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REVIEW: Fairy Tail Manga Omnibus Volume 1 Review

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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 12:15 pm Reply with quote
I wish Rave Master would get the omnibus treatment.

It’s crazy how twenty years later, Fairy Tail is still going (via the sequel) and another anime season is before. Love or hate it, a lot of franchises don’t have that staying power.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 1:18 pm Reply with quote
Mashima sure has a knack for making easily misspellable titles. Reminds me of when people kept calling this "Fairy Tale", back when it was more obscure. But at least Fairy Tail made a big enough name for itself that no one makes the mistake as often. If only his other works didn't have to be left to rot under Fairy Tail's shadow, what with many other reviewers I've seen unfairly dismissing Mashima as one of the worst manga writers of his generation, and nobody thinking to question them.
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Rob J.

Joined: 26 Apr 2023
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 2:38 pm Reply with quote
So glad as a n00b to manga and anime that only just recently got into Fairy Tail, so I only had vols. 1 and 2 by the time I heard about the start of the 3-in-1s. I only have to get vol. 3 before I start getting the 3-in-1s. Buuuut, I'd probably be ticked if I were on vol. 5 or 8. I'm finding Fairy Tail and Eden's Zero charming as heck and both series' world-building even this early to be quite a bit easier to slip into than the deliberately bizarre One Piece (I'm up to Vol. 12/Omni 4 on that.) This review confirms for me a lot of my thoughts on why I find both FT and EZ so much fun to read.
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Joined: 17 Apr 2022
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 4:16 pm Reply with quote
Rob J. wrote:
So glad as a n00b to manga and anime that only just recently got into Fairy Tail, so I only had vols. 1 and 2 by the time I heard about the start of the 3-in-1s. I only have to get vol. 3 before I start getting the 3-in-1s. Buuuut, I'd probably be ticked if I were on vol. 5 or 8. I'm finding Fairy Tail and Eden's Zero charming as heck and both series' world-building even this early to be quite a bit easier to slip into than the deliberately bizarre One Piece (I'm up to Vol. 12/Omni 4 on that.) This review confirms for me a lot of my thoughts on why I find both FT and EZ so much fun to read.

It's a shame you missed your chance, then, since Humble Bundle was offering the entire Fairy Tail saga, plus Rave Master, some of Edens Zero, and Fairy Tail Zero for like...$25 just half a year ago. I still have to sit down and read them, but I always liked Fairy Tail, despite some of Mashima's failings (dude's too horny for his own good). It's a genuinely good story about a found family going on a series of adventures that don't necessarily have to connect into a larger whole.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 4:37 pm Reply with quote
The entire Fairy Tail manga would have been fantastic if Mashima learned to handle drama and action well in conjunction with how Oda does in One Piece but he makes the mistake of touching upon serious themes in a very inconsistent manner which leads to needless plotholes and a lack of sympathy towards side characters (Tower of Paradise arc comes to mind). Plus, recycling the usual suspects of Lucy, Natsu, Erza, and Gray into each story arc as if their contributions are the only contributions in the guild that matter while treating the rest of the guild members like blips on the radar doesn't make for good relation building between the reader and the manga.

The manga is more about visual fanservice than consistent storytelling. Mashima could've gotten away with something like this back in the 80s and 90s but things have changed and now fans expect better. There is a reason why the later volumes of Fairy Tail get roasted as hard as they do.

P.S. NOBODY likes Jellal (or "Gerard" as the fans insisted on calling him back in the days of fan scanning)
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Rob J.

Joined: 26 Apr 2023
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 5:33 pm Reply with quote
flamemasterelan wrote:

It's a shame you missed your chance, then, since Humble Bundle was offering the entire Fairy Tail saga, plus Rave Master, some of Edens Zero, and Fairy Tail Zero for like...$25 just half a year ago. I still have to sit down and read them, but I always liked Fairy Tail, despite some of Mashima's failings (dude's too horny for his own good). It's a genuinely good story about a found family going on a series of adventures that don't necessarily have to connect into a larger whole.

