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NEWS: Live-Action Noir Character Descriptions Listed

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:26 am Reply with quote
"regime [that] is based on the Assassins cult of Islam."

Congratulations for breaking a new record in chauvinism!
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:32 am Reply with quote
So they want to offend the fans of an entire religion on top of the show? Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:48 am Reply with quote
I think those for-sale character sheets are descriptions for any actor or actress looking to audition for those roles.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:56 am Reply with quote
BassKuroi wrote:
"regime [that] is based on the Assassins cult of Islam."

Congratulations for breaking a new record in chauvinism!

Assassins. The fact that it is based on a historical group is not really chauvinism. I will admit that the use of the word cult is certainly provocative.

After reading the descriptions I am cautiously pessimistic. Also when they say character sheet I immediately start thinking about strength modifiers, armor class, etc.
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Joined: 13 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:30 am Reply with quote
Noir is a pretty simple series to adapt into live action and come on, are these changes really that necessary? For the fans of the original, these changes are the definition of pointless.

Why set it in the 1960s? The original series hinted that it is set in present day. With all of those original character descriptions, where's Altena and Chloe?

Speaking of characters, what the hell is up with the changes made in the description for our two main leads? Bouquet to Dubois? Did they assume people are too stupid to pronounce Bouquet? Plus, wasn't it fact in the series that Kirika already had amnesia long before meeting Mirielle?

Lastly, why change Les Soldats into an organization that relates to Islam? The group doesn't have anything that relates to Islam at all and the group is suppose to have French origins.

I remain cautious about this but I hope I would be surprised by this because really, how could you screw up something as simple as this?
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Joined: 07 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:04 am Reply with quote
Basing the Soladats off of a Islamic assassin clan hierarchy isn't that far fetched in all honestly although it'd probably be more accurate to use a Catholic order hierarchy, though both of which are moot. What bothers me is the fact they pounded a lot of the actual setting out of it if not all of it. Maybe they should of just called it La Femme Nikita and spared us the hype and comparison. I might of had more of a reason to watch it without aggravation.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:22 am Reply with quote
Oh christ... I'll give it a chance, but this is really worrying. Is it so hard to leave well enough alone? I mean there's really nothing in Noir that needed changing.
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Jessica Hart

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:48 am Reply with quote
Alice, a model who is John's drug-using ex-girlfriend.

Edgy. Razz So I guess this is Breaking Bad now or something?
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:28 am Reply with quote
Lycosyncer wrote:
what the hell is up with the changes made in the description for our two main leads? Bouquet to Dubois? Did they assume people are too stupid to pronounce Bouquet?

Bouquet is easier to pronounce than Dubois. I think the change was most likely made because Bouquet is also a word that sounds funny as a name (for an assassin). But they could have chosen something cooler than Dubois xD Well, the name won't matter much in the end.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:45 am Reply with quote
Hedd wrote:
Maybe they should of just called it La Femme Nikita and spared us the hype and comparison. I might of had more of a reason to watch it without aggravation.

Yep, I guess it might turn out ok but it certainly wouldn't be Noir anymore.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:58 am Reply with quote
[quote="Hedd" ]Maybe they should of just called it La Femme Nikita and spared us the hype and comparison. I might of had more of a reason to watch it without aggravation.[/quote]

I'm guessing you missed this:

It's okay if you did, as I don't think a tonne of people watch the CW for action shows.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:26 am Reply with quote
Lycosyncer wrote:

Speaking of characters, what the hell is up with the changes made in the description for our two main leads? Bouquet to Dubois? Did they assume people are too stupid to pronounce Bouquet? Plus, wasn't it fact in the series that Kirika already had amnesia long before meeting Mirielle?

I'm rather miffed they gave Mireille a fiancé. Do we really need to add straight romantic entanglements in the mix?
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Surrender Artist

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:00 am Reply with quote
Those are larger changes than I had anticipated, not that I'm very good at anticipating things. I still stand by giving this the benefit of the doubt and ample leeway, but a few of these do seem ever so slightly jarring to me. If they're trying to compete or replicate Le Femme Nikita too closely, that might just be setting themselves up for a fall.

I'm slightly disappointed that they changed Mireille's surname, especially because DuBois is so generic. I will also be tempted, should I watch this, to make A Streetcar Named Desire jokes. Bouquet might seem a little strange for a surname, but it was distinctive.

Since Mireille will have a fiancé, I suppose that they prefer a non-yuri interpretation. That's a pity since the ambiguity added interest and its concentration upon female characters was refreshing. Then again, the fuller description describes him as,"Mireille’s ‘love interest’ across the first few episodes;" so maybe he'll be killed off or just go away in short order. Of course that might imply that she ends up 'out to avenger her man', which I would really rather not see. Things like this also suggest that they'll deviate from the very tight focus of the original, which does disappoint me, since I regard that as one of the source material's best features. I think that Noir might've done better with a slightly larger recurring cast, I'd've especially liked for Remy Breffourt to appear in more than just the last two episodes, but it's a temperamental formula.

No Chloe or Altena, it seems. That's too bad; they both worked as wonderfully creepy in the original.

I'm not really keen on the Soldats being tied to Islaam. That doesn't prevent them from saving much the same purpose as they did in the original series, but I worry that it might license some potentially tawdry things.

I'm glad that they've made the characters older. I had always figured Mireille as in her middle twenties or so, even though I suppose she really couldn't've have been more than roughly 18 in the series. As for the setting being Paris the sixties: Why not? They'll lose the cellular telephones and computers, but those aren't great losses by my standards. The cars and clothes will be cooler, provided that they don't try to be too kitschy, this way. They'll need to change Mireille's gun, however, being as the Walther P99 was introduced in the late nineteen nineties. Maybe they'll giver her a PPK or something like that. I read once that Sam Raimi put a lot of very detailed care into the choice of weapons for The Quick and the Dead, so I'm sure that he'll do well with choosing firearms for Noir.

I'm still keen to see this, even if just to be definitively disappointed. The changes are disconcerting, but none of them strike me as cataclysmic, so I think that it's fair to hold on to some hope. I do suspect, however, that it might only be acceptable if judged as something other than an adaptation of Noir.

Also: Who the Hell is Yann? I'm probably just remembering him, which probably for someone who was presumably a man who appeared only once in Noir, but I really don't know who that is.

Last edited by Surrender Artist on Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:58 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Joined: 26 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:08 am Reply with quote
Lycosyncer wrote:
With all of those original character descriptions, where's Altena and Chloe?

It looks like they've separated Noir and the Soldats entirely (here it's just Mireille's code name) so I'm guessing Altena/Chloe, the Grand Retour, and everything associated with that storyline is dead in the water.
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Joined: 13 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:17 am Reply with quote

I am firmly in the belief that when adapting a well known property into live action and in order to win fan support, they should try to stay close to the original as possible. If they are going to make changes, it should make sense but here, it just doesn't.

As for the name change bit, can you imagine if Hollywood wants to change Lelouch Lamperouge's name to be changed into something more bland and generic instead of using his original name? Many fans would without a doubt despise that change. The name may be strange but it stands out from the others and changing it would automatically lose fan support.

If you're going to adapt an anime series to live action and want to stay faithful to it, you either go all the way or none at all.

@ darkchibi07

Yeah, I'm disappointed about giving Mireille a fiance because one of the reasons why the series is fun for the fans is because of the Les Yay moments with her and Kirika. Hope that the series will still keep those moments in.
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