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Joined: 06 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:51 am Reply with quote
GG! It's the white rangers falcon megazord in the first pic!
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:38 am Reply with quote
Terrible storyline and bad dialogue aside, here's the penultimate kicker—the company who released this title (a new company called Animewho) didn't apparently care enough to proofread their subtitles. There are a handful of grammatical errors everywhere, and it's embarrassing to watch. They couldn't have hired some intern to read through the script before they stuck it onto the DVD?
Unless my memory completely fails me, AnimeWho is actually the "front company" for Adult Source Media's foray into mainstream anime distribution. And having seen some of their adult releases, hearing about error-ridden subtitles in JvJ doesn't surprise me one bit.

Man, I feel sorry for Darren and his Kanon box that only has vols 1-3; discs 4 & 5 are selling above MSRP on the used market these days. Glad to hear you're still finding the series ridiculous but addictive...I imagine the last volume will settle the matter one way or the other. But I wouldn't say that Yuuichi and Ayu had "no interaction" leading up to eps 19 and 20 on disc 5. There was the initial meeting, of course, and Ayu would often pop up for random conversations during the lighter moments of the other arcs. And she did start living at Akiko's house, leading to more scenes like those balcony conversations. But the "disconnected arcs" are often an issue with any show based on one of "those games." With the games, you're just on one girl's story path at a time so there's no such "connections" in the source material. Anime adaptations have to either cut some characters out completely, use loosely-connected individual arcs or go the full harem route like Shuffle!.

And as one of those grammar Nazi / spelling freaks, I feel obligated to mention this from the front page blurb:
while the rest of the world watches with bated breath.
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Joined: 18 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:06 am Reply with quote
its crazy that Kanon sells for around $50 to $60 for a used copy of the ADV Films release dvds but yet my best buy has volumes 3 and 5 for $21.99 each so if someone did buy those and sold them on amazon or ebay someone is going to make a lot of money. I really enjoyed Volume 5 of Kanon and its few suprises but its driving me crazy on waiting for the final volume since i bought volume 5 the 1st day it came out[/spoiler]
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:14 am Reply with quote
Man, I feel sorry for Darren and his Kanon box that only has vols 1-3;

I think you mean Air; I didn't see Kanon anywhere on his shelves.

It's insane that Kanon discs are going for so much on Amazon. I didn't realize the show was that popular. It makes me glad that I bought volumes 1-5 as they came out, instead of waiting. The only part that sucks is I still have to wait til October for volume 6. Oh well, at least Funi rescued the show from limbo. There's a lot to be said for that.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:28 am Reply with quote
LordPrometheus wrote:
It's insane that Kanon discs are going for so much on Amazon. I didn't realize the show was that popular. It makes me glad that I bought volumes 1-5 as they came out, instead of waiting. The only part that sucks is I still have to wait til October for volume 6. Oh well, at least Funi rescued the show from limbo. There's a lot to be said for that.

Were I not typing this right now, my fingers would be crossed in hope of a thinpak.
Bamboo wrote:
The biggest downside about living in California is that it's hot all year round. Therefore, if one doesn't have air conditioning, then it's something that is noticeable all year round. I'm lucky enough to live by the coast, but it'd sure be nice to be able to chill my place down to 65 every day.

I think I'll stick to my usual rain and clouds.
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Teriyaki Terrier

Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:03 am Reply with quote
In my state, the tempeture can be as high as 120 C. Most recently, the daily tempeture has been 100-110. But despite the fact my state is quite humid and warm, some people still insist on wearing sweaters and jackets. I'll never quite understand why that is, but there probably is a variety of reasons.

As for Joe VS Joe, wow that looks like a typical shonen boxing show. But I a not really into boxing manga or anime. I have to give you some credit Bamboo, you are the only person I heard of actually enjoying Kannon. I don't think I could get past one episode, dubbed or subbed.
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Joined: 29 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:21 am Reply with quote
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
In my state, the tempeture can be as high as 120 C.

I think you meant 120 degrees Fahrenheit. At least, I hope. O_o

EDIT: 500th post. Cool Cool Very Happy Very Happy
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Joined: 14 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:22 am Reply with quote
braves wrote:
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
In my state, the tempeture can be as high as 120 C.

I think you meant 120 degrees Fahrenheit. At least, I hope. O_o

Yeah, no kidding...120° C is 248° F. Shocked
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Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:32 am Reply with quote
So I'm guessing AnimeWha? and AnimeEhn were unavailable for releasing.

Last edited by prime_pm on Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:53 am Reply with quote
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
In my state, the tempeture can be as high as 120 C. Most recently, the daily tempeture has been 100-110. But despite the fact my state is quite humid and warm, some people still insist on wearing sweaters and jackets. I'll never quite understand why that is, but there probably is a variety of reasons.