I saw that and was tempted -- I've gotten a number of comics bundles on HB that I already own in print but want to re-read without digging through my huge collection in storage -- but back then, I had only started with the first two volumes of Edens Zero and I've only gotten into Fairy Tail in the past two months. I like print, though. It gets me away from the computer screen. Also, a little weirdly (but in some ways, awesomely) I'm finding that I remember more of what I read in print than I read digitally.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 11:55 pm Reply with quote
KabaKabaFruit wrote:
The entire Fairy Tail manga would have been fantastic if Mashima learned to handle drama and action well in conjunction with how Oda does in One Piece but he makes the mistake of touching upon serious themes in a very inconsistent manner which leads to needless plotholes and a lack of sympathy towards side characters (Tower of Paradise arc comes to mind). Plus, recycling the usual suspects of Lucy, Natsu, Erza, and Gray into each story arc as if their contributions are the only contributions in the guild that matter while treating the rest of the guild members like blips on the radar doesn't make for good relation building between the reader and the manga.

The manga is more about visual fanservice than consistent storytelling. Mashima could've gotten away with something like this back in the 80s and 90s but things have changed and now fans expect better. There is a reason why the later volumes of Fairy Tail get roasted as hard as they do.

P.S. NOBODY likes Jellal (or "Gerard" as the fans insisted on calling him back in the days of fan scanning)

I like Jellal...
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Joined: 17 Apr 2022
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 12:32 am Reply with quote
Rob J. wrote:
I saw that and was tempted -- I've gotten a number of comics bundles on HB that I already own in print but want to re-read without digging through my huge collection in storage -- but back then, I had only started with the first two volumes of Edens Zero and I've only gotten into Fairy Tail in the past two months. I like print, though. It gets me away from the computer screen. Also, a little weirdly (but in some ways, awesomely) I'm finding that I remember more of what I read in print than I read digitally.

I get you. I tend to prefer print for almost anything, but I am running dangerously low on shelf space right now.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2020
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 1:07 am Reply with quote
KabaKabaFruit wrote:

P.S. NOBODY likes Jellal (or "Gerard" as the fans insisted on calling him back in the days of fan scanning)

Speak for yourself, I also liked Jellal and shipped him heavily with Erza lol.
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Joined: 17 Apr 2022
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 1:17 am Reply with quote
KabaKabaFruit wrote:
Plus, recycling the usual suspects of Lucy, Natsu, Erza, and Gray into each story arc as if their contributions are the only contributions in the guild that matter while treating the rest of the guild members like blips on the radar doesn't make for good relation building between the reader and the manga.

You mean the, uh...main characters of the series? The core cast that the story revolves around? It was always their story and the rest of the guild was support, they established this from the earliest arcs. They're "Fairy Tail's Strongest Team," and the story brings along a few other guild members to shine a spotlight on from time to time. This is pretty typical for the genre, honestly.

The manga is more about visual fanservice than consistent storytelling. Mashima could've gotten away with something like this back in the 80s and 90s but things have changed and now fans expect better. There is a reason why the later volumes of Fairy Tail get roasted as hard as they do.

The...series went on for 545 chapters before Mashima decided to end it, is one of the very few anime of its era to get a full adaptation (especially for its length), was popular enough to have its own magazine for a time where other writers contributed to its world and Mashima wrote a prequel story to it. And after he finally *chose* to end Fairy Tail and work on something else, they still wanted him back enough that he's continuing to storyboard the 100 Years Quest sequel that's currently being adapted into ANOTHER anime. And we are literally - as we speak - talking in the comment thread of a review of a re-release of the manga, because it was financially successful enough to do a large-scale reprint.

So like...maybe this is all just like...your opinion, man?

P.S. NOBODY likes Jellal (or "Gerard" as the fans insisted on calling him back in the days of fan scanning)

I mean, Jellal was my friend's favorite character when we watched the series, and I've always liked his story arc. I always felt like he got short changed for a variety of reasons, but I was always interested in what he was doing after the Tower of Heaven arc.
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