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Joined: 26 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:22 am Reply with quote
Stop being so biased Todd,and shave those sideburns.

I still need to buy a wii for Muramasa. I hate gimmicky crap though. I've usually felt the need to buy every new system when they arrive, except the wii. It still (like the N64) has a hand full of must haves, the rest is just crap.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:41 am Reply with quote
In fact, I think that the series was stricken with poor play mechanics and horrible pacing until 1993's Rondo of Blood.

Pretty much agree with you, though I haven't played Rondo. Part IV wasn't so bad, though. Actually used the whip better than the Temple of Doom arcade game. And I like that part II on the NES was the most user-friendly of those games, and everyone hated it, cus they'd rather be knocked down stairs by those medusa heads. Rolling Eyes

which sounds like some episode of the Sonic cartoon too horrible to be aired.

The American cartoon or the 4Kids anime? Laughing

I'm disappointed that there's no Speed Racer,

He'd have to be in his car to be able to fight, and that'd be cheating. Wink Anyway, my guess for why he's not in there is because Capcom would have to pay American companies while Japan doesn't even like the show.

half the fun of Nier will be seeing how Square Enix handles Kaine in North America.

Probably make the character a girl.

When it arrives, it'll also have an English voice track in place of its Japanese one. While countless games of Japanese origin offer dual-language options today, Innocent Aces reportedly lost its Japanese acting due to licensing and disc-space issues.

Considering how hard a sell SC is in general, this might be the best for the franchise.

the best GameBoy Color title ever

The best GBC title ever is either Dragon Quest Monsters or Wario Land 3.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:22 am Reply with quote
I, as well, will probably be sold a Wii by Muramasa. Although, I will until they officially drop to that $199.99 price point Kotaku said they would sometime in the next few weeks.

Also looking forward to Persona. Heard something about a PSP Persona 2, as well, hoping that gets done and makes it here.

I didn't buy Star Ocean for the Xbox 360, mostly because I knew it would hit the PS3, eventually. if I am fairly certain a game will do this, I won't purchase it and will just wait, unless I have nothing else on my plate, at the time.

Luckily, even if it doesn't get rereleased in America, officially, the PS3 is lucky in that this fact won't stop me from playing it. Just from reading the instruction manual. Very Happy

Still hoping to see some more non-japanese specific news here, Todd, but understanding that such a thing may take time. Still happy you at least heard out what I had to say last column. Keep up the good work.
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Captain Crotchspike

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:17 am Reply with quote
I don't suppose you've played Castlevania Adventure II: Belmont's Revenge? It's actually one of the best of the series. I guess it's yet to be seen if this one will take cues from just the first (or to what degree, if at all), but I'd be down with seeing II make a comeback in some form.
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Joined: 16 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:17 am Reply with quote
I disagree with your view on Castlevania. With the exception of perhaps Order of Ecclesia, I prefer the classic-style stage format as opposed to the steamrolling grindfests that are Metroidvanias. I prefer the precision (and difficulty) involved with the combat in the old series that actually involved dodging than the newer ones where people just level up in order to spam attacks and rely on big numbers rather than skill.

Edit: Didn't see the Shantate announcement you made. Well done!
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Joined: 05 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:34 am Reply with quote
Murumasa is Win!!

Wii is epic. You just need to know what to buy.... And the point controls are 4 million times better that dual Analog..
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Generic #757858

Joined: 03 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:54 am Reply with quote
Muramasa is indeed tempting, but I think I'll wait to see if Vanillaware is actually going to go through with those HD versions they were talking about. Propably still going have to get Wii for Metroid Prime trilogy and the next Zelda (though I have my doubts about that one).

Todd Ciolek wrote:
Future Treasure president Masato Maegawa worked on this, but Treasure's made some crappy games themselves.



And so the Cycle begins anew...

Honestly though, it might turn out to be good, but only if Sega is smart enough to let Sonic Team have nothing to do with it and instead let Dimps handle the development.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:26 am Reply with quote
Muramasa looks like a damn good game, and it's on the Wii, which is in desperate need of games which don't cater to the crowd that plays twice a year simply because of a new controller.

Since it's a third party title, I'll wait for the price tag to get to $19.99 in 6 months, but I'll definitely put it on my wish list.

The review's disappointment regarding backtracking isn't going to sway me against a purchase. As a Metroid Prime fan, backtracking isn't an issue.
(Note: All three MP games will be released in one and all will utilize the Wii controller. I'm so there, as MP3 was exceptionally done in regard to the controller).

Time to check out other reviews on this title. Now that I've turned my Wii on to play Lego Indiana Jones, this may be just enough to keep the dust from setting on the console again!

I'm very giddy, enough my petrified state just turned... wobbly.
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Joined: 08 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:32 am Reply with quote
Todd Ciolek wrote:
Let us never speak about that Play Magazine cover again.
Oh, but I liked that cover! I thought it was hot. Embarassed
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Joined: 16 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:48 am Reply with quote
Mario1234567 wrote:
Murumasa is Win!!

Wii is epic. You just need to know what to buy.... And the point controls are 4 million times better that dual Analog..
And if you don't think so, there's always the Classic Controller option.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:21 am Reply with quote
Ooo! I need to wisely pick what games I want this winter, after all, Tim Schaffer purchased part of my soul (and therefore wallet) with his last game (Psychonauts), so I am undoubtedly going to give him money at the next chance I can get.
But then Atlus has been purchasing parts of my soul in small increments over the years with obscure PS2 games with P3FES donating a larger chunk than most (made me get P4 after all) and Sony convinced me to purchase a PSP when they were kind enough to make an awesome red one with Kratos on it, so that part's covered.
But man! I think I've gotten my list down to three games I want this year: Brütal Legend, Flowers, Sun, and Rain (did I mention Suda51 also owns part of soul?), and Persona PSP. $130 on games isn't too bad (probably cheaper if I buy them all online), it's less than I spent on games last year (please consider that I got a PSP last year). 2 games for B-day, 1 for Xmas!
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Joined: 14 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:45 am Reply with quote
Since I loved Odin Sphere, Muramasa seems a must. Though, it'll have to wait until I actually get enough money to buy a Wii (the upcoming price drop should help with that).

I thought all copies of Persona for PSP came with the OST, not just preorders? Maybe I misread the announcement when it came out ...
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Joined: 06 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:01 am Reply with quote
Char's Really Disappointing Counterattack

Do tell. I've heard such a film is worthy of more praise than this.
The Puyo Puro game exhibited in the article does indeed look quite quirky. Is it more entertaining than Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, however?
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:34 am Reply with quote
Gotta chance to see Muramasa in action. Oh man. It's a really beautiful game. Unfortunately, I don't own a Wii.

Tokimeki Memorial makes a come back? Wow, now there's a title I haven't heard in ages. Never knew what it was about, but it always came up when discussing games during the early years of the internet. Never knew it was a dating sim.

Someone needs to do a thesis on sim games in Japan. It be interesting to see what the earliest sim was that started the trend. And their evolution over the years.

Persona 3 on PSP. I just killed to (kidding) to get the PS2 version. Those bastards at Atlus making a "female" version just to make fans buy it again. Did it work. HELL YES!! I smell doujin material. I may pick it up. Now will they port both P2s, P3 FES and P4 to PSP in the near future?
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Joined: 16 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:11 am Reply with quote
Not to be the PC police here, but you really ought to use the term "intersexual" rather than "hermaphrodite" when talking about a person.
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