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Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:31 am
Quote: | Yes, this is the rare review where the critic shoves fingers in ears and goes I LIKE IT AND I DON'T CARE HOW MANY FLAWS IT HAS LALALALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU. I can do those once in a while. |
I actually wish more reviewers DID do this. To be honest, when I am playing a game the one and only criteria that I actually care about is whether or not I enjoyed the game, and how much. Who cares about how many flaws a game has, since there is no such thing as a perfect game. The best we can hope for is a game that is so enjoyable that you are willing to overlook said flaws.
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Joined: 30 May 2008
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Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:13 am
Don't tease us with naked Kojima. Have you seen him? He is ONE BEAUTIFUL MAN.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:58 am
"The storyline covers Shippuden events up through the Five Kage Summit Arc...which seems to be a hundred chapters shy of the current Naruto plot, but we can't let games jump ahead of their inspirations here."
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Joined: 06 Jan 2008
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Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:03 pm
Quote: | it's set in a world of floating islands, airships, and animal-people. |
I commend your most diplomatic choice of words.
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Joined: 18 Jul 2006
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Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:58 pm
Guild 01 is the most legitimately intriguing new game announcement I've seen in some time. I'm imagining the approach as something of a video game equivalent to an all-star short film anthology, e.g. The Animatrix or Paris, Je T'aime. I think it's a great idea and I really hope it comes here. By the way Todd, I'm surprised you didn't mention that the Suda 51 game will have animation by Studio Bones.
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Petrea Mitchell
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Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:10 pm
Quote: | Such challenges are supposedly the meat of the Layton series, though one wonders if some followers of the series are now more interested in the ongoing storylines and quaint cartoon atmosphere. |
Some, maybe... but I'm someone who's played all three games and am definitely more in it for the puzzle challenges. Partly because they've gotten better and better (the first game had a lot of old familiar puzzles, the second had only a few, and the third was almost entirely original work), and partly because I find it's easy to figure out the plot twists in advance, and the storylines tend to start feeling all creepy and wrong if I really think them through afterwards.
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Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:29 pm
Inafune: He's going to be working with IF on the Souls series!? Wow, that I have to see. Now if only I could finish Resurrection... -.-
Level-5: Hey Level-5, how about the next Dark Cloud already?
Solatorobo: Damn it Todd, you used the f-word in the annotation! Anyway, it's nice that the .hack//Game composers did the music and Chrono Cross's character designer drew up the cast. A shame the difficulty and writing is so plain though. I'm sure tons of "fanart" of this has already generated all over the place.
Last edited by belvadeer on Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:01 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:33 pm
Quote: | Not bad for a series that was once thought unmarketable outside Japan. |
The only reason the first two games did badly here was they were released at the tail end of the PS2's life cycle. And while the Japanese were willing to support the PS2 that long, Americans were already moving on to the Wii and 360.
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Dark Absol
Joined: 09 Dec 2009
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Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:18 pm
As much as I like Solatorobo, it is almost way too easy (though I still haven't finished playing it yet). I just wished that they'd put the difficulty mode in it that leads to unlock something unique such as extra photo in the Album when finished the game. :/
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Joined: 30 Mar 2006
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Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:24 pm
gatotsu911 wrote: |
Guild 01 is the most legitimately intriguing new game announcement I've seen in some time. |
I was thinking the same thing. These are some off-the-wall game ideas. A teenage girl president? A game about creating and selling weapons? A luggage simulator!? On their own they might not be much, but I'd be willing to buy a compilation of games like this. Level 5 has been showing quite a bit of promise lately.
And speaking of Level 5, I need to get Layton's London Life! Does anyone know if it comes with the game off the bat, or do you have to unlock it through Last Specter? To be honest, I don't even care about the main story, I just want to play this side game. If it's even HALF as good as Mother 3, it's worth buying IMO.
Also, I'm happy to see someone put together a video of the SDATCHER translation. I figured someone would eventually so I'm glad I held off on reading the translation as soon as it came out. Snatcher is easily one of my favorite games of all time, so here's to hoping this radio drama will lead to something else game related!
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Unknown Memory
Joined: 15 Jan 2007
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Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:15 am
Dark Absol wrote: | As much as I like Solatorobo, it is almost way too easy (though I still haven't finished playing it yet). I just wished that they'd put the difficulty mode in it that leads to unlock something unique such as extra photo in the Album when finished the game. :/ |
I wouldn't exactly call it easy easy, but it's fun, nonetheless, to throw enemies everywhere. I did find some enemies a little "tough" until you got the hang of their movement patterns. There is no sense of challenge, but I take it for what it is. Light-hearted enjoyment in the air.
I spent a lot of time redoing a lot of quests and racing in-between the major story. I'm on Chapter 8 (17 hours or so), so I'm faaaaaar from over.
Solatorobo made me appreciate video game fishing in a whole new way. (Hey, if battling other robots may seem easy,.. I think I found the difficulty in fishing! O__o)
The one thing I wish this game did have is a "skip scene" function. It got a bit tedious when you keep having to replay their chats if you seen it before or had to redo something. X_x
Other than that, I think Solatorobo is going to be an underrated gem. The music is nice. The graphics are good for what it is. Although, it would also be nice if there were more 2-D traditional animation cutscnees rather than the CG versions like Cyber did for Tail Concerto.
This game, Unwound Future, and hopefully, Specter will tie me up nicely in killing game wait time for KH:DDD.
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leafy sea dragon
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Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:31 pm
If it's that easy, I might pick it up used, since it'd mean I'd be at it for 3 or 4 days tops, then likely never pick it up again. Or maybe I'll pick it up again in about 4 to 8 years, which seems to be what I tend to do with my games.
Also, I think the Professor Layton stories are SUPPOSED to feel creepy and wrong the more you think about it. It goes well with the gist of the series, which is that a detective gets caught up in situations that would mentally overwhelm the average person, and the people involved are madly obsessed with a single trivial thing. That's a theme I've noticed across every game so far. The stories are about madness, depravity, grief, and as mentioned above, obsession.
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Joined: 02 Aug 2011
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Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:16 pm
I can't effing wait!
About Solatorobo: My friend told me good things about it, that everyone seems to echo: fun, colorful, cute, creative, easy, devoid of challenge, linear, but enjoyable. I usually like difficult games, ones that are a real challenge (I admit it, I love Touhou and I Wanna Be The Guy!), but I also am a total sucker for cute things (and boy howdy, Chocolat is cute~ ). So... I'm on the fence about this one.
Quote: | Also, I think the Professor Layton stories are SUPPOSED to feel creepy and wrong the more you think about it. It goes well with the gist of the series, which is that a detective gets caught up in situations that would mentally overwhelm the average person, and the people involved are madly obsessed with a single trivial thing. That's a theme I've noticed across every game so far. The stories are about madness, depravity, grief, and as mentioned above, obsession. |
Wow! That's amazing. I've thought about the series that way, but... you just worded it much better! [/quote]
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