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The Drops of God: Towards a Classier Foodgasm

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Joined: 23 Mar 2007
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Location: London
PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 9:11 am Reply with quote
I read the whole thing of this having bought a few of the issues Vertical put out a while back and reading the rest on Kindle using my Prime membership.

Yeah. It gets a bit ludicrous in places, on top of which I know next to nothing about wine and drinking really good wine would be lost on me, but overall I enjoyed it and would hope the sequel gets out before too long.

Oh, and spoiler for the 12th apostle spoiler[it does take the impeding deaths of two women to inspire the two guys to their choice of wine, which is a bit much! ]
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Gilles Poitras

Joined: 05 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 9:14 am Reply with quote
Decanter, a major wine magazine, even interviewed the authors.

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Lord Geo

Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 10:07 am Reply with quote
I honestly enjoyed the four omnibuses that Vertical put out years back, so it's cool that the entirety of the original series is available in English digitally. Considering its length though, and the unfinished nature of its "ending", I'm not sure if I'll ever got & read the remainder of it digitally.

However, it is interesting to note that Ed Chavez, formerly of Vertical, has made no efforts to hide his utter disdain for Drops of God. He's publicly admitted that it was a manga that was forced on Vertical by Kondasha Japan, with likely the same happening with Kodansha USA, and that it literally is used in Japan as a way to advertise & promote specific wines, which I can see the logic of.

Most food-based manga focuses on general products or creations, very rarely bringing up actual labels & brands, but by its very nature Drops of God kind of has to talk about real-life wines. So if the manga is popular with its readers, which it obviously is, then actual reputations of specific wines can be at stake, depending on how they're received by the characters in the manga. I mean, if the main characters prefer one type of zinfandel over another, then it could influence readers to only buy the one that was preferred, even if the other wine is perfectly fine, in its own way.

Because of that, it is possible that there could be some sort of "ad buying" going on with the manga, with the creators possibly having to write positive things about certain wines, if you get what I mean. Naturally, this is all just merely speculation, but it is an interesting side of things to look at, because it is kind of unique to Drops of God. Still, as someone who doesn't really drink wine for the most part, I simply enjoyed what I had read as an interesting take on a food manga.
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