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Giant Annual ANN Pumpkin Carving Contest

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Teriyaki Terrier

Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:20 pm Reply with quote
Because I work in retail, I am slightly skeptical that the prizes were generiously donated without a catch. I am also currious on how Anime News Network prevents cheaters from winning as well.

One would be surprized on what some would do win a contest. There is also the chance a person went on the internet and searched for image and copy and pasted the image in the email.

On another note, I really can't imagine any of the dvds really fetching a high price at Suncoast or other dvd shops. Not that I am complaining, since I don't have the time or energy to dive in a contest like this.

Since I started working in retail I noticed any time a contest has a object that is worth money, people will do outragious things just to get the item, even if that means cheating.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:22 pm Reply with quote
Oh snap, I need to get out my pumpkin carving supplies. I participate in this every year, and I hope to outdo my pumpkin from last year. Last year, I think I might have attempted too much on too small of a pumpkin and it ended up falling apart a bit on me. So its going to have to be a massive one this year.

Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
One would be surprized on what some would do win a contest. There is also the chance a person went on the internet and searched for image and copy and pasted the image in the email.

One of the pictures has to be a day time picture of the pumpkin with a sheet of paper that says anime news network. Its sort of hard to google for apicture of a pumpkin and do produce 2 pictures, 1 of it glowing and 1 daytime, and then shop in a piece of paper that says ANN in a way that its not noticable. I think that'd be a bit far fetched. Anime hyper
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:31 pm Reply with quote
Because I work in retail, I am slightly skeptical that the prizes were generiously donated without a catch. I am also currious on how Anime News Network prevents cheaters from winning as well.

And as someone who works for a University who gets very nice item donations all the time from the stores in the area I can tell you this is not unheard of. In fact one local store donated a Microsoft Zune Player to us.

It's a nice way to get a company's name out and trust me it doesn't cost these companies that much to give away a couple DVDs for a prize.

Besides ANN has done this contest for awhile now.

Anyways I won't be entering but I look forward to seeing the Pumpkins. Smile

Last edited by Maidenoftheredhand on Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Teriyaki Terrier

Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:42 pm Reply with quote
Maidenoftheredhand wrote:
Because I work in retail, I am slightly skeptical that the prizes were generiously donated without a catch. I am also currious on how Anime News Network prevents cheaters from winning as well.

And as someone who works for a University who gets very nice item donations all the time from the stores in the area I can tell you this is not unheard of. In fact one local store donated a Microsoft Zune Player to us.

It's a nice way to get a company's name out and trust me it doesn't cost these companies that much to give away a couple DVDs for a prize.

Besides ANN has done this contest for awhile now.

Anyways I won't be entering but I look forward to seeing the Pumpkins. Smile

And as someone who works for a University who gets very nice item donations all the time from the stores in the area I can tell you this is not unheard of. In fact one local store donated a Microsoft Zune Player to us.

But weren't you at bit currious what was defective or otherwise damaged with the product? The last couple of "gifts" we have got at my job were often damaged, dirty or even almost non functional.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:58 pm Reply with quote
I'll be entering again this year Anime smile I look forward to seeing everyone else's work!
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:04 am Reply with quote
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:

But weren't you at bit currious what was defective or otherwise damaged with the product? The last couple of "gifts" we have got at my job were often damaged, dirty or even almost non functional.

The Zune player was wrapped and sealed and if it is defective they could go to the store and exchange it.

Although most of the prizes weren't physical items but gift certificates to spas or restaurants in the area. These were given out to incoming Freshman as door prizes.

I am not really sure what company you work for but my point is this practice is very common. It's just another form of promotion.

For another example at conventions anime companies will usually give out DVDs as door prizes at their panels. As for selling them back they are usually marked in a way that you cannot do this but if the item is defective I am sure it can be exchanged for the same item.
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ANN Past Staff

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:31 am Reply with quote
I wouldn't have the time, supplies, or talent to participate...aw. Those are nice spooky prizes.

