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NEWS: Anime Today Interviews Carl Macek

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Joined: 20 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:18 am Reply with quote
(WARNING: Rant ahead)

"Shadow Chronicles" this, "Shadow Chronicles" that!

Does HG HONESTLY think that "their" anime movie is going to be a smash, blockbuster, Oscar®-worthy hit?! When in the name of Shoji Kawamori is HG ever going to get over themselves?! It's time they started keeping up with the times, and I'm getting sick and tired of hearing about "Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles" every other day! Get a clue, HG; "Chou Jikuu Yousai Macross" (Super Dimension Fortress...) is what REALLY happened, and not you or anybody else is going to change that! Furthermore, there IS no connection to "Kikou Souseiki Mospeada" (Armored Genesis*...), nor is there a connection to "Chou Jikuu Kidan Southern Cross" (Super Dimension Cavalry...); oh wait, but you knew that already didn't you...! People aren't that stupid anymore, so either get with the program, or step aside so other companies can actually translate anime! Maybe it worked back in "Showa 60", but not in "Heisei 19" (Oh, wait, you wouldn't be familiar with the Japanese imperial calendar, so that would be "1985" and "2007" respectively)! So, as they say in the Army, either "shape up, or ship out", and THAT's the bottom line, because I said so!!

(end rant)

(sigh) Sorry about that, minna-san, but I just need to blow off some steam. I hope no one on ANN takes this personally... Sad

Incidentally, I used the literal translation "Kikou Souseiki" because, I have no idea where this "Genesis Climber" thing came from.

Oh yeah, and when I say "other companies", I mean other companies...that aren't 4Kids. Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 10:14 am Reply with quote
Put your rants somewhere else, please. There's nothing wrong with a company and its affiliates trying to promote their upcoming product. (Especially when they have little else in the pipeline.)

I found the interview to be a fairly interesting puff piece. I always wanted a little more information on Streamline, since they disappeared just before the companies started putting on more of a public face. The idea that the old Streamline VHS tapes sold around 10 times what a show does today was pretty scary.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:20 pm Reply with quote
TheHTRO wrote:
Maybe it worked back in "Showa 60", but not in "Heisei 19" (Oh, wait, you wouldn't be familiar with the Japanese imperial calendar, so that would be "1985" and "2007" respectively)!

Actually, I'm pretty sure Carl is not only familiar with the Japanese imperial calendar, but is also familiar with a good deal more Japanese culture than the average American anime fan.

The man isn't ignorant of Japanese culture, far from it in fact. He merely had a method of localizing (back in the 80s) that is acrimonious to modern day anime fans.

I'm not defending what he did to anime in the 80s, in fact I highly dissaprove of how Streamline and Harmony Gold localized things. I'm just pointing out that it doesn't equate to him being an ignoramous.

On another point, there really is no reason to expect a North American anime producer/director to be familiar with the Japanese imperial calendar. I'm sure most of the directors / producers that you respect aren't familiar with it.

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Joined: 20 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:28 pm Reply with quote
Well, like I said, I was just blowing off steam. I was in a real foul mood earlier today, and like I also said, I was hoping that one one takes this personally (apprantly, you did, jsevakis, and I'm sorry for that). Anyhow, I put a warning, and everything. If I made myself sound like an outraged, fan-person, I apologize.

Look, just don't be angry with me, okay. Also, I suppose I should thank you Tempest for that little "insight" in Macek's character...
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Randall Miyashiro

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:57 am Reply with quote
Back in the 80s (before the first US anime convention) I used to hang out with Carl Macek at Wondercon where I was in charge of the Anime programming. He actually is a fun person to talk I remember his dream was to see Gundam which he absolutely loves brought to the US. I also remember him being really excited about Shurato when it was released. Regardless of what you think of him as a professional, he is without a doubt a big anime fan.

I also became very proficient at adding 25 to figure out the year when I was young since Showa years were pretty common. I believe Newtype magazine wouldn't even have the Western year listed. I don't see the Imperial Calendar used as often these days.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:57 am Reply with quote
Compard to Al Kahn, Macek is a saint.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 10:34 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
Compard to Al Kahn, Macek is a saint.

That's the truth.

Macek's an anime fan that tried too hard to adapt anime to western audiences. He contributed significantly to the growth of North American fandom, and therefore industry. It should also be noted that he handled the English adaptation of numerous anime for ADV, all of which were done according to today's standards...

Kahn's a businessman that wants cartoons for american children to watch. He doesn't care where they come from, and he isn't the least bit interested in marketing them towards a niche market.

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