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INTEREST: 2ch Forum's Saimoe Tournament Preliminary 1: Groups 1–8

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Joined: 14 May 2005
Posts: 328
PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:38 pm Reply with quote
Why the heck is Walpurgisnacht considered moe? Do people really have moe feelings for her? Really??? Even more baffling, why isn't Madoka herself on any of those lists?
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Sailor S

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:46 pm Reply with quote
Julia-the-Great wrote:
Why the heck is Walpurgisnacht considered moe? Do people really have moe feelings for her? Really??? Even more baffling, why isn't Madoka herself on any of those lists?

Because those are just the first 8 prelims. There's another 8 yet to go.

I suspect that the only way a girl from Madoka isn't going to win this is if the anti-voters rally together to defeat them. I'm just not sure if there's enough of them to take down Madoka or Homura.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:46 pm Reply with quote
Julia-the-Great wrote:
Why the heck is Walpurgisnacht considered moe? Do people really have moe feelings for her? Really??? Even more baffling, why isn't Madoka herself on any of those lists?
Maybe they like upside down witches? Just be glad that (so far) Kriemhild Gretchen isn't on the list.

To answer the second actual question: There's 8 more groups.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:49 am Reply with quote
So for Qwaser of Stigmata they have Oribe, Hana, and Teresia.. but not Katja, Fumika, or Tomo.

Why... Teresia makes sense, but Oribe and Hana are far from moe.. Razz At least the term people here like to use it for (cute, innocent, want to protect her). Hana is a sex craving pedophile who molests little girls and Oribe is a tough girl who smacks people with swords.

Also, the only Mitsudomoe representatives are Airi and Miku? Seriously? Hitoha is a complete shoe in for that show. Rage! The entire first season was about Hitoha being lonely and struggling to find a friend and get out of her depression.. she needed a hug so bad.

Oh, there's still 8 more groups... well.. those choices better be there.
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Joined: 12 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:39 am Reply with quote
Something tells me Kuroneko will run away with the top spot for her group. But I have my money on Homura winning the whole thing
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:11 am Reply with quote
Kohii wrote:
Something tells me Kuroneko will run away with the top spot for her group.

I'm sure she will. She's in bracket 11 up against a lot of C and D level characters (and a few nameless ones). Only Madoka Majica character in that bracket is one of the random girls from the last episode. Even an A list character like Nami from One Piece probably doesn't stand a chance when comparing her to the previous tournament winners that Ruri has more in common with.

Kinda curious how bracket 16 will go. Madoka Kaname is in that one and the sure winner, but she's up against the likes of Index, Menma (AnoHana), Haruna (Zombie desu ka), and Mikan (To Love Ru). They're all pretty popular in their own right and have common traits with previous winners and while they can't beat Madoka I do wonder where they'll land in the votes.

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Joined: 15 Jul 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:47 pm Reply with quote
If they had placed Tsumugi in Group 8, that'd have been my "bracket of death", with Mami (Madoka), Manami (Oreimo) and Mugi (K-ON) all up for vote. I'm impressed that Mugi is the top K-ON vote getter so far considering that Yui and Azusa are in this set. Also happy that Mami is the 2nd overall vote getter so far, pretty good for her run.
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Joined: 16 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:30 pm Reply with quote
Sailor S wrote:
Julia-the-Great wrote:
Why the heck is Walpurgisnacht considered moe? Do people really have moe feelings for her? Really??? Even more baffling, why isn't Madoka herself on any of those lists?

Because those are just the first 8 prelims. There's another 8 yet to go.

I suspect that the only way a girl from Madoka isn't going to win this is if the anti-voters rally together to defeat them. I'm just not sure if there's enough of them to take down Madoka or Homura.

You clearly missed 2009 when K-ON! ranked first in all prelims group they were in yet Mio was knocked out in round 1. And I'm disappointed that the Exploding Penguin (Kampfer) didn't make it let alone Charlotte (Madoka) topping her group.

If anything, this shows that Madoka characters have a huge target on their back, particularly Mami and Homura. Madoka, herself, is the only one who has yet to make an appearance (Sayaka beat Victorique from GOSICK today by 1)

Still betting a standoff between Madoka Magica, Hanasaku Iroha, and OreImo here...and Tantei Opera Milky Holmes or Dog Days as a potential dark horse.
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