the anime now excpet 1 or 2 could compare to the anime you could gte in 2003-2006. Golden age of anime in my book. What we get now are perverted things but people like that I suppose. Just my opinion. don't bash me.

What I retained from 2007-2011:

Even just counting the big popular series without prior release, that's Hidamari Sketch, Nodame Candabile, Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei, Hayate no Gotoku, Lucky Star, Clannad, Ookami to Koushinryou, K-On, Bakemonogatari, Ika Musume, Denpa Onna, and Hanasaku Iroha.

And the current season notably features Nisemonogatari and Ano Natsu de Matteru, which seem promising...

And this is only my personal list, by my personal taste, which notably excludes a large part of dark/violent anime (beside a few exceptions...). And I have excluded a number of average series which were still quite enjoyable (e.g., Potemayo, Minami-ke, Doujin Work, Umisho, To Heart 2, Higashi no Eden -beside at least the second movie-...), and some ecchi ones which weren't that bad and unoriginal... (e.g., Pantsu Witches S1...).

Even if you remove Lucky Star and K-On (which would be a shame, because when you get used to their rhythms, it is at least an enjoyable watch... and if it's really not for your taste, then it is only this...), it does not make such a difference...

In conclusion, this is mostly just an illusion. I'm not saying we are not saying evolution (which is in itself completely normal and good...), but globally it is quite limited, and many new series are just as good as the best older ones, showing many good originalities.

Don't forget also we are meant to be in a "global economical crisis" (well, except for the rich people getting ever richer of course) since 2008... Various anime companies canceled new shows, and tried to focus on either "tried and true franchises" (i.e., possibly more seasons/OVAs), or "average but quick interest series"... but that does not mean it was really that bad... There has always been anime of widely varying quality, like in any domain... Including bad anime focusing on ecchi/harem/loli. I mean, Yumeria dates back to 2004-01. This example alone should be enough.

Are you really watching as much anime as before? Isn't your taste evolving away from anime aimed at a younger audience, which you would have otherwise liked just as much as older series back then? Aren't you just starting to be nostalgic about some series you've seen more than six years ago now? Isn't it just community drama in the past years getting to you? (well, not that it was really absent back then either...).

I'm watching a lot of anime since 2002, and I can assure you I always found good new anime to watch. If I have not enough, I'll simply rewatch a few older series, or maybe find some I still haven't seen, and all is good. Like I have done since the beginning.

And there is quite a number of series I would have watched back then, that I don't watch anymore, because of the evolution of my personal taste with age and experience.

phoenixalia wrote:
[...] but I suppose even though the hentai, harem, loli series are in plenty, I guess they don't sell enough.

This article is about general Japanese box office (i.e., movie theaters), not just anime. And I suppose very few, if any "hentai/harem/loli" anime series are shown globally, if at all, in Japanese movie theaters...
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:52 am Reply with quote
And so it begins... the "golden age" is now the early 2000s, rather than the late 90s as it was a few years ago. In ten years, I suppose we'll look at the early 2010s as the 'golden age'.

Anyway, yeah, huge earthquake in Japan didn't help much I imagine. Not that Japan was too terribly big into movies to begin with.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:10 am Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:

Not that Japan was too terribly big into movies to begin with.

Yeah, J-TV stars are bigger celebrities than J-movie stars in Japan. Didn't help J-movie stars that Hollywood dominated J-theaters for a long while too.
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