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Joined: 05 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:23 am Reply with quote
Nice Column!

I don't own any of these titles- but I really have been waiting for Paradise Kiss Vol 2. It should be out soon then?

What's so Un-cut about Bo^7? It seemed pretty out there on CN....and its kind of sad, i actually made have grabbed this one if not for the dubtitles.

I see he has a lot of boxsets. YAY FOR RVYUIS! I love to see people with that show it was so freakin awesome.

also cool for Dark Angel.

want to have a sleepover? i've got popcorn!

(and yes...yes i am sitting around at midnight waiting for the columns to update. i'm such a loser. ::cries:Smile
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Joined: 14 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:41 am Reply with quote
If you want to watch anime but can't get your mind off Keifer, why not watch Armitage III: Poly-Matrix? It's the only place you'll ever find both Keifer Sutherland and anime in the same place. Very Happy
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:50 am Reply with quote
Fortunately, 24 was there to save me. It was the only thing that filled the void in my heart, with its crazy action and ridiculous suspense. If there was one person who could fill the Mulder/Scully double-punch combo in my life, it was Keifer.

But will he convince you to buy Calorie Mate? Wink

Though, to be frank, I think Batman could kick the crap out of any ninja, any day.

I liked that episode where he encountered a ninja on the Animated Series.
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Joined: 27 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:59 am Reply with quote
britannicamoore wrote:
I don't own any of these titles- but I really have been waiting for Paradise Kiss Vol 2. It should be out soon then?

Paradise Kiss vol. 2 will be released on February 27th. I wish it would be released sooner though.. I enjoyed vol. 1 a lot, and I can't wait to see more of it.

Paradise Kiss is the only title mentioned that I'm going to buy though. I like Naurto, but not enough to buy it. (I'm just watching it on Toonami.) Le Chevalier D'Eon seems very good, but I'm afraid all the historical stuff will just confuse and/or bore me...

I get so jealous when I see DVD shelves filled with anime like that. D: Not only do I not have that many anime DVDs, I don't even really have decent shelves, since I wouldn't be able to fit them in my tiny and cluttered room. But I suppose I should be thankful for what I have.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:05 am Reply with quote
I reeeeally want to see Le Chevalier, so I think I might just go to Tsutaya and rent it, though I'll probably only get the main idea of what's going on. Oh well, I can at least look at the prettiness and practice Japanese listening...

If you like French history or classic literature I'm enjoying the Les Miserables anime so far. Anime smallmouth

Being an exchange student in Japan is awesome in many ways but sometimes I miss understanding everything characters are saying rather than " maybe most of" everything (if I am lucky) and not getting jokes. Gotta study harder~

I loved the early arcs of Naruto, those were the days

I can't wait to pick up Paradise Kiss on DVD.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:13 am Reply with quote
Yay for 24; and we get 2 full hours tomorrow! Life is good.

jgreen wrote:
If you want to watch anime but can't get your mind off Keifer, why not watch Armitage III: Poly-Matrix? It's the only place you'll ever find both Keifer Sutherland and anime in the same place.

Holy crap, must find copy.
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Storm Princess

Joined: 17 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:35 am Reply with quote
I was thinking of getting the Bo-bobo DVD with what was left on my gift card from Christmas. Unfortunately due to the dubtitles...I'll save the money for Keroro Gunso. I'll probably just end up buying the season one thinpack/boxset if any decide to come out between now and when I'm 30....

britannicamoore wrote:
What's so Un-cut about Bo^7? It seemed pretty out there on CN....and its kind of sad, i actually made have grabbed this one if not for the dubtitles.

You'd be surprised. For example S & M with talking tea cups, shonen-ai parodies, a viking in a dress, Bo-bobo posing in a window in a swim suit with Gasser looking at him because Don Patch gave him the binoculars and told him to look...the list goes on. They cut a lot out for TV even though it didn't seem like it.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 4:07 am Reply with quote
I hate having pre-ordered Bo^7, and finding out the dvd's a POS, but it's almost here, so I'll just boycott later releases. It's a shame Illumitamper won't do any exchanges, but since-like OP-fans like myself are more likely to get these shows than the kiddie or Narutard market, it'll be up to fans like myself to put another third-rate company in bed with Toei out of business.Seriously, B'TX only appeals to people who like St. Seiya, Beet only appeals to people who like Dragon Quest, and Bobobo appeals to people who don't like DBZ. So why make niche shows even more niche by alienating their actual market?
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 4:22 am Reply with quote
Dammit, Bobobo was the first R1 anime DVD that I've been interested in collecting in ages, and they messed it up. Though maybe I shouldn't be surprised . . it is a very hard show to subtitle, and I can just imagine them throwing their hands in the air halfway and screaming, "That's it! Dubtitles it is!!" I might just end up buying it anyway since it's still cheaper than collecting R2s. Is the video quality alright?

And Good God, that's a lot of DVDs!! Maybe I'll send in a pic of my gashapon collection sometime, they're just taking up space otherwise. Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 5:37 am Reply with quote
When I was in high school, friends almost always called me at 8pm CT on Sundays, but it was to watch The X-Files together over the phone and make excited, breathless comments to each other whenever something weird happened (or whenever David Duchovny did anything remotely sexy, like maybe stand in the rain or give Scully that "look" or something--yes, I was one of those silly girls who embraced that incredible Bree Sharp song as my personal theme Wink).

Enjoyable column this week, as always. ParaKiss will be beckoning my wallet once again, it seems. Too bad about the Bo-Bobo DVD, since it's one of the few anime series that my fiance and I could watch together with mutual glee. Oh well. That's more money I get to save for ParaKiss.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:38 am Reply with quote
People are getting too concerned over the heavily historical aspects to Le Chevalier d'Eon.

Seriously: you don't need to know a thing about 18th century French history to enjoy this one. Sure, you'll have a fuller experience and even greater appreciation if you know the period and how much real-life history is being brought into the series, but it is absolutely not required for making sense of what's going on or getting into the action and metaphysical issues raised by the series.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:29 am Reply with quote
How disappointing on Bo-bobo. I saw a few episodes subbed, and wanted to keep watching it subbed. What a real downer. These Illumitoon fellows looked good on paper, but it sounds like they can't execute themselves out of a paper bag.

I guess I'll be renting Bo-bobo still, but I'm not happy about not being able to watch it subbed.
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Joined: 25 May 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:27 am Reply with quote
Another good article as usual, unfortunately there's not much that interests me this week. Le Chevalier d'Eon is somewhat interesting but as I'm already collecting 4 ongoing releases I really can't justify a 5th, especially since I have a few series that I need to finish collecting that are already done.

A shame about Bo-bobo, I'm generally a supporter of domestic licensing companies and even dubs but I can't stand it when companies fail to offer the options of subs and dubs in a decent manner. Kids series or not some adults still enjoy them, obvious by the number of disappointed posters who've commented that they'd have purchased the series otherwise, so legit subtitles are still something these companies should strive for.
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Joined: 01 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:56 am Reply with quote
^^ I've been convinced to get Le Chevalier when I have some extra money and room for a new series. Thanks, Shelf Life!
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Joined: 05 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:15 am Reply with quote
i got a chance to see La Chev on youtube before they yanked it (first 9 episodes)...and it is a very impressive story. very well written and explained, you need no degree in french history to understand this series.
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