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Buried Garbage - Angel Cop

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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:24 am Reply with quote
The DVD Perfect Collection of this series, released around 2000 or 2001, is one of the rare examples of me buying an anime blind and thoroughly regretting it. It tries to be a bad-ass cyberpunk tale, but like Justin suggests, it only gets the "bad" part right - especially the dub. (Justin, I'm surprised you didn't mention how particularly awful Freya was in English.)

Take this critique as a warning more than a suggestion.
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Joined: 05 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:26 am Reply with quote
Defentily rented this from Blockbuster. LOL. At the time it was in the kidde section next to Akira and under Grave of the Fireflies.

It was one of the first anime I'd seen- but at the time I thought it was an adult cartoon. I remember turning the volume down low on the tv, because there was a lot of cursing. And everytime I thought my parents were coming i'd shut it off.

Good times for 10 year old me. Very Happy Actuallly, I really don't rememebr much besides the fire girl and a guy exploding.

The whole show made me want to move to Japan because they were having a crazy time in the streets. And it looked fun.

God, I was a fucked up child. Confused

Edit: Several copies on VHS are going for as low as 0.45 cents
URL on ebay
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:34 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
The DVD Perfect Collection of this series, released around 2000 or 2001, is one of the rare examples of me buying an anime blind and thoroughly regretting it. It tries to be a bad-ass cyberpunk tale, but like Justin suggests, it only gets the "bad" part right - especially the dub. (Justin, I'm surprised you didn't mention how particularly awful Freya was in English.)

Take this critique as a warning more than a suggestion.

You too huh? When I saw it I originally thought it might be somewhat similar to the original GITS movie. The whole cyber punk and futuristic setting with the kick ass female lead. Wow, was that a bad call. The first time I saw it I didn't think it was that bad. Then I re-watched it and payed attention. What a difference that made. Bad animation and dubbing are just 2 of the issues. If GITS took a giant crap and then sold that piece of corn laden crap Angel Cop is what you'd have if all its aromatic glory.

However, that being said it's such a ridiculous failure that it makes the perfect selection if you want to have one of those awful movie nights where you showcase the truly best of the C rated anime genre hehe.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:51 am Reply with quote
Sharon Holm wasn't that bad of a Shinobu Nagumo. Obviously no Yoshiko Sakakibara, but better than the Bandai Visual dub actress, IMO.

We need an article like this for Cyber City Oedo - truly the king of hilariously bad anime dubs.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:58 am Reply with quote
This must have been the predecessor to GITS, now I want to see it Laughing
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:49 am Reply with quote
After watching that YouTube video, I'm left thinking that the dub is deliberately humorous.
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Monster in a box

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:13 am Reply with quote
Sounds pretty amazing too me.

And the overly high MAL ratings only further lower my faith in that site.
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Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:37 am Reply with quote
I LOVE Angel Cop. It's so stupid, violent, and has the worst "protagonist" ever of all the anime I've seen. Angel's just an awful person- it's like if the cast of Seinfeld were highly trained killing machines.

I have the 6 episode collection VHS which was pretty fun. Thanks for sharing it's wonderment with the world. And trust me people, it's both cheap and easy to find on VHS, and I don't imagine enough people want the DVD for it to be hard to find.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:12 am Reply with quote
I was checking the availability of the R1 DVD release, but I found that Mr. Sevakis is mistaken about the lack of an R2 release—the singles were put out November 2000 to January 2001, and a box set was unleashed in June 2006; the CD Japan search. (I was going to enter this into the Encyclopedia, but found that I had done so already.)
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:07 am Reply with quote
doc-watson42 wrote:
I was checking the availability of the R1 DVD release, but I found that Mr. Sevakis is mistaken about the lack of an R2 release—the singles were put out November 2000 to January 2001, and a box set was unleashed in June 2006; the CD Japan search. (I was going to enter this into the Encyclopedia, but found that I had done so already.)

Oops. Fixed. Thanks.

