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Joined: 14 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:37 am Reply with quote
Dropped this one after about 8 episodes. Maybe the dub will make a difference, but I thought those first eight episodes were sleep inducing. None of the female characters had any personality to speak of, just variations of bimbo. And there were too many of them. When the seal-skin-klutz-bimbo character was introduced I gave up. Maybe TAN will run the dub, so I can see if the localization provides any improvement on the many flat, boring characters.
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Joined: 20 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:31 am Reply with quote
and Greg Ayres turns in a performance for Rathy which makes him sound virtually indistinguishable from Negi Springfield.

I'm sorry but this just too funny. I have no idea what the dubbers were thinking but don't they know that Rathy's a girl?! Laughing Laughing

OMG! I can't believe they didn't know about that. Of course this isn't the first this has happen since when Animax Asia aired T3 with Englsih dub done by Red Angel Media, they called Rathy a boy but at least Rathy's English voice actor was a woman.

Anyway, i hope to see the dub sometime.[/quote]
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:54 am Reply with quote
Despite some minor weaknesses, though, the English dub does do one thing right that the Japanese dub utterly failed at: its actors consistently pronounce a certain character's name correctly.

Are you seriously still saying this, eventhough it has been explained and sourced where the pronunciation comes from? Shocked
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:53 pm Reply with quote
maaya wrote:
Despite some minor weaknesses, though, the English dub does do one thing right that the Japanese dub utterly failed at: its actors consistently pronounce a certain character's name correctly.

Are you seriously still saying this, eventhough it has been explained and sourced where the pronunciation comes from? Shocked

Yes, because I was never convinced that I was wrong. The fact that there is some etymological foundation for having once pronounced the name that way doesn't mean that it's correct to pronounce the name that way now. (And no, I don't buy the "going for the period feel" argument, either, since the Japanese dub wasn't doing that consistently.) Case in point: the capital of the U.S. state of Iowa is Des Moines, which is clearly a French-originating name, but no one uses the French pronunciation for it and residents of Iowa will look at you funny if you try.

If you want to go on accepting that the pronunciation of that name as said in Japanese is correct, you're welcome to do so. I stand by my conviction that the English dub is the one which got it right.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:08 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
maaya wrote:
Despite some minor weaknesses, though, the English dub does do one thing right that the Japanese dub utterly failed at: its actors consistently pronounce a certain character's name correctly.

Are you seriously still saying this, eventhough it has been explained and sourced where the pronunciation comes from? Shocked

Yes, because I was never convinced that I was wrong. The fact that there is some etymological foundation for having once pronounced the name that way doesn't mean that it's correct to pronounce the name that way now. (And no, I don't buy the "going for the period feel" argument, either, since the Japanese dub wasn't doing that consistently.) Case in point: the capital of the U.S. state of Iowa is Des Moines, which is clearly a French-originating name, but no one uses the French pronunciation for it and residents of Iowa will look at you funny if you try.

If you want to go on accepting that the pronunciation of that name as said in Japanese is correct, you're welcome to do so. I stand by my conviction that the English dub is the one which got it right.

People here in Pittsburgh do the same thing when you try to pronounce "North Versailles" (a local neighborhood) with it's French pronunciation...lol

And I have to agree with Key. There may have been reasons why they chose to pronounce that certain character that way, if those reasons were in fact true, but they failed to follow the same rules when doing other pronunciations. If you're going to go for a period feel and use Celtic or old-English pronunciations, they should have done so consistently.

As for Greg Ayres as Rathy, the show never explicitly implies she was a girl. In fact, the translation Sentai was provided refers to him as a boy, as do the subtitles for their first releases. Also, the character did sound more like a young boy than a girl, so I can understand the mistake. Most of the people who caught this only did so because they were familiar with the games it was based on, which the translators on the project may not have been.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:18 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
maaya wrote:
Despite some minor weaknesses, though, the English dub does do one thing right that the Japanese dub utterly failed at: its actors consistently pronounce a certain character's name correctly.

Are you seriously still saying this, eventhough it has been explained and sourced where the pronunciation comes from? Shocked

Yes, because I was never convinced that I was wrong. The fact that there is some etymological foundation for having once pronounced the name that way doesn't mean that it's correct to pronounce the name that way now.

Which character name pronounciation is being debated? (If the review named the character, I apologize for missing that detail.)
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:21 pm Reply with quote
Wow, it must have been 2008 I saw the Tears to Tiara game promo on YouTube. So this is an RPG that actually does well in anime form? That's good to hear. It must be a lot better than Ragnarok, which I know wasn't very recommended here to watch due to being completely trapped in its RPG origins.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:21 pm Reply with quote

Quite the short memory you got there. Wink

I didn't like the series to the point to mind minor mistakes (heck, Japanese and pronunciation of foreign names is always a bad idea). But I suppose it's a reviewer's job (but not obligation) to do so, since it can sound quite grating.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:12 pm Reply with quote
egoist wrote:

Quite the short memory you got there. Wink

Ugh. You're so right. Short term memory loss is the first sign of ... something. But I've forgotten what that something is. >_>
Thanks for answering.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:27 pm Reply with quote
Why are there Arthurian-themed characters living in what appears to be a fantasy version of Ireland fighting welsh mythological figures in a fantasy version of England?

