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Buried Treasure - Dominion Tank Police

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Great Rumbler

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:16 am Reply with quote
I remember watching this years ago on the Scifi Channel. Loved it then and still do.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:27 am Reply with quote
I remember this from Sci-Fi Channel's long-dead Saturday morning anime lineup, "Saturday Anime". Comcast On Demand has this on Anime Selects from time-to-time, too, and I watch it every time. Britain's dub actor is perfect. I loved the rubber member weapons, Spec's pronunciation of urine as "YUR-EIN", and the soundtrack (which I guess was just for that version of it?), like the opening "Tank Police - feel that power that we've got!" and the end music.

A few years after watching the original, I was happy when Encore's Action Channel aired New Dominion Tank Police, which I recon is almost as, if not equally difficult to find on DVD as the original.

Do Venus Wars next! Or Sol Bianca.
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Joined: 06 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:36 am Reply with quote
One of my all time favorites, i have the CPM DVD it is a mess but i love it all the same.

For those that would like to see it and can play R2E DVD's the Uk version of both this and New Dominion are cheap and easily available although Dominion itself is dub only and spread over 2 disks
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:40 am Reply with quote
I love it - it seems more often than not the buried treasure can be found in my old stack 'o Subtitled VHS tapes, including this one Very Happy

Personally I liked "New Dominion" better - even if I never could find the blasted thing subtitled.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:51 am Reply with quote
Dominion was CPM's first release? I thought Project A-ko had that honor.

Anyway, I always missed Dominion whenever it showed up on Sci-Fi's anime block. It could've been my introduction to the world of coherent anime instead of...uh, Demon City Shinjuku.

Yeah, I think you got the better deal.
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GTO Neko

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:58 am Reply with quote

This is where I got my first taste of actually knowing that this weird, mature cartoon is called anime.

Back when Sci-Fi did their first anime marathon, I saw Tank Police, Project A-ko, Odin and Venus Wars, mainly the first releases, more or less, from Central Park Media.

A couple of years later, I saw Tank Police once more on Showtime before it became the multi-channel station it is now.

Even so, I gotta agree that after seeing both the dub and sub edition of the series, it's really worthwhile to catch it dubbed for the more effective moods in music and the comedic timings for alot of the lines that are delivere, compared to the subbed where it was just....placed there.

Definitely gonna do what I can to try and find this series once more, it's really worthwhile.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:05 am Reply with quote
Yay! I love Dominion! I got to rent the first video ages ago in my early fandom, and bought the DVD about 2 years ago for $12 and got to enjoy the rest of the show ("What's more important, a man's life or a tank?" "A TANK!" Laughing )

Apparently, I should be very glad I bought it when I did... now I wish I'd bought New Dominion too, but at the time didn't realize how the 2 were connected (I thought, for whatever reason, it was some sort of a re-make.) Ah well...
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:26 am Reply with quote
i remember watching ONE of the Tank Police series on Sci-Fi channel as well....i don't remember if it was the first or second but i just loved the over the top style and bleak future settings...

i haven't gone back to watch the series in awhile but i may do so this weekend...which will be very hard to do with RezHD release and setting up new PS3 to watch few blu-ray movies including Spiderman 3, Pirates 3, and Simpsons....
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Joined: 25 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 2:20 am Reply with quote
Dominion was one of my first exposures to anime as a kid, and I remember the night I saw it very well. Summer vacation was ending and, I was going back to school (3rd grade) the next day. For whatever reason, I couldn't sleep that night so I turned on Sci-Fi and watched into the wee-hours of the morning. Needless to say, I got most of my sleep the next day at my desk.

Years later when I rediscovered anime and actually came to understand what it was, I started to remember bits and pieces of Dominion like the scene at the end of the first act (iirc) where the mayor of Newport City is going nuts, Leona fires her gun, gives some sort of speech, and all the bills go flying out the window. I eventually was able to figure out the name of the show, read up on it, and today I'm the proud owner of the OVA on DVD and LD, along with the TV series on DVD, and some of the manga. It's been a while now since acquiring all that stuff and it's sort of surprising to see just how much it's shot up in value. I'll never be sell my copies off though!

Anyway, I definitely agree the OVA is much better. I've been told Shirow worked on the TV series, but the setting/atmosphere of the original just stand out so much more and make it so much better.

Last edited by RedTail on Thu Jan 31, 2008 2:22 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 2:21 am Reply with quote
As much as I like older anime, DTP pretty much falls into the trap a lot of other adaptations of Shirow manga fall into, they're just mediocre. DTP falls into the lower end of the spectrum with almost no likable characters and a story that goes nowhere and does nothing that neither the action nor service can redeem. It doesn't have the nostalgia value for me to overlook its many shortcomings.

The replacement ending theme is pretty catchy though. I'll at least give DTP that.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 2:31 am Reply with quote
the show feels sometimes like a cross between an R-rated Looney Toons cartoon and a Jerry Bruckheimer movie.

Someone please sack the writer for this comparison.

So this CPM disc is passable at least, but it's out of print and getting rare. I saw copies going online for as much as $100, and the sequel series New Dominion Tank Police going for even more. If you're merely curious, used VHS copies are easy to find online.

You seriously kidding me. $100 for the CPM DVD?!?!
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 2:36 am Reply with quote
Dominion is a fun time. My first viewing left me with a feeling of "what the hell". But subsequent viewings increased my enjoyment of it substantially. But all around it ends up being a good time. And geez, am I glad I kept the DVD. Wow.

Although he is right, that is one sloppy DVD, thankfully that doesn't affect the show very much.

Next was the bizarre and nonsensical Harmagedon (a film that only Japanese fans who remember it from their childhood insist is good).

So true.
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Former ANN Editor in Chief

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:25 am Reply with quote
Hon'ya-chan wrote:
the show feels sometimes like a cross between an R-rated Looney Toons cartoon and a Jerry Bruckheimer movie.

Someone please sack the writer for this comparison.

Your criticism needn't be so caustic. Surely you aren't under the assumption that anime isn't influenced by these things, are you? I've had anime comedy directors tell me they're Three Stooges fans.

You seem to post in the talkback threads for this column only to insult and nit-pick, and it's getting old.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:33 am Reply with quote
RedTail wrote:
I eventually was able to figure out the name of the show, read up on it, and today I'm the proud owner of the OVA on DVD and LD,

Ah yes. LD. I own this beauty on the 2 disc LD set. Probably the same one you own. The shows are presented subtitled with the original Japanese dialogue, soundtrack and songs.

I showed this OVA to a friend back in 1990 or so and he loved it. The whole sense of anarchy in the first two segments really had him laughing. I gave him the show for Christmas along with a little vinyl Bonaparte kit which I assembled and painted. I really wish I had thought about buying a second copy of that kit for myself.

I thought I read somewhere a remark by Shirow about this OVA not being part of Dominion canon and he ensured he had more control or involvement in further anime adaptations of his work from here on. Might of been in the "Intron Depot 1" book.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:46 am Reply with quote
jsevakis wrote:
You seem to post in the talkback threads for this column only to insult and nit-pick, and it's getting old.

If only the anime and manga boards had a bit more content, maybe I could migrate to them.....
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