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Joined: 22 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:47 am Reply with quote
Record of Agarest War is getting a U.S. release (PSN only).

Crescendo Symphony, a doujin SHMUP game, is available on LIVE.

NIS is making a new game for the PSP.

Nanashi No Game Me is set for release next month.

Was anything announced at SDCC?

I think Miku has a slightly better chance at being localized at some point, but I'm still pulling for IM@S.
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Raven Shinobi

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:02 am Reply with quote
Despite my skepticism when it comes to the FFs after the PS1 era, I started to have hopes for FFXIII with the seemingly interesting concept and cast so far... and the trite backstory of Hope and his uninspired character design made some of my initial skepticism return.

I'll greatly miss exploring Tokyo streets, but the idea of exploring completely new environments seems pretty interesting. I'm also excited that it seems Kaneko will return to design the characters. I really loved his work for Raidou vs. Abaddon , especially Louis Cypher--the human form of Lucifer--was one of his finest designs so far.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:31 am Reply with quote
The problem with getting an American release of the new Hatsune Miku game is that it's from Sega. Sega is kind of weird on which of their games do come to America and which don't. Like for instance I would love to have Yakuza 3 localized for Playstation 3 in America and yet they are already working on the 4th one in the series and we Americans still never even got the 3rd one. And when they brought over Valkyria Chronicles to America they acted like Americans wouldn't care but brought it out anyways on like some kind of whim and yet turned out Americans actually did want it once the price dropped on it. But I will say this Hatsune Miku games have a better chance on getting localized in America then Idolmaster IMO unless Namco Bandai wants to prove me wrong. Both games would be great to add to my collection but not going to hold my breath over it but if they do get localized I would be 1 of the 1st people to buy it.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:38 am Reply with quote
I played the English version of Cyborg Hunter on the Master System back when I was a wee lad, and this review pretty much mimics my opinions. I had a fun time with it. I loved that kind of action side-scroller sci-fi exploration thing with a badass cyborg hero and various cool weapons and power-ups. (Didn't know it was from Borgman. Learn somethin' new every day!)

Though now, twenty years later, you're more likely to see me playing Project Witch. Or maybe some other game with witches in it. While watching Pretty Cure.
I...I'm not sure what happened. Embarassed
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Joined: 02 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:52 am Reply with quote
I was hoping that Final Fantasy XIII would avoid sticking some barely teenage boy among its main characters. Sure, Final Fantasy might be made for 14-year-olds, but a blond kid with tragic motivation is the biggest cliché in the series at this point. At least Final Fantasy XII had the sense to gradually make its teenage hero into an often irrelevant supporter of more vital characters. I'd like to see Final Fantasy go further down XII's path and get away from the same anime-industry archetypes,

Big agree on this point. For all it's so-so reputation, I thought (relevant to a JRPG) that FFXII had an excellent story/tone and character style. For me, it's kind of a bummer to see FFXIII run as fast it can back to the dark, neon-cloaked heart of bad anime design.

I wonder if the design choice will have any effect on sales outside of Japan. The FF brand-name is huge of course, and a very mediocre Resident Evil did apparently big sales on largely name recognition. However, Resident Evil also doesn't have a cast that looks like it just escaped from David Bowie's wardrobe.

I'm well outside the teen/tween target age, so my wincing at FFXIII's design choices isn't indicative of it's target audience reaction. Still, I wonder how reaching back and taking a double helping of 90's era anime cheese aesthetics is going to play out outside of Japan.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:06 am Reply with quote
Grim, as nothing else with Miku has made its way to North America. Yet.

Actually, we are getting one thing with her in it. She's in the Lucky Ster OVA right? Well...a costume of her.
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Joined: 21 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:15 am Reply with quote
The usual Shin Megami Tensei with demons and hopefully some new themes, sans Japan and the high schoolers (much appreciated casting than in Devil Survivor) It would create some realistic aura and I specially love using scientists and the military as my protagonist / antagonist.....
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:46 pm Reply with quote
The new character in FF 13 looks so much like Vaan from 12 that I thought it was him at first. His back story caught my attention. A human marked with a brand by god-like creatures. Sounds a lot like Berserk to me, but I doubt if we'll be seeing this kid pulling off any ultra gory monster killing.
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:17 pm Reply with quote
The new Final Fantasy looks nice, but in all honesty, I've always liked the older Final Fantasy's much better. I've played several Final Fantasy games over the years and there is a big difference.

But I am surprized to see Bust-A-Move again. I haven't seen a new Bust-A-Move since Enix merged with Square Soft ( I think that happpened around 2002-2003).

The new Shin Megami Tensei reminds me of old Phantasy Star battle sequence(though I am not sure which Phantasy Star due to the fact its been ages since I've played Phantasy Star.)
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:56 pm Reply with quote
FFXIII: You know to me, Hope looks a lot like Raine from Tales of Symphonia. I've gotten used to that hairstyle after all the years of seeing it.

Strange Journey: This Shin Megami game sounds like it might be the most interesting one in the series to date. Sadly unless I get a DS I won't be playing it. But the premise sounds unique.

Blazing Souls Accelate: I really need to finish Spectral Souls Resurrection. I'm not keeping up with Idea Factory like I thought I would. Since we recently saw Zelos in Cross Edge, and we did get Cross Edge, this game is definitely coming here. Hopefully the entire cast isn't going to be all babes.

Space Bust a Move: You know, come to think of it, they are confirmed as dragons, but they look like cute kaiju chibis.
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Joined: 20 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:23 pm Reply with quote
Project Diva is 10 kinds of awesome. I was already a big Hatsune Miku fan, and the game was like the ultimate fangasm. It got my 11-yo brother into Miku as well and now he's a rabid fanboy!
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:38 pm Reply with quote
If it came out domestically (on a physical media format), Project Witch would probably double the chances of my buying a PSP. That and Gran Turismo Portable.
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Joined: 16 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:09 pm Reply with quote
Annf wrote:
Though now, twenty years later, you're more likely to see me playing Project Witch. Or maybe some other game with witches in it. While watching Pretty Cure.
I...I'm not sure what happened. Embarassed
You discovered 4chan, that's what.

Sega tends to publish the more obscure platformers for their systems outside Japan. Didn't they also publish many of Telenet's platformers, mainly Valis and (most of) the Ernest Evans series?

belvadeer wrote:
Strange Journey: This Shin Megami game sounds like it might be the most interesting one in the series to date. Sadly unless I get a DS I won't be playing it. But the premise sounds unique.
You're missing out on some quite good games, my friend. Etrian Odyssey, Knights in the Nightmare, Contra 4...

As for Final Fantasy, I think the only thing that interests me right now is The Crystal Bearers, believe it or not. The more I hear from that game, the more I'm delighted. No Tetsuya Nomura. Smart-mouthed young-adult protagonist. Open-world, real-time combat.
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Joined: 18 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:38 pm Reply with quote
I'm glad I'm not the only person who had an eyebrow slightly raised by the whole "catastrophic meteor over Antarctica" thing. And then saw the art.
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Joined: 26 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:33 am Reply with quote
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey isn't a spin off. It's a main franchise game, of which there are very very few. In fact, unless you count SMT III's various incarnations as their own games, it is only the fifth Shin Megami Tensei game ever.
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