I actually have some relatives in Lake Havasu City, AZ, and it is pretty hot there even during this time of year.

As for the collection, that is pretty big! Shocked I still have a list of about three dozen anime series and movies that I am considering buying, but I still have about 6 series in shrink wrap that I haven't watched yet. Rolling Eyes

Also, the Joe vs. Joe series sounds like a bad knockoff of Fighting Spirit.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:12 am Reply with quote
I'm just curious...

When you used the word over the top to describe Kanon, were you referring to how it can get a little out of control with the drama?

Because... It'd be hard to describe Kanon as the over the top definition I'm more familiar with, meaning super high production value, a lot of energy, intense writing and plot and overly complex characters.

Because if THAT is what you mean, then I can't agree. The former is exactly spot on but of course, this is Key we're talking about and lordy do they love them some dramaz.

Honestly though, it freaks me out that the Kanon dub was better than the performance delivered by the cast for Air. I'm not trying to be picky, but it was such a collaboration of mixed up actors (And by this I mean voices that just did not work with each other), I can't help but find Kanon's stateside release superior just because of this lone reason. Either way, let's hope ADV DOES do the right thing and releases both Kanon and Air into thinpaks sometime in the near future...

And pray that they never get their hands on the rights to dub CLANNAD.

Last edited by Kyogissun on Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:12 am Reply with quote
You know, I really hate it when people keep saying "Just watch Fighting Spirit" when it comes to boxing animes... There are people who have watched the show or are watching the show already and want to watch other boxing animes, you know. But it's not like I was expecting Bamboo to give it any good points anyway, since I seem to disagree with a title here and there that is given the "perishable" rating... As for the DVD giving Bamboo problems with the PC, that's probably more a problem with Bamboo's computer, since I watched it with a friend on his computer and we had no problems.

Anyway, I enjoyed the first DVD of Joe vs. Joe. I wasn't expecting Hajime no Ippo/Fighting Sprirt and I enjoyed what there was. If anything it has more in comparison with Ashita no Joe, which isn't surprising since Joe vs. Joe is based off of a story created by Ikki Kajiwara, the creator of AnJ. If you go in expecting or comparing everything there is in a genre with what is generally considered to be one of the best of the genre then obviously you're not going to like it.

This was just the first half and I'm sure the second half will be even better, since that will have the main story.
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Joined: 11 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:27 am Reply with quote
Good review about NANA 2. While I really enjoyed the first movie, the change in the one NANA actress, terrible pacing and zero transitions left a pretty bad impression on me. I recommend the first movie for watching, but staying away from the second.

Honestly, I think that if they'd separated the movie into two, spending more time on development and pacing, the might be saved. Alas, we'll never know.
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Joined: 05 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:34 pm Reply with quote
Patlabor Box Set is Signed, anyone else catch that?
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:01 pm Reply with quote
Bamboo wrote:
but it'd sure be nice to be able to chill my place down to 65 every day.
Wait a sec, I thought 65F was jacket weather in southern California Very Happy
LordPromethius wrote:
I think you mean Air; I didn't see Kanon anywhere on his shelves.
I didn't realize the show was that popular. It makes me glad that I bought volumes 1-5 as they came out, instead of waiting.
The only part that sucks is I still have to wait til October for [Kanon] volume 6.
It was probably a combination of popularity and low print runs that led to this situation of scarcity. Think of it this way: the first volume came out in January. Even with all the delays, it's still coming out faster than a 6-disc series would come out under a typical bimonthly release. And Kanon is on those shelves, in the bottom picture, left-center. Just above and to the left of Air, in fact.
Terriyaki Terrier wrote:
I have to give you some credit Bamboo, you are the only person I heard of actually enjoying Kanon.
Say what? I know I'm not the only shameless sad-girls-in-snow fan who's talked about it on these forums.[quote="Kyogissun"Honestly though, it freaks me out that the Kanon dub was better than the performance delivered by the cast for Air. I'm not trying to be picky, but it was such a collaboration of mixed up actors (And by this I mean voices that just did not work with each other), I can't help but find Kanon's stateside release superior just because of this lone reason. Either way, let's hope ADV DOES do the right thing and releases both Kanon and Air into thinpaks sometime in the near future...

And pray that they never get their hands on the rights to dub CLANNAD.[/quote]Okay, I'm officially confused here. You're saying the Kanon dub was an improvement over Air's, so why do you dread them getting Clannad? Confused And even if they wanted to, ADV can't release thinpacks for Air and Kanon because they don't have the license anymore. So you'd have to pray to the power that be over at Funimation. At least Funimation is releasing vol 6 separately and not making people buy half the series again just to get the last 4 or 8 episodes, like they did with Pumpkin Scissors. But that still leaves people looking for Kanon vols 4-5 o out in the cold until they do a complete collection.
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