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Forum - View topicNEWS: Crunchyroll, Mushi Hold Subtitle Translation Contest
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![]() Posts: 6172 Location: USA |
Didn't know that 'Wonder Beat Scramble' was a 'Tezuka Production'. Wow, looks like Crunchyroll is really moving up as far as getting show uploaded to their sites. I may eventually have to get a membership. There's quite a bit of vintage shows I'm interested in.
I'm curious to know what their numbers are in memberships and it's effect generating revenue into the anime industry. |
Posts: 165 |
So, where do you go to upload subtitles for the video anyways. Their site doesn't make it that obvious what format they want them in or how they want you to make them without the files.
![]() Posts: 915 |
The have both a live interface and a upload interface. If you go to the video, click on the "Subtitles" tab underneath the video for the subtitle options. If you want to upload a file, you can upload any standard .ass file. You can test the subtitles out and make as many adjustments as you want before you set it in stone and submit a finalized version. |
Posts: 165 |
All this gets me is a message saying "No subtitles." |
![]() Posts: 403 Location: East coast |
Dororo? Sign me up!
I really hope some really awesome stuff comes out of this. |
Posts: 135 |
Here is the original rules post by Crunchyroll made on a fansub site. Since the site can't be linked here, I copied the whole thing:
Wonder Beat Scramble, one of the last productions overseen by Tezuka Osamu, is a classic sci-fi adventure inspired by "Fantastic Journey", and Mushi Productions has partnered with Crunchyroll to bring all 26 episodes to the world for free. We're looking for a few talented translators that can help us create English subtitles for everyone to enjoy. But we also want to make sure that the translations are good quality, worthy of the original work, so we're gonna hold a little contest to see who qualifies. Here's how it's gonna work. We translated the first 2 episodes ourselves. That way everyone can preview the show and see whether it's for them. Then, we're going to upload a special for the show, hosted by Tezuka Osamu himself, without any subtitles, and anyone (or group) who is interested can create a subtitle file and submit it to us. The top translations will win prizes, so please do your best. Then, we'll contact the winners and work out how you can help subtitle the rest of the actual show. If you finish the entire show, we'll have a special prize for you direct from Mushi Production! Details: 1. The special is about 9 minutes long. 2. The special can be downloaded for free, so feel free to download the file and use that to subtitle. 3. Feel free to use any subtitling software you'd like (We recommend Aegisub). 4. Unfortunately, Japanese scripts do not exist for the special, so try your best. Japanese scripts WILL be provided to the winners for the actual show itself, so don't worry! 5. Scripts will be judged by CR and Mushi Production staff. We will mainly be looking for accuracy, proper English grammar and editing, and natural sounding dialog. Don't worry too much about timing and typesetting. 6. Any submitted scripts will become property of Mushi Production (not Crunchyroll.) 7. Please submit your script in .ass format, or .srt format (.ass preferred.) by email to [email protected] 8. Please do not use fancy fonts or complex .ass commands (like \pos, \mov, \fad, etc), as Crunchyroll's subtitle renderer cannot handle them properly (yet). 9. Please use the spellings of names and translation conventions given below in the glossary. 10. Prizes will be awarded to the top 4 entries, and depending on the quality of the submissions, one or a number of people will be selected to translate the rest of the series. 11. Upon completion of the entire 26 episode series, the grand prize will be awarded to the person/group who completed the subtitles. 12. The show will be made available for everyone as soon as translations are finished and checked, for free (no anime membership required), worldwide! (Except for Japan and some countries in Asia that have preexisting contracts with other companies.) If this is a success, then there are other classic Tezuka series like Princess Knight or Ashita no Joe or Dororo that we might be able to bring to everyone as well! If you're a fan of classic anime, and happen to know how to translate from Japanese to English, or are a fansubbing group that wants to work WITH the Japanese producers in a partnership to spread classic shows to the world, please, enter! Here are the great prizes that Mushi Production has graciously donated to us to give away. Prizes for the top 4 translations of the 9 minute special: ![]() Ashita no Joe vintage color postcard set ![]() Dororo vintage postcard set ![]() Kimba, The White Lion vintage postcard set ![]() Princess Knight vintage postcard set Prizes for the completion of all 26 episodes of translation: ![]() Original Astro Boy