Although I still think the weirdest use of mythological naming conventions was the Ring Cycle stuff in Fafner. I swear someone pulled that out of a hat.

Instead of cramming in mythological references everywhere, I think at least one anime should just do a straight adaptation of the folklore. Most of the Welsh and Irish myths start to resemble an episode of Dragonball Z if you read far enough, complete with super-powered weapons, battles that last for multiple days and warriors who can trigger limit breaks if they get angry enough.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:36 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
The fact that there is some etymological foundation for having once pronounced the name that way doesn't mean that it's correct to pronounce the name that way now.

The point is - they are using the latin pronunciation and that's all.
It's irrelevant whether the pronunciation is still used today or not.

Especially since we are talking about a work of fiction - where people in general do like to go for some "special" or "classic" pronunciations. Why shouldn't an author be allowed to use names from Latin, Sanskrit, Ancient Greek, Gothic, Old Norse, Old English etc. oO;

If you want to go on accepting that the pronunciation of that name as said in Japanese is correct, you're welcome to do so. I stand by my conviction that the English dub is the one which got it right.

It's not a question of conviction. The pronuciation they are using isn't made up (apart from the fact that it has been, like any other, transcribed, which can hardly be avoided) nor is it a mistake, but a choice. The japanese dub chose Latin, the english dub chose English (I suppose). They are both correct, in their respective language.
You could argue that the English one isn't faithful to the original or that the japanese dub made a weird choice and latin feels out of place etc. Which is quite different from "it's wrong".

The pronunciation the japanese dub is using is listed among all the different pronunciations of Lucifer that are frequently rendered into Japanese on wikipedia.jp

You can dislike it all you want, but that doesn't make it wrong.
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Joined: 16 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:45 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Case in point: the capital of the U.S. state of Iowa is Des Moines, which is clearly a French-originating name, but no one uses the French pronunciation for it and residents of Iowa will look at you funny if you try.

What, you mean "deh moyn"? Because that's how I and everyone else in Iowa pronounces it. Like the French. The only people I've ever heard say "dezz moynzz" are outsiders who get very funny looks and chuckles behind their hand. I recommend that if you're ever in Iowa, you use the French pronunciation.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:17 pm Reply with quote
vashfanatic wrote:
What, you mean "deh moyn"? Because that's how I and everyone else in Iowa pronounces it. Like the French. The only people I've ever heard say "dezz moynzz" are outsiders who get very funny looks and chuckles behind their hand. I recommend that if you're ever in Iowa, you use the French pronunciation.

One entire side of my family lives in Iowa (and has for all of their lives), including three cousins who live in the Des Moines area or Des Moines proper. None of them have ever used the proper French pronunciation - and I've visited them an average of 1-2 times a year for as long as I've been alive, so I've had plenty of opportunities to hear them say it. None of the news/weathercasters I've ever heard while out in Iowa have ever pronounced it that way, either.

Oh, wait, I just realized that the way you're typing it isn't even close to the correct French pronunciation, either; that would be something more like "day mwan." So I suppose that you and me are talking about the same translation.

And for maaya: Fine, then, will you be content if I alter my position to "The Japanese dub made a weird choice for pronouncing that name, as the Latin pronunciation sounds out of place, so the English dub pronunciation is certainly better for a release targeted at English-speaking audiences?"

I have no intentions of changing the review itself, however.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:17 pm Reply with quote
MrTerrorist wrote:
and Greg Ayres turns in a performance for Rathy which makes him sound virtually indistinguishable from Negi Springfield.

I'm sorry but this just too funny. I have no idea what the dubbers were thinking but don't they know that Rathy's a girl?! Laughing Laughing

OMG! I can't believe they didn't know about that. Of course this isn't the first this has happen since when Animax Asia aired T3 with Englsih dub done by Red Angel Media, they called Rathy a boy but at least Rathy's English voice actor was a woman.

Anyway, i hope to see the dub sometime.

There was some heat going in the English Track forum about this. I wonder if it's due the Japanese not letting Sentai know about Rathy's gender, or this is a minor research failure on Sentai's part.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:54 am Reply with quote
Ah... finally! Now I can see if this series is similar as to what Utawarerumono aspired/achieved(and yes, I know they're the same writers. But I wonder why you didn't mention that Key? Did you mention it in your previous reviews?).

So the dub is more-or-less a pass+? Good. TBH, I was wondering how Illich would portray a legendary-ish character in a Lodoss War/Tower of Druaga-esque setting.

No mention of Tiffany Grant? I'm curious as to see if she's gotten rusty... She's got herself a mighty big role comin' up!!!!!

It's good that you made the fact that it told a story well a GOOD thing. So much stuff nowadays simply avoid doing that alone!
This is definitely show I'll now look into, now that it's dubbed.
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