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Shelf Life - Ghost Hunters

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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:52 am Reply with quote
Excellent shelf life as usual, I am surprized JoeVSJoe got rental worthly though. Triple X Holic as I call this series, seemed a bit too "odd" for my tastes, so I never got into the series.

As for Wikipedia, what shocks me the most is the fact wikipedia even has a file on itself on the site.

Thanks for the great work Bamboo.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:57 am Reply with quote
Hmm, looks like four passes this week. Disappointing.

Now Sasuke versus the Gundam ... there's an interesting battle (good thing they are kept on spearate shelves.) I would have to go with Sasuke, as even the cat knows better than to pick a fight with him. Are those just partial sets, or are the other volumes (possibly due to box size) kept elsewhere?
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Joined: 23 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:03 am Reply with quote
Of course you know, everyone who reads this will immediately search gokkun on Wiki. I feel dirty.(Although, the origin of the word makes me giggle)

I saw a trailer of Dead Space playing at NYAF, and just from that, the animation looked really clunky.

Teriyaki Terrier wrote:

As for Wikipedia, what shocks me the most is the fact wikipedia even has a file on itself on the site.

I like to think that part of the universe collapses whenever someone searches "Google" on Google, or "Wikipedia" on Wikipedia.
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Big Hed

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:39 am Reply with quote
Dead Space: Oh EA, you've done it again!

Seriously, I hope this isn't the beginning of some new trend in video game releases, though. I had no idea that EA had cooked this up, and I fear to think what could happen if certain other video game franchises got animated features. Battlefield 3487, for instance.

I'm glad to see Ghost Hunt take the Shelf Worthy spot though, as it boosts my confidence about having pre-ordered it. I look forward to watching it in November/December, when i get the rest of my big Funimation sale order from TRSI. With regards to the visual quality though, I saw it mentioned here a few days ago that apparently the video is substandard due to a high episode/disk count. Is it actually a problem?

Oh, and hella cute kitty, reminds me of one of my own back home, what with the permafrown and similar coloring...Actually, if he were persian, he'd probably look exactly like mine.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:45 am Reply with quote
Big Hed wrote:
With regards to the visual quality though, I saw it mentioned here a few days ago that apparently the video is substandard due to a high episode/disk count. Is it actually a problem?

I would like to know this as well. I actually have the set in question, but I am not even going to start it till I finish a few other things first, and I want to hear what Bamboo thought. Let's just say I was surprised it was only 2 discs.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 2:54 am Reply with quote
It's one thing to have an education photo of a penis. It's another to show me what gokkun entails. Thanks, Wikipedia.

You should see Rotten.com and Stileproject.com! [Or maybe you should avoid them...]

Anyway, love that cat, too.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 2:57 am Reply with quote
...wow. Ghost Hunt shelf-worthy?
Not that I'm trying to insult your judgement or anything, but I found this the lamest show ever created. It was one of our screenings in my anime club, so I saw about 20something episodes of it.(if we didn't watch Gurren Lagann after this, I wouldnt have gone to the Ghost Hunt screenings at all) I found the main character an eye-rolling mary-sue, the main male lead a boring emo, the 'comedy' groan-inducing, and the things that were meant to be 'scary' nigh-cringe-enducing (and not because they were scary). Furthermore, the laughable animation techniques used to show 'suspense' (seriosuly, splitting the screen up into pieces to show everyone's 'SHOCKED FACE' does not look dramatic, it looks stupid)
My other problem is that none of the other characters do everything but stand around and try out all their 'powers', which never does anything. It's always Mr Emo and his Emo Friend that seem to save the day, or Mai's Convenient Power. None of these other characters seemed to be very far explored throughout the 20something episodes I saw, so if they're in danger...why should I care?
I guess that just shows how far people tastes can vary 8D' I'm not trying to flame or anything, just stating my (vastly different) opinion on the show.

Eh well, I will admit it did start out decently...
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:02 am Reply with quote
bahamut623 wrote:
Of course you know, everyone who reads this will immediately search gokkun on Wiki. I feel dirty.(Although, the origin of the word makes me giggle)

Agreed. Bamboo got me to go exploring on Wikipedia to find out how bad things could be. The page for ejaculation includes an embedded video. o_O
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:34 am Reply with quote
Hero Joe has great defense and remarkably speed.

