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NEWS: Former DreamWorks Exec to Run Viz's Hollywood Office

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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:14 am Reply with quote
I'm surprised a Hollywood Naruto movie hasn't already happened, to be honest.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:32 am Reply with quote
Wait a minute, since when did Viz license the Vampire Knight anime? From the looks of it, the anime they mentioned they already have the license for. Does this mean Viz has Vampire Knight as well? I'm still waiting for them to license Gintama!
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:07 am Reply with quote
this is awesome news
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:25 am Reply with quote
Alex_Strife wrote:
Wait a minute, since when did Viz license the Vampire Knight anime?

Most likely he was only refering to the Vampire Knight manga, but it wouldn't be surprising for Viz to acquire the anime.

I'm still waiting for them to license Gintama!

If it ever gets licensed, I can only see Bandai licensing Gintama being a Sunrise show with some occasional Gundam references. It would be a huge undertaking to localize it if it is released with a dub, and probably even more difficult just to translate a sub that retains all of the puns and nuances of the original jokes and parodies but is still comprehensible and funny to an English speaking audience without having to read excessive translation notes. I've never read the manga so I wouldn't know how Viz handles it.

What Viz Media property would I like to see as live-action? It'd be hard to go wrong with a Monster movie in the hands of the right director and screenwriter, and we might just see a Naruto movie if the Dragon Ball movie sees big sucess.
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Emma Iveli

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:05 am Reply with quote
A Naruto movie... if it were the Wave Arc I wonder who would they cast as Haku... would have a boy have a girl play him...
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:06 pm Reply with quote
Well, we already know Death Note is being pitched.

Also is Viz's Hollywood office only responsibility to pitch shows to studios? Because that article makes it sound like that will be his only job.
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zanarkand princess

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:49 pm Reply with quote
I would like to see vampire knight movie. I'm pretty sure we can get vampires right. A naruto movie is a pretty scary thought. Forget haku who would play naruto and sasuke or neji. I agree monster would make a good movie. But how about inuyasha the movie. I would get a good laugh out of that.

But I'm guessing that their first production is dragon ball or death note
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:59 pm Reply with quote
I would like to see vampire knight movie.

It's called Twilight. Wink

Also, DB's bein' done by another company.
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Joined: 06 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:00 pm Reply with quote
fokkusuhaundo wrote:
and we might just see a Naruto movie if the Dragon Ball movie sees big sucess.

Oh I think the Naruto movies are going to be a given. And heaven knows I'm going to be first in line to see every single one of 'em. Cool Emma Iveli makes a very good point though, one in which I actually never considered in the first place during all my hopes for one in fact. Anime smile + sweatdrop How in the crap are they going to cast Haku!?

But yeah, and if Dragonball and Naruto are both successes, why not then One Piece, Bleach, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ruroni Kenshin, or even D.Gray-Man? This could be the start of the SJ live action movie empire, just like what Marvel has! Anime hyper

Another one by Viz I'd just DIE to see though, and I know I have a whole ton of disagreement coming my way with this, but an FMA movie I think would be just incredible. Oscar worthy even, if they get the right people to do it that is. But the thing is yeah, I know it doesn't need a live action movie because it's perfectly fine just the way it is, but neither did Harry Potter or LOTR either. I really just see this as what they were; something that would just simply be awesome to see in live action in it's fully adapted glory.
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Joined: 25 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:29 pm Reply with quote
i can see a death note movie (i mean really, who didn't see an american version one coming :/). and as hard as it was to believe, they (who ever they are) are making a dragon ball movie. but i doubt anyone will make a live action of naruto, or at least anytime soon (they'll probably wait to see how the whole dragon ball thing will work out). i can only imagine how much it must cost for the dragon ball movie, so i can bet it'll be more if not around the same to make a live-action naruto movie. i can see a vampire knight film too :/. or even Monster. in fact i'd expect them to become a live-action version before i would a naruto and/or even a dragon ball movie (had one not been in the works already). as for a bleach film, that'd be right up there with a naruto movie. in other words, a bleach and naruto movie probably wont happen, at the same time they are making a dragon ball one so it is highly possible. and a vampire knight or monster movie probably will. i mean these days those kinda movies are being made and selling well too. from what i've heard a death note film is already 'somewhat' in the works, if not it will be soon. and as for a full metal alchemist film, i could actually see that happening too :/....
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zanarkand princess

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:25 pm Reply with quote
It's called Twilight. Wink
Yeah twilight looks like it could pass for a VK movie but zero and kaname would have to be hotter than that guy. Oh I don't know maybe I just love the image orf a black haired vampire (despite the fact that zero is my avatar.) As for death note that has already been pitched and we are almost certian that it will definitely happen soon.I don't really think bleach and naruto will happen any time soon if ever though. Fma would most likely be the next logical project it would probably appeal to the main stream a lot more than bleach or naruto (even though everybody loves a ninja.)
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Joined: 06 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 4:14 pm Reply with quote
peachsncreamsoda wrote:
but i doubt anyone will make a live action of naruto, or at least anytime soon......... as for a bleach film, that'd be right up there with a naruto movie. in other words, a bleach and naruto movie probably wont happen

zanarkand princess wrote:
I don't really think bleach and naruto will happen any time soon if ever though.

