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REVIEW: Puppet Princess DVD

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Joined: 28 May 2004
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Location: USA
PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 12:49 pm Reply with quote
Ok, I'll start by saying that I'm not really good with reviews but I can at least state my opinion. Very Happy

I had first heard about this title about a couple of years after getting hooked on an import game of a similar title (Marl Oukoku no ningyouhime) The Adventures of the Puppet Princess of Marl Kingdom. Not to mention the story was also based around the idea of puppets being used to battle. The only difference was one was sugary with a dark twist. The other is just dark all the way around.

When I saw the name for this title I had wondered and wanted to find out more. But at the time there was no info. on it that I could find. No images or plot summary. Even with the coming of it's release there still was no imagery for me to get an idea from. So I used my position to request a copy for our anime collection just so I can view it. I work for the School of Visual Arts Library in NYC.

After finally receiving it quickly popped it in the DVD player here at work. I quickly forwarded to the 2nd chapter and watched it through. I liked what I saw. I decided to bring a friend in on this and watch the whole thing.

Very interesting style where the characters (especially the males) either seem ok to downright UGLY. These were the most rag-tagged characters I've ever seen so far. But it had appeal. The action was done very well. And mind you there is plenty of blood and gore. The humor is enjoyable as well. But when the dark parts push their way in you find yourself not laughing. I found this a pretty interesting pacing. One minute you're laughing and then you're taken aback. Especially when you find out the truth about the puppets creation.
The thing that took me by surprise was how the heroine of the story displayed a dual personality. When you first get to know her you think that she's this helpless maiden that needs protecthing. This illusion is shattered the moment she engages in battle. Her repose then is cool and assuring, to the point that it's almost scary. In other words, she's not as meek and timid as she appears. And knows a lot more than she's letting on. Then she goes back to being herself. A very positive display of a strong female character. Even the ninja that starts out like a hopeless vagabond manages to pull away from his past and show his true nature.

Puppet Princess, is not for everyone. But it is worth a look. Even just to pass the time. It's sort of a little gem that I recommend if you're into collecting some odd one-shot animes. It's not super spectacular like what most fans look for in most anime these days. But it shouldn't be passed up because it's a little dated or not as flashy. It's a short story with a decent plot and interesting characters. If you are the type that is open to all types of anime then who knows you might find this or others of it's kind ending up on your shelf.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2004
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Location: Bordentown, NJ
PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:00 pm Reply with quote
I have Puppet Princess in my collection as well. I picked it up about 2 years ago. I had been in a serious drought for good titles because no one i know watches anime and I was blindly following my own lead. I picked it up at Suncaost got it home and watched it. I had mixed feelings about it. It was good but not really good. I liked the plot and I thought they did the animation well. I wasn't TOTALLY satisfied, but it was enough to walk away from my tv with a good feeling about my purchase. But, again, it has been two years scince I have seen it and I would have to watch it again to give a truly effective review.
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