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REVIEW: Gamera -Rebirth- Anime Series Review

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Joined: 23 May 2007
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Location: Katy, Texas, USA
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 5:50 pm Reply with quote
Well, I just started to watch the 1st episode 2 weeks ago, and because I got other stuff to watch I haven't got chance to watch episode 2 and so on. So I'll make plan to watch episode 2 tomorrow. But I will agree the animation is not really the best judging from the way the 1st episode look.
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Joined: 21 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 8:47 am Reply with quote
This was both a fun & frustrating viewing experience. It's got some clever concepts that it uses in interesting ways to check the franchise boxes, but a lot of the creative decisions range from annoying to baffling. For one, Gamera's screen time is already fairly minimal and out of that, half of the kaiju encounters I'd barely even classify as "fights." Also, all the big sci-fi reveals don't really happen until the final 2 eps. and I was down for them, but after dropping all these bombshells the show just...leaves it alone.

What irritated me the most though was how emotionally manipulative the ending is:

spoiler[In order to set the tone, the show spoils Joe's "death" at the very beginning & Gamera dies. But at the end, we get sequel-baited with a new baby Gamera, a last-second reveal that Joe is alive, and for some reason Tazaki becomes a Steve Jobs stand-in which is way out of left field.]

It wasn't all bad and there are some great moments but damnit...Gamera deserved better.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 8:45 am Reply with quote
Wow... here I am, thinking that Gamera never had it this good, at least not since Gamera Guardian of the Galaxy. What Gamera Rebirth did, which the Guardians sequels thought they were too good to do, was to update more of the Showa era Gamera movies.

We got aliens, we got conspiracies, we got Kennys, we got into space, we got most of the monsters with their moves and abilities updated. Best yet, Guillion... uh, the knifehead guy... was a great example of why this would never work in live action, even if it was full CGI kaiju. In the original movie, he was slow, lethargic and ridiculous but here? He was more like a land swordfish.

What I didn't like: No Barugon. He's probably far too complicated for them to do but I would love to have seen the attempt. There's nothing quite like him anywhere.

What I love: spoiler[They finally added human villains who all had some pretty fascinating and satisfying comeuppances that were even better than what happened in Godzilla versus King Ghidorah. Emiko's fate is particularly karmic; She survived Viaras which she shouldn't have, she survived the base exploding which she shouldn't have but she ends up being incapacitated by a baby Gyaos and is consequently eaten alive, piece by piece, until nothing was left. What happened to the rest of the organization was a mercy in comparison. ]
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