Why not? If they can not only make pretty darn good movies out of all these superhero comics, but also have them be huge box office successes, then with the right people doing them why not Bleach or Naruto, or any other SJ or long running shounen series for that matter?
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zanarkand princess

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 5:39 pm Reply with quote
1) because FMA has a story line that doesn't scream comic book/ manga adaption it seems like it's something that could be an original movie so it won't put people off who consider anime to be stupid. 2) Naruto and bleach are long running shounen series but they aren't as familiar as Dragon Ball. Most people didn't grow up with them and they haven't gained the same status in pop culture. Sure the 6-10 year olds who make up shounen jump's demographic in the us will go see it and anime fans will go see it but will the rest of main stream america want to see it as much? Plus the bleach manga might run in shounen jump but the anime is on as and not advertised well so I'm not sure how many 6-10 year olds really watch it.
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ANN Past Staff

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 5:56 pm Reply with quote
Well, of the properties listed as potentials for films:

1) Naruto: Great idea, and it will almostly certainly make them the most money based on notoriety alone. I mean, every tween and his sister has at least SEEN Naruto, if they don't love it. I could be wrong, but that's the impression that I get around here.

2) Bleach: Simply based on plot and characters, this is an even better idea, as it will look a little less ridiculous in real life but still fantasy-like, and will probably garner a large audience based on the premise and excellent special effects. Not as much as Naruto, but enough, perhaps. Not a flop like DBZ will be if they market it right.

3) Death Note: Dear god, no. Or to be more specific, not yet. Isn't a long anime series, several movies and spin-off novels enough? It was GREAT as a standalone story, but being an SJ property, (albeit the most unusual SJ property I have ever seen, hands-down) apparently makes it viable milking territory. It's OVER! Let it GO for a little while longer! I wouldn't mind seeing an American movie, I think it could be great, but it could also be horrible, and horrible is more likely when an idea has not had time to age. Remember the Da Vinci Code? Remember Eragon? If these things are made into films because of a fad, they will be terrible. If left to sit for a while, better writers and storymen can ooze their way in with more respect for the material and more time to execute it properly. Death Note is good material. A bad movie will make the story seem HORRIBLY morally deviant, which it is not, but could very easily be in the wrong hands.

Vampire Knight: Bring it. Like Bleach and Naruto, I think a basically competent director could bring strong life to this, as it has good fun summer blockbuster potential and Death Note and Monster do not. Admittedly, it's not action based like the first two, but the concept and the delivery could make it as fun as, say, Cellular.

In the hands of a good/great director it could be fantastic, but let's not get our hopes up. A decent adaptation couldn't ruin it, though, unlike...

Monster: This would be a good idea if and only if you have a really good director, and almost more importantly, really good actors. Maybe not MORE important, but masterful actors are key for this concept. But it's the juiciest and most delicate property on the speculated list here.
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Joined: 25 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:53 pm Reply with quote
While Naruto and Bleach are popular, there only/mostly popular among anime fans. Or people who just come across it, unlike Dragon Ball which was/is popular even among people who dont watch or have never heard of anime. So Dragon Ball appeals more to others. On top of that, Naruto and Bleach are pretty violent. And while Naruto is targeted at younger children, making a live action film of it would only end up making it more violent. So much so that parents are not gonna want there children seeing it. It will end up being too violent for children, and not 'adult' enough, if that makes any sense, for older people to watch. All in All, there really isnt a real targeted audience for a Naruto live-action movie. And if your comparing it to all the Super Hero movies that are being made, or even the Dragon Ball film, they are no where near as violent (save for a few scenes) than what Naruto would be. If a Naruto film was going to be made, it would have to have a certain amount of violence to be a decent 'Naruto' film, or else it would end up being so downgraded that no one would want to see it. Both Dragon Ball and Naruto are violent in the same ways, only difference there is that Naruto is a little more than that (Martial Arts is fine and dandy to a certain point, but things like Gaara crushing people with sand isnt exactly something someone is going to want there children to see) . Im not saying i dont want a Naruto movie to be made, i think that'd be pretty neat, and i'd most likely go see it, but the chances are just pretty low since society here is a tad different from other places and we dont exactly see everything as just fun. I'd think if there was one going to be made, it would be in Japan first anyways since there alot more tolerant of things than we are. Chances are we'll end up with kids copying what they see (like the language and the alcoholic and pervy suggestions), and well i wont get into that...And Bleach is in the same boat, even though its targeted at an older audience. It would just be really hard to fit on that line of being not too boring and just enough to be appropriate. Not just on violence and things like that, but that it doesnt end up looking cheesy or fake. FMA could be a movie, but only because unlike the other 2, it could be a movie completely out of plot. Like something made up or like a filler, without hurting anything. Death Note is being made only because we're in a Death Note craze right now. And well, that means money. Anyone who makes something about Death Note is gonna make a ton of cash (if pulled off well). Even though im not as 'obsessed' as some people, i do like the manga and anime (but i havnt seen the films yet) so i am a little curious about how a american Death Note film will play out. And who's to say it will be exactly like the main plot, it might end up having totally different characters and be a completely different version, or something that happens after the main plot. Which ever, i'll probably most likely check it out :/. (but timing is everything -_-') a Vampire Knight film would be easy, thats why i say it will most likely be a film before anything else. But then these are only my opinions, maybe there will be a Naruto or Bleach film :/. I hope so, my only thought is that it wont happen atleast for a few years.
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