Script, Episode 2 ![]() Original Dororo Script Episode 26 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mushi Production 1970s era international business promotional color booklet. Multi-lingual, color, rare ![]() Astro Boy Film Cuttings (multiple), from Episode 2 Although we cannot compensate you financially for your work, I think these prizes (especially the treasure trove for the grand prize) is something any Tezuka fan would really cherish. A part of me hopes I don't have to give them away . P.S. Anyone on earth is eligible to receive these prizes. If the winning entries are groups, you will have to decide among yourselves, a representative, to receive the prizes. Anime-Membership is not required. We've made a handy glossary with translation conventions and names and other terms to help you as well: スギタ・ススム Sugita Susumu ドクター・ミヤ Dr. Miya マユミ Mayumi ビオ Bio リー・メイファン Lee Mei-Fung マイケル・ヤンソン Michael Jansson ジョー・クムバ Joe Kumba マナカ・コウジ Manaka Kouji カトリーヌ・ドワイエ Catherine Dyer アラマキ・テツヤ Aramaki Tetsuya ビジュラ姫 Princess Vijura バグー将軍 General Vagoo ズダー将軍 General Zudaa ガボー博士 Professor Gaboh ビジュール大王 Lord Vijuuru ワンダービート号 The Wonder Beat エンザーペリットガン Enzyme Pellet Gun エンザーミサイル Enzyme Missile 酵素スプレー Enzyme Spray レーザー・キャノン Laser Cannon 凝固スプレー Coagulation Spray クリーニングレーザー Cleaning Laser 超重粒子砲 Super Heavy Particle Cannon グリーン・スリーブス号 The Greensleeves 世界連盟 World Federation ナギサ・シティ Nagisa City メドロソルジャ Medoro Soldier メドロモンスター Medoro Monster ホワイトペガサス隊 White Pegasus Team ヒュー The Hyuu ビジュール星人 Vijuuruians This is a multicultural show, and therefore the characters in the show themselves use mixtures of Japanese and western names. Name order will be kept as shown or spoken in the show. Some names are given-family, and some are family-given. Keep the order or the address as it is spoken in the original Japanese. Japanese names or terms that remain untranslated are spelled using modern Hepburn romanization. ん is always spelled with an "n" (e.g. Senpai, not sempai). The honorifics -kun, -san, -chan, -senpai, -sensei, -niisan, -neesan, will be kept untranslated. They should be typeset by a single - with no spaces separating the suffix from the name. Other suffixes such as -hime, -sama, should be translated into equivalent English terms (e.g. princess, lord, master). Senpai may be used as a pronoun, but Sensei should be translated to whatever is appropriate for the context (likely "Doctor" or "Professor" in this show) unless used as an honorific. If you have any questions or comments, please email [email protected] or post in the original thread which can't be linked here. |
Posts: 704 |
1) The audience already knows what these mean, in which case the audience can hear the honorifics as they're spoken. 2) The audience does not know what they mean, and thus requires a translation, not a transcription. |
![]() Posts: 915 |
There was a general survey done to see what the USERS wanted to see in subtitles. This is one of the results of that. They did not like the subtitles if they did NOT contain these, especially if they could hear them on the audio track. |
Posts: 15713 |
Didn't know MushiPro was involved in Ashita No Joe. I hope some generous hax0r who usually spends time uploading some badly-timed Naruto and Bleach eps on the net will be nice enough to do this so we can get some Dororo and Princess Knight, please.
Industry Insider
Posts: 2259 Location: San Antonio, USA |
The site doesn't, but the rules and contest description post does if you read it. We want you to download the raw, subtitle it however you like (Aegisub), and send it to [email protected] Doesn't sound too complicated to me. CR's internal subtitler thingy is kind of broken at the moment. And not recommended for subbing a full series like this anyway. |
Posts: 1818 |
Yeah, but if we had it that way, We'd have Tina running around using Phantom beasts. And Ryuuichi running around whilst Mayoi is contstantly whining for Ramen Noodles.
Frankly put, what the audiance think is best is not always the case. |
Industry Insider
Posts: 2259 Location: San Antonio, USA |
The audience for this _contest_ is actually fansubbers, not viewers. The conventions were chosen (with approval from mushi) such as to be closest to what fansubbers themselves are comfortable with, to encourage participation. And I should also say, this isn't something written in stone or anything. If you are qualified and have a different style you'd like to use we're open to it. That glossary is just the standard that was used to sub the first 2 episodes on the site. Let's not turn this thread into an honorifics, good or bad thread. Did anyone actually watch the first 2 episodes they have up subbed? What do you think? |
![]() ![]() Posts: 2543 Location: United States |
I wonder if Mushi Productions will let them sub the japanese Unico movies?
Posts: 457 Location: US of East Coast |
That... is a BRILLIANT idea. Could this mean there's hope for Space Runaway Ideon????
![]() Posts: 9322 |
Ideon's already fully subbed though. |
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