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Joined: 06 May 2003
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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:16 pm
Good second effort on the vidcast. Glad you stuck in more moving picture clips.
I am really glad that you played that clip of Al Kahn's comments. At least we're getting a bit context in terms of what he said. And while those words are in many respects damning, they're aren't without merit either.
As for the production values, I like the idea of placing things on the floor. But if possible I would tighten the shot to more close ups if only one person is in the shot. Especially when Bamboo did the lone stand ups through much of the episode. Also I am wondering if the mics are separate or just the lone one in the camera. I noticed you had more traditional mics for the "man on the street" shots. So I was wondering about that. Hey it might be the limitations of what's given.
Also of note to me was the banter at the beginning. I don't know, did that feel forced to you guys? Okay that's sort of nitpicky. But I am hoping spots like that become more natural as time goes.
Alright let's see both Saturday and Sunday's versions and then we'll have a good sense about this show after.
Oh, and when will the feed's for this show finally be made? I want to download this for my iTunes and my iPod.
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Joined: 17 Feb 2007
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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 2:01 pm
So that is what Bamboo looks like.
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Joined: 02 Jul 2007
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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 3:14 pm
Nice job on this. A lot of the presenting seems very unnatural, though I'm sure that'll change in time! I really appreciate being able to see what's going on at NYAF, as well as read about it!
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Joined: 18 Mar 2007
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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 8:45 pm
Good job. Elie seems much more comfortable here than the last one. Might be an idea to zoom in on the presenter at times as suggested by Okina. Bamboo seems to be waiting for her cue while Elie was speaking. She needs to be more natural, i.e. looks at her co-presenter at times instead of just straight into the camera while waiting, smiles at interesting parts, etc. Regardless, a great efffort and nicely presented.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:14 pm
I'm enjoying these quite a bit and looking forward to the next one. Though, I think they could stand to be just a little bit longer, like seven to 10 minutes. I know that's probably a bit long for a video pod cast, but with event coverage like this five minutes isn't a lot of time for coverage, especially with the back and forth at the beginning, FMA commercial, and the (IMO) too long ANNtv intro. Good for a longer show; time consuming for a short netcast.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:34 am
Speaking of that intro, you just know somebody's going to get pissed off that "shounen" is the last word in that sequence
There hasn't been an anime con in New York since 2003? I guess New York Comic Con doesn't count, since it covers a lot of other areas.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:00 am
Shouldn't the newbie ANN staff be doing the suck-up reporting? Bamboo's got a little more experience, and I figure she should be participating in exclusive interviews or something.
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Ashen Phoenix
Joined: 21 Jun 2006
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Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 5:35 am
So far I'm very p[leased with the vidcast and the overall convention coverage. I've seen and learned a lot about many promising series (both manga and anime) for the end of this year and the upcoming next. The cosplayers' information really bless me away; it reminds me I've got a long way to go in sewing, but then that's a good thing. Hahaha.
I'll absolutely be keeping a close on for more convention news! One of these days I'd love to see a report of someone picking up Desert Coral again, and also someone licensing one of my new manga loves, Five.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:30 am
Over all a great improvment from the first rehearsal. The presenters looked good and the dress sence was spot on. Make up was also good, but watch the hair lines as Elle's hair line was a bit shiney along the edge,which made the rest of her makeup look like a mask. It's a constant issue we have with our makeup dept. as well and constantly call them back in to dust them up right into the hair line.
The set looked good, but one glaring problem though. What's with the set monitor with no vision on it? Should have had at least the ANN logo on it. Was that a technical problem? also it needed to have its cables dress out of shot better as well. Gaffer Tape!
Can't sort it? Remove it.
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Joined: 06 May 2003
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Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:18 am
GATSU wrote: | Shouldn't the newbie ANN staff be doing the suck-up reporting? Bamboo's got a little more experience, and I figure she should be participating in exclusive interviews or something. |
I am going to say yes and no. If you remember the job posting a few months ago, it mentioned something about being the face of ANN. Ellie and Mario are the anchors and presenters of this show. The ANN staff that we've all become familiar with over the years, Bamboo, Chris, Justin, Jonathan, Zac (the latter three I am sure we'll see sooner or later), are the contributors. Yes their experience speaks for themselves here, but that's seems to be the set up.
The contributors I see doing the more long form in depth type interviews, but quick ones like with the NYAF manager or with other contributors can easily be done by the anchors.
Because of all that, I felt Bamboo being an anchor during day one looked a little out of place for me. In the debut episode we established Ellie and Mario as the anchors and "Face of ANN", so personally it threw me a little having Bamboo co-anchor the first day at NYAF. Where was Mario aside from that "man on the street" shot at the end?
