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NEWS: Yaoi Press Holds Auction to Cover Flood-Damaged Books

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Ashen Phoenix

Joined: 21 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:27 pm Reply with quote
Oh, man. I'm really sorry to hear that. Didn't know they're comin' to Acen. Hope this doesn't deter that. Crying or Very sad
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Joined: 15 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:33 pm Reply with quote
Is this a joke? They didn't have insurance?

The gall of this company to try this.

I wanna try this: "My business is fail so give me money."
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:45 pm Reply with quote
Tofusensei wrote:
Is this a joke? They didn't have insurance?

The gall of this company to try this.

I wanna try this: "My business is fail so give me money."

It is pretty strange that they didn't have their inventory insured, but it's a small company so I suppose it's possible.

I do hope they're able to recoup their losses. Those card decks are really gorgeous too~
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Aura Ichadora

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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:47 pm Reply with quote
Ashen Phoenix wrote:
Oh, man. I'm really sorry to hear that. Didn't know they're comin' to Acen. Hope this doesn't deter that. Crying or Very sad
Well, from looking over the website, it looks like Rhea Silvan and Yamila Abraham are still going to be there, and they said they will be in the dealer's room at their booth, so I'm sure they will still have stuff to sell, just probably not as much as they had planned.

If not, I'm sure fans will still drop by the booth just to meet them. =P
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 12:56 pm Reply with quote
Tofusensei wrote:
The gall of this company to try this.

BL/yaoi fandom tends to be pretty close-knit in my experience - the fans understand that it's a niche interest and tend to be very supportive of the companies releasing the material, so it's not so unreasonable within the context of the fanbase.

The lack of insurance is certainly a bit odd, though.
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 2:03 pm Reply with quote
poisondusk wrote:
Tofusensei wrote:
The gall of this company to try this.

BL/yaoi fandom tends to be pretty close-knit in my experience - the fans understand that it's a niche interest and tend to be very supportive of the companies releasing the material, so it's not so unreasonable within the context of the fanbase.

The lack of insurance is certainly a bit odd, though.

But a deck of adult female playing cards go for $2.75 online. At the current bid of $16 , "supportive" is used to justify a lack of common sense here imo.

Adult male playing cards online are as low as $4.95.
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 2:47 pm Reply with quote
Oh man, I really don't care about yaoi/bl material at all, but those cards are freaking beautiful!! I love the artwork! I kind of want them..
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Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 3:20 pm Reply with quote
Not a yaoi fan, but Yaoi Press did really impress me with the great support they sent our con. They are very supportive of cons and fandom. In addition to that, they are looked at well in the comics community, given how well Yamila runs things and how she's managed to do all of this while publishing original works [which can be more expensive/time consuming then licensing], and have a pretty good reputation with artists as well [which is a good thing for a small publisher].

I think that some of the derogatory tones are uncalled for....

I think it's remarkably stupid and immature of people to mock someone who does things entirely legit out of her own pocket, with a good reputation, who came across a bad sitation through no fault of her own. It's in poor taste.

Publishers and artists get a lot of crapthey don't deserve from "fans" [who are very quick to defend people who steal from said publishers and artists]. "Fans" need to grow up.

All that said, I hope Yamila does get something for the damaged books [a note about insurance- when you're a small business, sometimes you can't afford everything, and sometimes even if you do it doesn't cover everything. I don't know what Yamila has, but it's cruel to make posts of that sort], and that fans show support and help her out.

Anime fandom seems to be very cruel, mocking or outright disconcerned with the publishers and artists who operate in it, many of them small businesses, something I find really shocking compared to comics fandom, which is very much so about taking care of it's people. People rallying for their favorite title [Spidergirl saved so many times it went past 100 issues], or a publisher who encounters financial trouble due to distributor or printer issues [Fantagraphics and Alternative Comics had drives in the past due to these issues], or an artist down on their luck [a sad fact for many older out of work artists/writers with no access to health care], is a very common occurence in comics fandom.

As another fan points out, Yaoi Fandom is very supportive, which I think is a good sign, and why I tolerate screaming yaoi girls at fan gatherings- they might seem odd at first, but often, they really, really care about comics, and are in it for life.

If you're a yaoi fan, YP and Yamila totally deserves your help.
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 3:29 pm Reply with quote
Not insuring your inventory and then asking for support from fans to recoup your cost when you blow it is not an acceptable way to run a business. That's all I am saying.

Of course I wish them the best, but this is pretty ridiculous.
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 3:33 pm Reply with quote
you guys act as though insurance (any insurance) dont try to keep from paying for damanges. Especially in these times its hard to get insured let a lone a good one that wont give you so much crap when it comes time to pay.

but it is odd though, I thought she was going to auction the books that are still good but too damanged to go to book stores or other things. I dont see how a small deck of cards can pay for the damage unless they have a lot of it. Maybe the original art boards of the comics? (hopefully some of the artists did some work traditionally. Its why I keep to traditional, its for back up)
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 3:43 pm Reply with quote
cetriya wrote:
you guys act as though insurance (any insurance) don't try to keep from paying for damanges. Especially in these times its hard to get insured let a lone a good one that wont give you so much crap when it comes time to pay.

but it is odd though, I thought she was going to auction the books that are still good but too damanged to go to book stores or other things. I don't see how a small deck of cards can pay for the damage unless they have a lot of it. Maybe the original art boards of the comics? (hopefully some of the artists did some work traditionally. Its why I keep to traditional, its for back up)

Not too many people buy waterdamaged goods at an auction. Auctions are meant for super rare items. 5 decks will not recoup damage from loss of goods that were meant to be sold at a con. You're talking about thousands of dollars lost. (ACen generates $500 per head in the dealers room. That's the number that floats around.)

It is hoped that Yaoi Press did have some insurance coverage.
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 3:50 pm Reply with quote

AnimeVice posted a bit more info, and apparently it was due to flood damage at the storage center where they had shipped merchandise in advance specifically for ACen. Making it a blow to both YP and Acen [as well as Acen's attendees]. I imagine everything depends on what kind of insurance the storage center had.

Asking for support from fans is perfectly acceptable- afterall, fans are more likely to help out, and YP has a good track record. It's not like they're ripping fans off either- they're offering original merchandise, rather than something vague. It's not a scam, it's something both parties benefit from, with the addition of goodwill in a bad situation. Heaven forbid fans have a heart.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 4:52 pm Reply with quote
FYI, the original card deck was auctioned off and I think closed at over $100-- the artists who did the cards are wildly popular. Even when you had to spend an insane amount of money to get a whole deck at once (they were a buyer's incentive at the online shop) those are still their last full decks. They planned to sell them in pieces over months and ran out. If that's any indication I'm pretty sure they'll be able to recoup at least a decent amount of their monetary losses.
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Joined: 10 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:57 pm Reply with quote
They have 5 packs available. If each goes for around $100 - that'll be $500.
It concerns me a little that yaoipress is so short of funds that they would do this to raise maybe $500..... Confused

Perhaps the auction is also partly for the publicity - to spread the news about damaged merchandise, hence enhance demand for any remaining items?
If so, I have no problems with this - us yaoi fans like to keep closely involved with news from our publishing houses. Cool
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 12:20 am Reply with quote
I think a slave auction would've been better.
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