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ANNCast - NERVous Breakdown

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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:41 pm Reply with quote
I have really fond memories of Evangelion. I even remember when I first really started hearing about it. It was about 2000 and I was on a Love Hina board. While talking about it I began to hear about an amazing series called Evangelion.

I watched it and I literally fell asleep from sheer boredom, to this day no matter how much anime I have watched, Evangelion will never be surpassed in the boring factor. Seriously, getting some lemonade, going outside, getting in a chair, and just watch the world unfold is more entertaining than watching Evangelion.

The female characters are incredibly sexy though. I haven't watched the movies, so I can't say if Tsurumaki taking more responsibility has improved it enough to be entertaining.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:08 pm Reply with quote
Haven't finished finished listening so I don't know if they mention it here or not, but one theory about the religous aspects of NGE is that some of it's aspects bear more resemblance to Japanese mythology rather than Judeo-Christianic.

I mean, if you look at the climax of End of Eva, rather than a kind of christian apocalypse, thematically it kind of plays out almost like the Japanese creation myth playing in reverse. With the Lance of Longinus taking the role of the jeweled spear of heaven used by Izanami and Izanagi to create the world from a sea of mud...only this doing the opposite effect.

Yeah, don't know how far that flies, but I always thought it was kind of interesting.

And how much are we taking the "Classified Info" from the Eva PS2 game (which among other things, tells where the Angels came from, the purpose of the Lance, and other things) into account continuity wise?
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:16 pm Reply with quote
I've yet to skip out on an ANNCast, until today.

Edit: I should clarify that, I just don't care about Evangelion (I knew it was going to be an episode eventually, as there's only so many things you can talk about on an anime podcast that tends to interview others). So I'll duck out of this thread now.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:32 pm Reply with quote
That last line in EoE: http://animaniajapan.livedoor.biz/archives/17687653.html (wikipedia saved my ass from googling too much).
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:24 pm Reply with quote
Primus wrote:
I've yet to skip out on an ANNCast, until today.

Edit: I should clarify that, I just don't care about Evangelion (I knew it was going to be an episode eventually, as there's only so many things you can talk about on an anime podcast that tends to interview others). So I'll duck out of this thread now.

I keep getting stuck on Carl Horn talking about religion. It's an incredibly boring subject, and Carl Horn is not selling it as exciting. Zac probably should have put up notes so I know when to skip the whole religion talk.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:30 pm Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:
Primus wrote:
I've yet to skip out on an ANNCast, until today.

Edit: I should clarify that, I just don't care about Evangelion (I knew it was going to be an episode eventually, as there's only so many things you can talk about on an anime podcast that tends to interview others). So I'll duck out of this thread now.

I keep getting stuck on Carl Horn talking about religion. It's an incredibly boring subject, and Carl Horn is not selling it as exciting. Zac probably should have put up notes so I know when to skip the whole religion talk.

It doesn't help that during that part he's clearly reading something instead of just talking. I'm still listening. It's pretty interesting actually. I've only seen the entire series once, and I've always intended to watch it again, and this is making me want to rewatch.
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:11 pm Reply with quote
Just to state this: I utterly despise Asuka. The character's fine in Alternate Universes but the anime....gah. Just too, excuse my language, bitchy. Although Rebuild fixes that and makes her at least likable.

Gendo, on the other hand, I felt like maybe he wanted to be there by Shinji's side, but couldn't really admit it. Maybe he was afraid of what would happen?

I like the mis-structure of EVA It makes it, well, interesting. I also like the occasional debate about it. It's great to see it still having the vague ending even after all this time. (Is Rebuild a sequel? Is EoE and 25/26 TV cannon?)

The show sort of become good for me around the sixth episode. I don't know why. Maybe it was Rei and Shinji's meeting in the apartment with the whole "stare into each others eyes."

I do remember the letter from Anno. It was...interesting to read. I mean, his thoughts and all that, the fact that they didn't know how it would end, was amazing. They just winged it.

I blame Sadamoto's scheduling for the manga, or lack of. I didn't know he worked on .hack, I knew I saw some Shinji in Tsukasa. I do like his interpretation of the EVA series however. I mean, Kaji having a back-story?

Though Mana from Girlfriend of Steel 2nd will always be more favorite character period. Just well rounded, and awesome IMO.
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:16 pm Reply with quote
Carl Horn thinks an alcoholic who has sexual interest in a 14 year old kid is normal?

I should also point out that Third Impact fails, the only people who don't return are those who don't want to. While we only see Shinji and Asuka, presumably everyone else comes back, I imagine Misato just off screen drinking a beer getting off on that whole scene.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:21 pm Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:

I should also point out that Third Impact fails, the only people who don't return are those who don't want to. While we only see Shinji and Asuka, presumably everyone else comes back, I imagine Misato just off screen drinking a beer getting off on that whole scene.