One thing that I quickly saw in day one is Ellie's long term potential. I see her having a great camera presence as time goes. Mario I have yet to feel that but that may be because he hadn't anchored as much to that point.
And I just finished watching the third episode so let me give my impressions.
Once again appreciated seeing some of the pictures from the panels and licenses. I would have wanted a few soundbytes from them, but I get the feeling that they would only be used if they were on the level of what Al Kahn had for you guys last time.
Doing the anchor stand ups in front of the moving con goers just didn't do it for me. I know it would have been edited out, but I was just waiting for one of them to wave or goof off to the camera. I agree that using the monitor on the ANN display would have worked out assuming you could get it to work and look effective on camera (I know of this effect you get if you try to tape a working monitor but isn't that more with CRTs). I would have also preferred a tighter shot still, like from the mid torso and up. This upper leg and up shot I could only see working if you could put an image beside the anchor, which is why the green screen worked so well in the debut and may be limited because of the NYAF setting. Certainly didn't work for me here.
Once again the banter still seemed a little forced, like at the end with Mario's quip about doing the masqurade. Also that faked enthusiasm mentioning the Genshiken 2 license looked fake in a bad sense. But to me he wasn't helped by not anchoring the last episode.
And finally, and this comes back to Bamboo. Before people really get on the case about her doing a "man on the street" with the winners of the Masqurade. The first pictures I ever recall seeing of Bamboo is of her cosplaying (don't ask how I saw them). I think out of all ANN staff she is the most established cosplayer, so you can consider her as close to an expert on the subject, and thus ideal to have done that interview.
Okay I've said enough. This weekend is the most posts I've ever made on any board, and I know I'll have at least one more for the NYAF roundup. In turn it's probably the most clueless I've been also (see the Genshiken 2 thread).
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Joined: 18 Mar 2007
Posts: 133
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:57 am
Awesome. Gets better and better each time. Glad to see ANN and the presenters are taking some of the advice from the forumers on how to improve the shows. The presenters look like they are enjoying bringing the news to us and the shows look more polished.
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Former ANN Editor in Chief
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Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:50 pm
Mohawk52 wrote: | Over all a great improvment from the first rehearsal. The presenters looked good and the dress sence was spot on. Make up was also good, but watch the hair lines as Elle's hair line was a bit shiney along the edge,which made the rest of her makeup look like a mask. It's a constant issue we have with our makeup dept. as well and constantly call them back in to dust them up right into the hair line. |
Cool. Great tip.
Quote: | The set looked good, but one glaring problem though. What's with the set monitor with no vision on it? Should have had at least the ANN logo on it. Was that a technical problem? also it needed to have its cables dress out of shot better as well. Gaffer Tape!
Can't sort it? Remove it. |
Yeah. that was the original intent, but the screen was too bright for the rest of the environment, and it was too bright to be usable. Oh well. Best laid plans...
BTW, Bamboo was pinch-hitting for us as an anchor because Mario was indesposed for that first episode. She did a nice job, and she'll be back in the last show to do her usual cosplayer interviews.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:46 pm
Day two was much more along the lines of what I wanted to see. The longer run time really allowed you guys more room for coverage and a few longer interviews. The amount of content covered was great, I liked the rapid fire announcements towards the beginning and various floor shots during commentary.
Great third outing, looking forward to the day three coverage.
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ANN Executive Editor
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Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:49 pm
Can I ask what professional video production experience you have that qualifies you to offer these really lengthy, unsolicited "notes" on every single video that gets posted?
I ask because Mohawk52 has 20+ years of pro experience and his advice has been really valuable, and he's obviously speaking from a position of authority. It's not that your comments in general are not welcome, it's that you come across (somewhat condescendingly, I might add) like an old seasoned pro who's teaching the newbies how to make a successful series and insofar as I can tell your only "production experience" is a standard audio anime podcast that you do for fun. I'm not sure why you're behaving like we hired you as a consultant, giving notes on nearly every tiny little creative decision made in every video.
Comments are always welcome but I'm wondering what exactly is going on with yours and why you feel the need to do this.
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Joined: 26 Aug 2005
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Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:31 pm
Way to go ANN, good showing much smoother. I thought Elli and Mario were much more relaxed. I thought the hands looked much better way more expressive than before. Other things did stand out but others with more professional experience have already pointed out so I will not. Ok what was up with Cris he could not have looked more bored, for the first 10 seconds or so he is staring across the room right over Elli's head looked like he did not want to be there or could it just be nerves? The thing mentioned earlier about Bamboo staring into the camera I also noticed ,kind of like a deer in the headlights. Otherwise great effort and quite informative.
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