I was thinking a really cool idea for a carving would be a Lelouche pumpkin with the candlelight shining through his Geass like this:

Twisted Evil
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:57 am Reply with quote
I wish I knew how to carve pumpkins... killer prizes.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:51 am Reply with quote
JesuOtaku wrote:
I was thinking a really cool idea for a carving would be a Lelouche pumpkin with the candlelight shining through his Geass. *picture*

Oh man, I don't even watch Code Geass (not yet?.. dunno..) and I think that would be awesome. I hope someone does do that. Anime catgrin
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 3:01 am Reply with quote
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
Because I work in retail, I am slightly skeptical that the prizes were generiously donated without a catch. I am also currious on how Anime News Network prevents cheaters from winning as well.

You're pretty darned cynical, then. All of the prizes were very graciously donated with no catches, simply because they wanted our readers to be happy. If you're skeptical, don't enter.

In the past three years, we haven't had any cheaters. I don't even really know how one cheats in carving a pumpkin, but I'm sure it's possible. Part of the reason we ask people to send us a daytime shot is to help curb cheating. Other than that, it's based on the honor system.

But weren't you at bit currious what was defective or otherwise damaged with the product? The last couple of "gifts" we have got at my job were often damaged, dirty or even almost non functional.

All of the prizes are retail copies that are still sealed. I'm sorry you feel so negative about the prizes, but I'm sure the winners will be very pleased, so I wish everyone the best of luck.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 4:44 am Reply with quote
JesuOtaku wrote:
I was thinking a really cool idea for a carving would be a Lelouche pumpkin with the candlelight shining through his Geass like this:


That's actually the exact same idea I've had for the past few weeks. Sadly I have no skills to pull that off. ^^;;
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Joined: 17 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:32 am Reply with quote
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
Because I work in retail, I am slightly skeptical that the prizes were generiously donated without a catch.

There's no need for a 'catch'- ANN is a huge site. This provides lots of nice publicity- which seems to matter more in anime fandom than others. Plus, entrants curious about what they could be winning will look up info about the DVDs available as prizes, and maybe end up buying series they don't win. Not to mention a few of those are part ones and starter boxes, meaning you'll have to spend money to finish the series.

It does make sense. Shame I don't know much about carving real pumpkins. (This is what I get for working for one of the largest craft pumpkin retailers out there... Confused Laughing )
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Joined: 11 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 8:42 am Reply with quote
Because I work in retail, I am slightly skeptical that the prizes were generiously donated without a catch.

Not that I'm agreeing with you in the least bit, but if you'll notice, in the prize list there are a lot of "volume 1" and "part 1" DVDs. Obviously whoever wins is going to be obligated to buy the rest of the series. That's not quite as much true this year with all of the full series box sets, but I noticed that a lot with the previous years.
Mind you, I'd be very grateful to win.

In fact, I stopped at the store after work yesterday to get a pumpkin in anticipation of this contest, and then it was announced the same day! I think that's called fate. Laughing

Also, are multiple entries allowed? I think there's been something about this in the rules in previous years but I can't find it.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 8:49 am Reply with quote
I don't understand why so many people are saying that they do not know how to carve one. The actual process is rather simple. It seems like a waste of good ideas if you're too afraid to actually go ahead and cut some stuff up.


- You can always trace with a pen/marker. Or you can transfer by taping a printout of your design on the piece and poking holes along the outline you are carving.

- Kitchen knives work fine. Theres also cheap little carving sets at like walmart and such that work alright. If you have the tools available then jigsaws, routers, and dremels also work good.

- Making the pattern is the only difficult part, but you can mess around in an photo editting program and make the picture black and white, or trace shapes on it or whatever.

Personally though, most of my pumpkins have been done with a paring knife.

I mean, I'll admit I had some pumpkin carving experience when I first did a pumpkin for ANN in 2005, but I was by no means amazing at carving. And most of my experience was through trial and error. And every year I attempt something, just for the fun of participating. It just seems like a waste to have a good pumpkin idea go because you're too afraid to carve it. And you can always randomly be drawn for a shirt or something <.<
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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 8:53 am Reply with quote
Wowe, those are some nice prizes, I will definetly try to enter, now I need to decide on a design...
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