I would have mentioned Freya (her line, "My quarrel's not with you, I wish you no harm, BUT YOU ARE GUILTY AND MUST DIE!!!" is one of my favorite hilarious lines in dub history), but unfortunately those don't reproduce well in text.
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Joined: 21 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:27 am Reply with quote
How does Angel Cop compare with Mad Bull 34?

Rushes off to find Angel Cop.

Nico M
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Anime World Order

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:54 am Reply with quote
Personally, I think Lucifer looks more akin to Bridgitte Nielsen than Sharon Stone. In any case, you should have told everyone how the bodies of everyone in this show contain so much blood that there must not be any internal organs housed within them! Actually, I guess there are internal organs based on that one shot in episode one where the Communist girl gets shot in the head and you see the brains spatter and the optic nerve swaying about. The money shot of the series within the first few minutes of the first episode. Yasuomi Umetzu, you crazy funster.

nicomorr wrote:
How does Angel Cop compare with Mad Bull 34?

Rushes off to find Angel Cop.

Angel Cop along with Mad Bull 34 constitute 2/3 of the Manga Video Holy Trinity of Suck (the third being Violence Jack). If you like Mad Bull as much as I do--and that's a lot--then you MUST see Angel Cop. Whenever I run bad anime panels at conventions, Angel Cop invariably shows up. The reaction that it, Mad Bull 34, and Apocalypse Zero get have me fully convinced that if they'd all been advertised and marketed as comedies, they'd have flown off the shelves. Especially Mad Bull. WHERE ARE MY DVDS OF MAD BULL KEITH BURGESS, YOU PROMISED ME ALL THOSE YEARS AGO THAT THEY WERE COMING OUT Sad

To call Angel Cop comedy gold is an understatement. Comedy plutonium [being dumped in Hokkaido by the International Jewish Conspiracy] is more like it. Still, finding DVDs of it is somewhat difficult since not only is it out of print, but I'm pretty sure that Manga Video doesn't even have the rights to it anymore (much like Violence Jack and Mad Bull 34). It's pretty expensive via the zShops on Amazon, and I don't think it pops up on eBay too often either. If you're lucky, you might find someone selling the DVD at a anime convention dealer's room in their clearance bin.

But since these are the ANN forums and every thread has to somehow involve the "f" word (or in this case, the "b" word), I shall note that shortly after I reviewed it back in August (which managed to come out before this magnificent two-part review located here and here), I was notified that dual-audio encodes of the Region 1 DVD could be downloaded from the usual places people get that stuff from.

Anyway, as good as Buried Treasure is, I'm really digging Buried Garbage. Since next week I'm talking about Dog Soldier and Crystal Triangle, I request writeups on those gems in future installments. And MD Geist. And Odin: Photon Space Sailer Starlight. And Roots Search. And The Humanoid. And and and.
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Former ANN Editor in Chief

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:02 am Reply with quote
Anime World Order wrote:
Anyway, as good as Buried Treasure is, I'm really digging Buried Garbage. Since next week I'm talking about Dog Soldier and Crystal Triangle, I request writeups on those gems in future installments. And MD Geist. And Odin: Photon Space Sailer Starlight. And Roots Search. And The Humanoid. And and and.

Good God. For now I'm going to restrict Buried Garbage to stuff I enjoy watching for some bizarre reason. As I couldn't get through even the shortened dub of Odin and Crystal Triangle put me to sleep, those are probably out. Humanoid and Roots Search are on my list, though. :p I'll do Geist as well if I can find the non-Director's Cut version, since that version makes no sense and the registration errors are part of the fun.

Wasn't quite appropriate in the context of the article, but I was pretty sleep deprived when I wrote it and this is the result:
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:12 am Reply with quote
jsevakis wrote:
Humanoid and Roots Search are on my list, though. :p

Watch the Humanoid with it's pop-ups, I recall them being the best part of the show, which I could see easily being buried garbage.
They had me laughing at any rate. Not sure what that says about me though...
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Otakuboy T

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:54 am Reply with quote
Oh god, I remember writing a review of it for my site.

I think I gave it a B. Granted that many many years ago.
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