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NEWS: Stranger, Rental Magica, Megazone 23 Game Videos Posted

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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 7:50 am Reply with quote
Already saw the video for the 'Megazone 23' PS3 game, but hell where is the goddamn 4th movie they were supposed to make in honor of it's 20th anniversary?
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:48 pm Reply with quote
This headline deceived me. For a minute I thought it was about another Megazone anime, and I was like sweet, and then it turns out to just be a game Crying or Very sad
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Joined: 10 Feb 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 3:28 pm Reply with quote
"1985's Megazone 23 robot anime, one of the first OVAs ever"? That's stretching it a little. OAVs started at the end 1983 with Dallos, and there were about thirty between then and the release of Megazone 23 (Part 1) (per the Anime Check-list; I count at least 17 hentai OAVs alone between 1984 and 9 March 1985, per (NSFW) Ken-San's database). However, Megazone 23 was (according to Toshimitsu Suzuki's interview in Animerica Vol. 1, No. 3) the first to sell 100,000 copies—it was the first hit OAV.
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Joined: 26 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 4:29 pm Reply with quote
I have a quetion for anime developers, and I only wish someone could answer it:

Every generation, no matter how inappropriate or unnecessary, I see multiple games come out (looking at Megazone 23 as my example here) that make little or no utilization of the hardware they are set on yet charge top dollar for the experience. Gundam I can sort of forgive as a rushed title, but Mahjongg? Dating sim visual novels? Do these publishers not realize that even the last generation of game consoles were capable of high definition graphics on far cheaper DVDs that would be perfectly adaptable (if not visually upscaled) on the new consoles?

This problem is not confined to the PS3, but this is one of the more glaring examples I can point out.

Apparently there's a market for these games, which indicates that there's some element of this on the consumer side that I don't grasp, or that Japanese gamers are complete morons, and I'm not sure which.

Could someone enlighten me?
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Joined: 28 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 9:20 pm Reply with quote
doc-watson42 wrote:
"1985's Megazone 23 robot anime, one of the first OVAs ever"? That's stretching it a little. OAVs started at the end 1983 with Dallos, and there were about thirty between then and the release of Megazone 23 (Part 1) (per the Anime Check-list; I count at least 17 hentai OAVs alone between 1984 and 9 March 1985, per (NSFW) Ken-San's database). However, Megazone 23 was (according to Toshimitsu Suzuki's interview in Animerica Vol. 1, No. 3) the first to sell 100,000 copies—it was the first hit OAV.

An OVA release within the second year of OVA's very existence still counts as one of the first OVAs, especially when there were even greater numbers of OVA released in each of the later years. Producers trumpeted 1929's "On with the Show" film by saying "Now color takes to the screen," even though the same Technicolor process was used for films earlier in 1928 and 1929, and films used an earlier Technicolor process as far back as 1922.

(The reason Dallos #2 pushed out the door in December of 1983 before Dallos #1 is that the producers felt the fighting in #2 would have a flashier splash than the relatively sedate #1. Otherwise, it too would have been a 1984 release.)
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Andrew Cunningham

Joined: 01 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:52 pm Reply with quote
Stranger had been under my radar, but that trailer sold me pretty hard.

Rental Magica - way to generic up the character designs. First Okami to Koshinryo, now this - distinctive, eye catching designs reduced to run-of-the-mill bland.
I don't get it. Is having a light novel rather than a manga as the source sufficient reason to jettison the look of the series entirely?
(Never actually read Rental Magica, but the bookmark I'm randomly using at the moment is advertising it.)
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Joined: 05 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:40 pm Reply with quote
What I'm surprised at is that they were able to update both the visuals and music and still retain an 80's feel to the characters and robots, yet they completely dropped the ball on Eve's song. That song sounds like modern generic Idol-Pop, not the rebellious 80's pop we heard in the Megazone 23 OVA's. Also if ADV games is what Sony has in mind for the PS3, why bother having all that processing power.
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