Bit of a grammatical error there I think.

He'd eat my little Gundam figure if I didn't keep him away from the bookcase.

Ahh, I know what you mean. My cat is like Godzilla to my figures. He feels the compulsive need to jump up on my shelves which are far to small for him and then turn clumsily in circles knocking over as much stuff as is humanly possible (er...or cat-ly possible?) In either case, he seems to have refined it down to a science.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:05 am Reply with quote
championferret wrote:
...wow. Ghost Hunt shelf-worthy?
Not that I'm trying to insult your judgement or anything, but I found this the lamest show ever created.

^^;; I think it's because I'm a giant sissy, so I'm easily scared. Even trailers for horror movies scare the hell out of me.

Regarding the video quality... I didn't really notice anything subpar about it. Then again, I didn't have had a "high quality" version to compare it to, so I might not have noticed any deficiencies.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:32 am Reply with quote
championferret wrote:
...wow. Ghost Hunt shelf-worthy?
Not that I'm trying to insult your judgement or anything, but I found this the lamest show ever created. It was one of our screenings in my anime club, so I saw about 20something episodes of it.(if we didn't watch Gurren Lagann after this, I wouldnt have gone to the Ghost Hunt screenings at all) I found the main character an eye-rolling mary-sue, the main male lead a boring emo, the 'comedy' groan-inducing, and the things that were meant to be 'scary' nigh-cringe-enducing (and not because they were scary). Furthermore, the laughable animation techniques used to show 'suspense' (seriosuly, splitting the screen up into pieces to show everyone's 'SHOCKED FACE' does not look dramatic, it looks stupid)
My other problem is that none of the other characters do everything but stand around and try out all their 'powers', which never does anything. It's always Mr Emo and his Emo Friend that seem to save the day, or Mai's Convenient Power. None of these other characters seemed to be very far explored throughout the 20something episodes I saw, so if they're in danger...why should I care?
I guess that just shows how far people tastes can vary 8D' I'm not trying to flame or anything, just stating my (vastly different) opinion on the show.

Eh well, I will admit it did start out decently...
I found it to be just as weak, except I disagree with your final statement; the start was the worst part. What was the first arc again, 7 episodes that barely had something you could call a conclusion?

All I can say is that Ghost Hunt is the one anime that I've felt had robbed me of my time, building up to *nothing.*

That and the male lead is entirely unlikeable, and yes, although I dislike the term Mary Sue, the female lead couldn't be any more dull and dimwitted and ultimately contributed nothing.
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Joined: 05 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:20 am Reply with quote
OK, no-one else has said, so I will...

So, Bamboo, why do you know those things about wiki? Twisted Evil
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:29 am Reply with quote
I loved Ghost Hunt. I think it's one of those series that you get out of it what you put into it. The novels that it's based on are more complex than meets the eye, and because they didn't have room to include all the resolutions and plotlines they couldn't include all the complexity in the anime. Nonetheless, some of it's there, and if you watch closely for incongruities, patterns of something going on beneath the surface of the story start to build up. And by the time the anime is over you may be searching the internet to get your hands on the manga and any novel translations you can find. ;)
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 8:38 am Reply with quote
although i dont know if i would call ghost hunt shelfworthy, it was definitely scary for me. i was also watching it at night during finals though at duke which features really creepy gothic architecture. although i didn't think that most of the stories were too bad, the one in that mansion really creeped me out and i def had nightmares. that was one of the few arcs too that i watched in broad daylight.

i think its also a very hit or miss anime. theres nothing too stellar about it but if you are in the right mood its rather entertaining. i can see though how if you arent really into the anime and/or were expecting something to blow your socks off this anime falls rather flat. i will say that its a mark above the general junk that gets produced so its def better than average

and i probably only like naru because i'm a fangirl but i think he's one of the better dark/emo male leads to show in a long time
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 9:01 am Reply with quote
ikillchicken wrote:
My cat is like Godzilla to my figures.

I don't think our rabbit back at home would be capable of such feats. He does like to nibble wooden things, but leaves plastic alone.
I'll look into whatever this wiki discussion is about. Once I'm safely in my room that is.
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