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GAME: The King of Fighters XV

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Joined: 07 May 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 4:29 pm Reply with quote
Kinda reminds me of the Nicktoons brawler that came out last year. Technically great but lacks the charm that made the previous games fun. Some of the stages in KoF XV look downright depressing due to bad art direction.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 5:50 pm Reply with quote
Went into this looking for the usual XIII praise from people who don't play the series, despite not only being a game that bankrupted the company but completely gutted the characters of 90% of their move lists. Wasn't disappointed.

Also find it funny that every other game is being lumped in with XIII for their "hand-drawn animation", which doesn't describe basically any other entry sans XII but also seems to ignore that people have whined about KoF's asset reuse for decades. Because it's always about presentation for people who will never actually play any of these games for longer than an hour.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:20 am Reply with quote
Murder, She wrote:

It's also surprising that most of the new characters from The King of Fighters XV weren't invited back.

Who from KOF XV weren't invited back?
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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:48 am Reply with quote
The system changes to this game seem pretty promising, after the dumb stuff in XIV (EX Moves only in MAX, puke) and the obnoxious Hyper Drive combos in XIII. Wow, EX moves finally cost less than a full super bar, like a reasonable freakin' game! I'm also glad MAX Mode works somewhat more like it did in the olden days, although I'm unsure of how useful it actually is (two bars to activate...?)

It feels like the last few KOFs have had shortcomings probably stemming from having to redo everyone all over again in a completely new style, this one included. Now that they seem to finally have a solid, repeatable foothold, I wonder how things will go from here.
enurtsol wrote:
Who from KOF XV weren't invited back?

(Assuming this is a serious question and not just pointing out a typo)
For the characters who were new in 14: Sylvie Paula Paula, Mian, Nelson, Zarina, Bandeiras, Gang-Il, Alice, Nakoruru, Mui Mui, Love Heart, Xanadu, Hein, and Najd (DLC).

Regular characters who were in 14 but are absent now: Goro, Mature, Vice, Kim, Chang, Choi, Kensou, Chin, and Oswald (DLC). There's also Tung, who was in the PS2 version of KOF 11.

We know Geese, Billy, Yamazaki, and Rock are coming back as DLC (the latter two were 14 DLC).
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Joined: 21 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 1:19 pm Reply with quote
While I get that overall this is a positive review and that not many are big series fans like I am, this review still felt awkward to read because I disagree with several points.

chrisb wrote:
Kinda reminds me of the Nicktoons brawler that came out last year. Technically great but lacks the charm that made the previous games fun. Some of the stages in KoF XV look downright depressing due to bad art direction.

It's hard to call a game bland when it has a hero who delivers giant ice ghost-punches with one hand and fire strikes with the other, but longtime fans of the series will find everything just a little less energetic; staples like Athena's perky magical-girl mannerisms and Iori's three-part victorious cackle seem lifeless here.

Hard disagree. The game is brimming with personality and for the first time SNK was actually able to translate their art into 3D well. The fact that they managed to capture it this time around is a big selling point. Again, to say that it lacks energy or isn't charming is something I don't agree with; game looks fantastic.

The King of Fighters XV sure tries, though. It strings together the three major arcs of the series, integrates the ancient evils of the early Orochi Saga, nods at the clone technology of the Nests Saga, and brings back the Ash Crimson Saga that actually seemed to wrap up nicely in The King of Fighters XIII. And since fighting games operate on the same elastic mortality as superhero comics, The King of Fighters XV is free to bring back familiar faces like the eponymous Ash and the entire Orochi team of Chris, Yashiro, and Shermie.

Why reference the previous 3 sagas but only allude to the resurrection plot of this new saga in a roundabout way? It's strangely indirect.

graffiti artist Isla appoints herself as Shun'ei's fierce and inexplicable nemesis

It actually is explained. Granted, it isn't Shakespeare and I don't expect every player to go seek out the supplemental material detailing her background, but there is dialogue in the in-game Story Mode that clearly explains what her deal is. BTW, Isla is awesome & KOF XV's true MC.

To that end, The King of Fighters XV openly invites fresh or inexperienced players. The automatic combo system of the previous game is refined and expanded upon here: repeatedly pressing one button will make your character launch a string of hits and, if they connect, end it with a special move free of any taxing input.

Why does this get mentioned without explaining how the auto-combo system was expanded upon from XIV to XV? Not to nitpick, but it is a primary gameplay feature. Also, no mention of Draft Mode? That's a unique online mode worth a mention (no mirror matches allowed).

The review also kinda undersells how much effort SNK put into this game. The result is an entry that fans are loving so far because the system allows for flexible player expression & the cast feels unleashed rather than restrained.

Anyway, gripes with the review aside I want people to know that XV is arguably the best KOF has ever been and one thing we do agree on is that you're not going to find a better time or game to get into KOF with than this one.
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Chris Handsome

Joined: 07 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 8:02 am Reply with quote
Max Mode in this game is taken straight from 98, and the "new" Shattering Strike is the Guard Attack from 12, a game nobody should ever speak of again.
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Joined: 20 Aug 2023
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 3:49 pm Reply with quote
I'm thrilled to see KOF XV revitalizing the series with its engaging gameplay mechanics and a visually appealing transition to 3D. While there might be varying opinions on certain elements, it's undeniable that SNK's effort to capture the essence of the characters and their unique abilities is commendable.
The inclusion of familiar faces and the weaving of different sagas creates an exciting narrative for both long-time fans and newcomers. The improved accessibility for fresh players and the refined automatic combo system enhance the overall experience.
KOF XV indeed supports the theme of evolution while preserving the heart of what makes the franchise iconic.
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