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Joined: 02 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:11 pm Reply with quote
"launch screening old out"...I think an 's' is missing.

Anyway, I wish they'd announce any plans to release Gundam 00 and Code Geass in BD or not. Both of those are high on my want list, but with the increase of BD releases (and, at least for Gundam, it was broadcast/made in HD), I'm holding out. The K-on announcements...good for those who like it. I haven't watched it yet, so, meh.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:16 pm Reply with quote
Don't Say Lazy is the ending theme to K-ON!

Also, I read that Christina Vee will be playing Mio in the little promo videos, and that the actual cast will be given during Q&A.

Does that Q&A session come later or something?
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Joined: 21 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:16 pm Reply with quote
EDIT: Derp, derp. Overlooked obvious news article.

Nothing that extremely piques my interest, though I may have to eventually buy Haruhi the first season. I've already seen it with a friend, and it's not one of my most favorite series, but I think it's worthy of a buy. And I can now get the complete collection.

I've been wanting to see Gundam Unicorn though. Hm... I'll have to wait and see.

And while I'd love to get the autograph from Kamina's seiyuu, I'm not interested enough in paying for the movies right now. Too much other stuff I want to buy. (And I'm happy enough with the series for now).
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Joined: 06 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:32 pm Reply with quote
♪Haruhi~ All dubbed, all the time, and I am a happy fan♪

K-On.... eh, never really got into. Not big into those band shows.
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Greg Aubry

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:42 pm Reply with quote
FINALLY: an affordable, un-confusing everything-in-one-box release for Gurren-Lagann. (Now the only gripe is "where's the hi-def option?")
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:26 pm Reply with quote
willag wrote:

I've been wanting to see Gundam Unicorn though. Hm... I'll have to wait and see.

If you like Gundam it's really good (and also looks gorgeous in high-def on BD), the show is definitely worth checking out at some point.

Though it's ashame that the Amazon pre-order sale was so far probably the best time to buy as it brought the price closer to our usual R1 price ranges, which was especially nice given that it was a dual-language release.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:35 pm Reply with quote
so their business model is focused on moe series like K-ON! which is already started to be berated as a Haruhi clone that went nowhere?

And did someone ask why the Haruhi season 2 set, which contains the lamentable "Endless Eight" rerun arc, costs a full $65? I thought the days of "Bandai Visual" charging Japan-prices for things we knew were bad, were OVER?!

Or is it simply that Bandai is owned by a Japanese parent company, who are calling the shots yet have no idea how the North American market works....i.e. that *news has already reached us in advance that Haruhi season 2 has problems, and we might not want to get it at such a ridiculous price?!*
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:39 pm Reply with quote
$65 MSRP isn't high at all for a dual audio 13 episodes release.

Bandai Visual was more known for doing sub only two episodes per DVD at 40 bucks a pop. Or something like Gunbuster vs Diebuster for like $100

Last edited by Megiddo on Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:40 pm Reply with quote
I love Bandai Entertainment. Most of my anime DVDs are Bandai titles. But nothing they've released recently is of much interest to me, save for Gundam Unicorn. The less I say about the Zeta Gundam movies, the better.

Rather than the second season of Haruhi, I might pick up Haruhi-chan instead.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:03 pm Reply with quote
_V_ wrote:
I thought the days of "Bandai Visual" charging Japan-prices for things we knew were bad, were OVER?!

That's nowhere near Honneamise pricing.

Gundam Unicorn is as close as it gets to that right now.

Hyperbole like this that ignores actual history is why we have so many weak justifications for not ever buying anything floating around.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:16 pm Reply with quote
K-On!-it's about time they picked it up-most people either love or hate this series. Me-I really like it for what it is.
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Macron One

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:59 pm Reply with quote
K-ON! probably won't be a big seller due to it's lack of appeal to casual fans, but I think it probably should at least be profitable (provided the license wasn't obscenely expensive), as it's a fan-favourite comperable to Clannad or Ouran. Even so, if Bandai's finances are hurting as badly as one would expect based on their recent history of delays, cancelling of Limited edition releases and shortage of new licenses, then i can't see this release saving them.

_V_ wrote:

And did someone ask why the Haruhi season 2 set, which contains the lamentable "Endless Eight" rerun arc, costs a full $65? I thought the days of "Bandai Visual" charging Japan-prices for things we knew were bad, were OVER?!

That's a pretty ridiculous exaggeration. The R1 MSRP of $65 is a mere $5 more than the current industry standard of $59,95 for dubbed initial release cour sets (like those of Funimation).
For comparison, I purchased the Japanese Limited edition DVD release of Haruhi S2 which, according to the currency converter cost me $554 not counting shipping. Keeping in mind that US online shops offer a considerably larger discount than their Japanese counterpart, it would be fair to say that the US release will cost me less than 10% of the price I paid for the Japanese DVD release.
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Joined: 23 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:37 pm Reply with quote
Macron One wrote:
according to the currency converter cost me $554

That'd better be a typo.

Anyway, I've heard nothing but good things about Unicorn, so I'll probably get around to that sooner or later. On the fence about both Haruhi and Gurren Lagann--other than that, nothin' else for me.
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Joined: 21 May 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:21 pm Reply with quote
Macron One wrote:
I purchased the Japanese Limited edition DVD release of Haruhi S2 which, according to the currency converter cost me $554 not counting shipping. Keeping in mind that US online shops offer a considerably larger discount than their Japanese counterpart, it would be fair to say that the US release will cost me less than 10% of the price I paid for the Japanese DVD release.

Comparing the Japanese release price to the US release price is pointless. It doesn't mean that the US price is a bargain, it means the Japanese find getting robbed an acceptable situation. Even with English subtitles, I'd wager there are very few (hardcore fans) outside of Japan who are willing to pay the R2 prices.

_V_ wrote:
And did someone ask why the Haruhi season 2 set, which contains the lamentable "Endless Eight" rerun arc, costs a full $65?

Keep in mind that you probably aren't going to be paying full retail unless you buy it in a brick and mortar store. A lot of these new releases come out at almost 40% off the MSRP. Here is a pre-order from Bandai, not a TV series but has close to the same run-time for a 13 episode anime. Here
is one from Funimation. $40 is more than I would likely pay for 13 episodes, but it isn't that outrageous. If you take into account run-time, anime is quite a bit more expensive that a lot of the TV series DVDs I've looked at, but very close to what you would pay for a new movie DVD at about $8/h for the new movie or the new anime. Bandai isn't going to charge less than it normally would just because eight of the episodes are essentially the same, there are still 14 episodes on the disc. If you have to have it right away, pay full price. If the price is too much, wait until it goes on sale.
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Mr Adventure

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:43 am Reply with quote
So, just so this makes sense to me.

They are releasing Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam the TV series as an Anime Legends set, AND releasing Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam movie compilations? Both? Cause I'm most interested in the TV series, over compilation films.

Also, nice the Freedom is getting an Anime Legends release.

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