I believe this too (and I think there are a few "official" publications to reiterate this)

I'm also on the "convergence" side in regards to the two endings. I mean, in episode 25/26 you get very quick shots, seemingly out of nowhere and for no reason, of Misato and Ritsuko's corpses, in the exact same state that they died in EoE, there's no way this can be coincidental, or it may just possibly mean that Anno did have something somewhat similar to EoE's ending in mind for the TV ending but just didn't get to it for whatever reason

Last edited by Shenl742 on Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:26 pm Reply with quote
Arguing about which ending of Evangelion is better is like arguing about whether it is less painful to die by a gunshot or a stabbing. The end result of either is rather disappointing for the victim.

I'll still listen to this in my downtime though.
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:28 pm Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:
Carl Horn thinks an alcoholic who has sexual interest in a 14 year old kid is normal?

Welp this is a super reductive and misleading description of Misato.

You already said you hated the show and found it too boring to ever sit through; I'm not sure why you then sat through a 90-minute conversation about it and posted a bunch of times in the resulting thread.
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Joined: 07 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:33 pm Reply with quote
Shenl742 wrote:
Charred Knight wrote:
Carl Horn thinks an alcoholic who has sexual interest in a 14 year old kid is normal?

I should also point out that Third Impact fails, the only people who don't return are those who don't want to. While we only see Shinji and Asuka, presumably everyone else comes back, I imagine Misato just off screen drinking a beer getting off on that whole scene.

I believe this too (and I think there are a few "official" publications to reiterate this)

I'm also on the "convergence" side in regards to the two endings. I mean, in episode 25/26 you get very quick shots, seemingly out of nowhere and for no reason, of Misato and Ritsuko's corpses, in the exact same state that they died in EoE, there's no way this can be coincidental, or it may just possibly mean that Anno did have something somewhat similar to EoE's ending in mind for the TV ending but just didn't get to it for whatever reason

If I understand correctly (and I may be totally wrong here) the story in EoE is what they originally wanted to do for the TV series ending, unfortunately, they couldn't because of budget restraints and subject matter. On the Directors Cut DVDs, the trailer for episode 25 is a bunch of storyboards, and they're actually all parts from EoE. This would explain why it seems that Misato and Ritsuko die in the same way in both the TV series, and EoE.
Still need to listen to the podcast, I really love listening to various Eva theories (except for a certain masked someone *cough*) Hence why, Amanda Winn Lee aside, the director's commentary for EoE was so interesting.
Oh yeah, throwing in my agreement that everyone has the option of regaining their human form in EoE. The movie even comes out and specifically says it.
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Joined: 10 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:46 pm Reply with quote
Well, I knew this thread was going to be an enjoyable train wreck, but I figured it would be a battlefield of partisan sniping rather than a bunch of people talking about how much Eva sucks and therefore how much this podcasts sucks.

Some of us enjoyed this podcast very much, so thanks to Zac, Carl and Aaron.

PS. Misato is my favorite character, too, and no amount of forum hate is going to change that. The audacity!
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:00 pm Reply with quote
Fantastic episode, hope we see Mr. Horn again on AnnCast as he seems like a really interesting guy, I know I've heard a lot about him so his thoughts on Eva were fascinating. Have to say though I think talking with V guy separately ultimately worked out in the end as I think he would have ruined what was a really great in depth discussion.

I think Carl brings up a good point in regards to wanting to see new anime instead of the rebuild films. I myself am kinda torn as wile I love the rebuild films a lot I'm also a fan of Anno in general and love his early works like Gunbuster so it's a shame he has not made many other works outside of Eva, Nadia, and Gunbuster.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:26 pm Reply with quote
Quark wrote:
On the Directors Cut DVDs, the trailer for episode 25 is a bunch of storyboards, and they're actually all parts from EoE. This would explain why it seems that Misato and Ritsuko die in the same way in both the TV series, and EoE.
A pedantic nitpick/clarification here. I actually went and rewatched that particular preview to refresh my memory, but those were actually animatics. It had some rough key animation (like Mitsuo Iso's scene with Unit 02's fight) along with some finished key animation that looks like it's already been in-betweened.

I guess what I really wanted to say is that they were farther along in the production process than just the storyboarding stage (the episode director had to sit down with the animators, assign those shots and go over them), so I think that's only reinforces the notion that ep. 25 in the movie is what they wanted to do for ep. 25 in the TV show.

I wish we got more of those animatics. There are quite a few scenes throughout the show that I would have liked to see how they looked in the early stages.

And now it's time to go listen to the podcast....
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