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NEWS: N. America's 2007 Anime Market Pegged at US$2.8 Billion

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Ktimene's Lover

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:24 am Reply with quote
Even with the shaky state of the anime industry, these are big bucks.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:27 am Reply with quote
Yeah, but the bad news is that the NA anime market has declined by 40% in just 4 years from its high point in 2003 to 2007. Needless to say, these figures don't even reflect 2008 and 2009 figures which are likely to be poor.
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Joined: 19 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:58 am Reply with quote
At first I was really wondering how there could be such a big contrast between DVD sales and characters goods considering I don't see that much besides Great Eastern stuff. Then it dawned on me..... Naruto and DBZ toys. It all makes sense now.
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Joined: 04 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:06 am Reply with quote
Ties wrote:
At first I was really wondering how there could be such a big contrast between DVD sales and characters goods considering I don't see that much besides Great Eastern stuff. Then it dawned on me..... Naruto and DBZ toys. It all makes sense now.

Yep pretty much, as much as myself and other don't consider them the best thing evar!010101010! They certainly help drive the market, so we should at least hope they do well.

Blood- I share your concerns as well, how well did 2008 for the industry financially and will 2009 be better, we shall see.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:08 am Reply with quote
I'm waiting for someone to say April fools for some reason.
Perhaps because a noticeable lack of such in the news today so far.
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Joined: 24 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:18 am Reply with quote
Ties wrote:
At first I was really wondering how there could be such a big contrast between DVD sales and characters goods considering I don't see that much besides Great Eastern stuff. Then it dawned on me..... Naruto and DBZ toys. It all makes sense now.

That, plus the fact that you can't download merchandise.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:27 am Reply with quote
Ties wrote:
At first I was really wondering how there could be such a big contrast between DVD sales and characters goods considering I don't see that much besides Great Eastern stuff. Then it dawned on me..... Naruto and DBZ toys. It all makes sense now.

And Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh! They may not have been at their peak popularity in 2007, but they were still huge cash cows, and probably still do very well to this day.

The figures may include Kingdom Hearts related merchandise as well. It could also include video game related goods, like Final Fantasy which have huge amounts of shoot off goods. Or in cases when the video game is directly related to an anime, like DBZ or Naruto, the video games themselves might count. It's hard to tell, the report hasn't been translated.

Blood- wrote:
Yeah, but the bad news is that the NA anime market has declined by 40% in just 4 years from its high point in 2003 to 2007. Needless to say, these figures don't even reflect 2008 and 2009 figures which are likely to be poor.

And by contrasting what I said above, the DVD figures only dropped 24% from it's peak in 2002. Why the difference? Well, at the time Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh! and even DBZ were king, raking in huge amounts of money. While they still do make good money I am sure, they had such a large market share, that no doubt any drop in sales of those items would indeed affect the whole market. Really the only thing that has replaced those three as a new market leader is Naruto, so that at the very least should account for a large portion of the drop.

No I think the drop in the DVD sales reflects the real decline, while the merchandise percentage represents the real decline + plus the lack of replacements for toy generating anime.

Last edited by Dargonxtc on Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:29 am Reply with quote
2DOtaku wrote:
Ties wrote:
At first I was really wondering how there could be such a big contrast between DVD sales and characters goods considering I don't see that much besides Great Eastern stuff. Then it dawned on me..... Naruto and DBZ toys. It all makes sense now.

That, plus the fact that you can't download merchandise.

Or stream.

I think the combination of d/l and online streaming distribution is huge factor in the DVD sales numbers.

I cannot count how many times I have read on these forums people talking about watching it on ANN or some other streaming site. I would think a large % of these streams don't get DVD purchased.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:31 am Reply with quote
I can't think it's accurate.
I buy a lot of Japanese toys at local stores, but I'm assuming those sales are tagged as Japanese from wherever my retailer purchased the items unless Japan is keeping an eye on items sold by Japanese wholesalers to American outlets. Much of what I buy isn't licensed for sale here like the Saint Seiya dolls & the blind box figurines.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:43 am Reply with quote
CCSYueh wrote:
unless Japan is keeping an eye on items sold by Japanese wholesalers to American outlets.

Uh, that's probably the only way they can keep an eye on anything. That and what direct licensee's report to them and dedicated companies like Nielsen.

Last edited by Dargonxtc on Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 04 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:43 am Reply with quote
CCSYueh wrote:
I can't think it's accurate.
I buy a lot of Japanese toys at local stores, but I'm assuming those sales are tagged as Japanese from wherever my retailer purchased the items unless Japan is keeping an eye on items sold by Japanese wholesalers to American outlets. Much of what I buy isn't licensed for sale here like the Saint Seiya dolls & the blind box figurines.

I'd imagine that would be tracked on the Japan side of the market, unless they report where they are sending every order. So while yes helping the industry but not factored into the overall sales here but is counted over in Japan's market.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:00 am Reply with quote
Jinxso wrote:
I think the combination of d/l and online streaming distribution is huge factor in the DVD sales numbers.

I cannot count how many times I have read on these forums people talking about watching it on ANN or some other streaming site. I would think a large % of these streams don't get DVD purchased.

I'll agree with you on the DL, especially in regards to rips of R1 releases, complete with extras and ready to be burned to DVDs. Forget about the fansub controversy for a second, 'cause that's piracy, plain and simple.

But as for streaming something... it would be sad if DVD sales in America depended entirely on people buying things blind rather than getting to preview them first and choose what it is they want. If anything, I would hope streaming allows people to better select which anime it is they wish to purchase, as well as raising interest in series they might never get to see.
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Joined: 04 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:29 am Reply with quote
vashfanatic wrote:

I'll agree with you on the DL, especially in regards to rips of R1 releases, complete with extras and ready to be burned to DVDs. Forget about the fansub controversy for a second, 'cause that's piracy, plain and simple.

But as for streaming something... it would be sad if DVD sales in America depended entirely on people buying things blind rather than getting to preview them first and choose what it is they want. If anything, I would hope streaming allows people to better select which anime it is they wish to purchase, as well as raising interest in series they might never get to see.

Well with legal ad streaming (CR would factor into the Japan side) or iTunes media downloads there is revenue being made but does it fall under merchandise or DVD sales/revenue? I'm more inclined to say DVD as it feel more natural to do so (especially iTunes and other legal downloads) But ad streaming revenue is a little harder to guage or determine where it goes in the two baskets so to speak.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:27 pm Reply with quote
You can thank the fansubs for the high toy sales. The more people watch anime the more toys will get sold. Fansub watchers go up, toy sales go up. Fansub watchers go down, toy sales go down. The Japanese have figured out that the anime is just a means to sell merchendise a long time ago. When is R1 going to get it through it's thick skull? If you kill all fansubs, you ain't gonna be selling many toys.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:31 pm Reply with quote
DmonHiro wrote:
Fansub watchers go down, toy sales go down.

So your saying fansub watching has gone down 40% Confused Rolling Eyes

Haven't looked at the download numbers in about over a year now, but they didn't drop 40% over the last 5 years. In fact I don't think they were dropping at all.
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