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PR: Aniplex of America Brewing Up Baccano! Blu-ray Disc Box; On tap For Release on May 17, 2011

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Otaku Teahouse

Joined: 30 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:30 pm Reply with quote
Awesome series, great price, they kept the Funimation dub. I am excited. Very Happy

Now I wonder if it's an upscale...
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The King of Harts

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:56 pm Reply with quote
Shouldn't this be News since this is how Aniplex of America announces their "licenses"?

I wish Aniplex would get over this whole "Let's announce something 2 months before we release it!" thing they do all the time. Give us at least 4 months to plan things out.

Now I wonder if it's an upscale...

It's an upscale, but a great one. hissatsu took comparison shots comapred to Funimations release, and it's a huge improvement.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:04 pm Reply with quote
Actually, I prefer the shorter announcement time frames. I got tired of companies like Funimation announcing a new license or new bluray, then it taking months (sometimes years to appear.) I much prefer this approach that Aniplex and Sentai have been doing.

Still it's interesting to see them retain the bluray rights and release it themselves. I actually wish I had waited as Aniplex's box looks much better than Funi's, but since I still have yet to watch that one I will wait and see if it's the type of show I'm willing to double dip on.
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The King of Harts

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:22 pm Reply with quote
I suppose I am a minority since I prefer longer turnarounds since it gives me breathing room. I can't just change my budget around in less than two months because Aniplex didn't feel like letting this out sooner. At least S23 gives about 3-4 months, and even though I'd prefer 4-6 months notice, 3-4 is workable. Less than two, though? I can't work it at this moment.

You'd think they'd cater more towards my type, the hardcore collector type, than those that just happen have $56 since they aren't buying anything else, or not-hardcore collectors.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:36 pm Reply with quote
The King of Harts wrote:
I suppose I am a minority since I prefer longer turnarounds since it gives me breathing room. I can't just change my budget around in less than two months because Aniplex didn't feel like letting this out sooner. At least S23 gives about 3-4 months, and even though I'd prefer 4-6 months notice, 3-4 is workable. Less than two, though? I can't work it at this moment.

You'd think they'd cater more towards my type, the hardcore collector type, than those that just happen have $56 since they aren't buying anything else, or not-hardcore collectors.

I like longer announcements as well. It helps me plan things out easier since I don't either have to scramble and get it if someone has it on sale, or cancel other things that I have already ordered at that point to get something else.
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Joined: 23 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:56 pm Reply with quote
I'm usually broke as hell, so it's strange that I would side with dragonrider on this one and say that I much prefer the shorter timespans. Since I'm just a high school student without a job, I don't buy too much stuff monthly anyway, so when something pops up I don't have to worry to it adding to me being swamped with other stuff. And luckily for me, a lot of my recent purchases+things I'm interested in purchasing have had good space between them.

So yeah, I think 2 months is a pretty good time. For me, at least. And of course, since Baccano! is one of my favorite series, I sure as hell already pre-ordered this, even though I already have the original complete series release.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:36 pm Reply with quote
$56? Yeah, I'll buy that. See what happens when you charge a fair price Aniplex?
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:41 pm Reply with quote
I'd totally get this if i had money and a blu-ray player, but I don't but I do think all Baccano fans should double dip since it is a limited edition, key word being limited.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:13 pm Reply with quote
Otaku Teahouse wrote:
Awesome series, great price, they kept the Funimation dub. I am excited. :D

They mostly kept the Funi dub. The dub on the R1 DVDs is compressed 5.1 audio, while the dub with the BD set is uncompressed 2.0 audio.

ikillchicken wrote:
$56? Yeah, I'll buy that. See what happens when you charge a fair price Aniplex?

It's a good price. It's easier to knock the price down when you're releasing a 3.5-year old TV series, the packaging is a little cheaper, and it's not a simultaneous JP/US release. The biggest factor was probably the difficulty in trying to encourage people to buy the BD set when the Funi DVD release is only $20. If they kept the price near that of the Japanese release, it would have been a much harder sell...

My import Baccano! BD box arrived on Thursday, which is the same day that news about the US release dribbled out. I have the Drrr!! v2 DVDs, but they arrived on the same day that AmazonJP shipped my order, so I wouldn't have been able to cancel my order if I'd wanted to. ^^; The Japanese set looks great, but maybe not quite ~$150 greater. I'm happy enough, though. Still, I would have considered also buying this US release if the 40pg booklet in the Japanese set was being translated for the US release, but it doesn't look as though that's happening.

I hope that lots of people buy a set from one side of the Pacific or the other, especially if it encourages Aniplex to release a Durarara!! BD set in the (near) future. I'll readily double-dip for that, but I might wait a little longer to hear about a US release if it comes out in Japan first. ^_^
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:50 am Reply with quote
Ingraman wrote:
They mostly kept the Funi dub. The dub on the R1 DVDs is compressed 5.1 audio, while the dub with the BD set is uncompressed 2.0 audio.

Similar thing happened with the Japanese Kiddy Grade BDs - it was solicited as having LPCM 5.1 for the English dub but this turned out to be an error and was actually stereo like the Japanese track.
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Joined: 15 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:24 pm Reply with quote
Actually, I consider this to be very bad news. I mean, it's great that Baccano will be available on Blu-ray, but Funimation should be the ones releasing this. They're releasing more and more on Blu-ray, and I'd be stunned if they didn't want to release Baccano on Blu-ray. Instead, Aniplex is releasing it at a higher price (particularly since you can't get any good deals on it like you could with a Funimation release) and it's a limited release. I think that it's an enormously bad precedent when a release is limited. It's one thing to have a high quality, collector's edition with some extra stuff which is released on a limited basis, but when that's the only release?! At least unlike The Garden of Sinners, we've already had Baccano released on DVD, so people can get their hands on the show, but the Blu-rays should be just as generally available. And looking at rightstuf's posting for it, it looks like it's pretty much a normal release which may have a slighter nicer box, but that's all that's special about it. So, instead of a nicer, collector's edition which is limited, the normal Blu-ray release is limited. That's horrible.

Funimation should be able to release all of the stuff that they've licensed on Blu-ray. The reason that they haven't released Baccano on Blu-ray yet is likely because it's old enough that they probably didn't get the Blu-ray rights when they licensed the show, and Aniplex decided to make some extra money on it by selling it themselves.

So, I'm excited that we'll be able to get Baccano on Blu-ray, but I think that this sets a horrible precedent. I do not want to see Aniplex re-releasing currently licensed shows on Blu-ray for a limited release at higher prices when the original licensor is already doing Blu-ray releases. If this had been something like Code Geass or Gundam 00 (which Aniplex doesn't have anything to do with, I don't think) where the licensor (Bandai in this case) shows no signs of releasing much of anything on Blu-ray, then this would be good news, because then we'd get something which we wouldn't have been able to get otherwise. But with a Funimation license? They would have released this on Blu-ray. The fact that Aniplex is the one releasing this just plain sucks. It means that it's higher priced with low availability. And this is probably a show which would have sold really well on Blu-ray for Funimation.
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