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NEWS: Rozen Maiden: Träumend Set for US, Manga Ends in Japan

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Richard J.

Joined: 11 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:00 pm Reply with quote
Real news would be that Geneon's going to release the Ouvertüre OVA.

I'm glad Geneon's made it official that DVDs have been or are being manufactured for Träumend, since it would have been really annoying trying to fill up the three discs worth of empty space in the artbox otherwise. Not really news that they're releasing it all but it is surprising to hear that last volume of the manga will be so freaking short!

I hope Tokyopop will add something to the English edition when they get to it. I mean, damn that's short.

Also hope that maybe this will inspire the various entities involved with Rozen Maiden to make more anime.
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Joined: 26 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:46 pm Reply with quote
Richard J. wrote:
Real news would be that Geneon's going to release the Ouvertüre OVA.

I'm glad Geneon's made it official that DVDs have been or are being manufactured for Träumend, since it would have been really annoying trying to fill up the three discs worth of empty space in the artbox otherwise. Not really news that they're releasing it all but it is surprising to hear that last volume of the manga will be so freaking short!

I hope Tokyopop will add something to the English edition when they get to it. I mean, damn that's short.

Also hope that maybe this will inspire the various entities involved with Rozen Maiden to make more anime.

Im with you there, dude! I love Rozen Maiden. As for the artbox, I'm filling it with the manga (I only have the first 3 volumes). Cant wait for Overture, either Very Happy
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Joined: 08 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:21 pm Reply with quote
this counts as news...? ? ? didn't everyone already know that... unless geneon are releasing info on the traumend english cast? EDIT: which if they have, ANN doesn't know about it.

geez, between geneon's poor show on info about rozen maiden (pre release), their crappy synopsis for the show itself (which makes it sound like Pinocchio) and the lack of visible reviews for volume 1 (yes i am looking at you ANN)... i'm surprised anyone wants to buy rozen maiden at all...

which is a shame, because it is a really great show... geneon has done everything right with the actual disc, but the PR department has really dropped the ball on this one...
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Egan Loo

Joined: 25 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:34 pm Reply with quote
rekishi wrote:
this counts as news...? ? ? didn't everyone already know that... unless geneon are releasing info on the traumend english cast? EDIT: which if they have, ANN doesn't know about it.

The existence of the Träumend release isn't what's new—the release date is new. That, coupled with Peach-Pit's cautionary note on the much shorter manga volume 8 with no added artwork, adds up to a news piece.
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Joined: 02 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:55 pm Reply with quote
rekishi wrote:

geez, between geneon's poor show on info about rozen maiden (pre release), their crappy synopsis for the show itself (which makes it sound like Pinocchio) and the lack of visible reviews for volume 1 (yes i am looking at you ANN)... i'm surprised anyone wants to buy rozen maiden at all...

Rozen Maiden is pretty popular, so I think it sells well enough even without PR.
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Joined: 07 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:51 am Reply with quote
As long as all the manga makes it here to the US, I am happy... I love this anime... It really is too bad that it is not continuing at this time. I wonder if all of these "editorial staff" conflicts that have been popping up means something in Japan.
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:09 am Reply with quote
Excellent! I was definitely awaiting that news (tiptoes over to laptop and ...). My friend will be happy as well. As he's been a lover of the series since I showed him the entire series. Except 'Traumend'. Who could not resists watching a doll whip someone with her hair over and over again. Such violence in kids show and by dolls too. 'Barbie' wish she was this sophisticated. Hahaha!!

Can't wait until the holidays to pick them up. Nieces and nephews make money go "bye-bye". Laughing Laughing

I wonder how 'Geneon' will handle the initial release?

Since this will be another 3 vols. totalling everything out to six volumes (wondering if they are going to release them as separate titles and will the felt box hold them all) will they somehow add the "specials", 'Overature' or will that be another possible release? Since there were only 2 episodes. Hmmm...Confused

I'm curious to know what the issues was with the manga. I hope the situation wasn't something serious causing them to end the story too early unless they really were done with it.
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Joined: 08 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:08 pm Reply with quote
well, the felt box that came with series 1, has room for 6 volumes doesn't it?...

my guess, is geneon is waiting on overture, to see if and when a 3rd series is produced, before they pick up overture. then they can make a 3rd series box, that'll hold both series 3 and overture...

apparently the manga ending is terrible... it's not conclusive with the story at all, and is just 'tacked on'... i don't really mind, since now, their is no distraction for peach pit, and they can now focus on the anime series (which i liked more than the manga)...
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