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Joe Mello
Joined: 31 May 2004
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Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:21 pm
I think Katsucon had the same problem with boozing, but apparently not on the widespread scale.
See, the problem is that a lot of con attendees are college age, so the word "beer" spreads like wildfire. There's the also the fact that it's not their room that they're thrashing, so there's some sense of "not my problem" going around.
It's unfortunate, but it's going to happen with large conventions because it's a place to meet up with people and hang out.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:36 pm
I plan on having a few drinks in my room at A-Kon, but I don't see any need to get out-of-control...after all, sleep will be necessary to make it to all the cool early-morning panels.
Perhaps the one asking the question about DVD releases was confused with DVDs showing up in brick&mortar local Best Buy has had a few copies of Ultra Maniac Vol. 1 sitting around for months, and not a trace of the remaining six volumes. Some stores test out the first disc's sales before deciding to continue keeping it in inventory...I've seen several other titles, like Koi Kaze and Boys Be have the first disc and nothing else show up at Best Buy. The moral is, if you happen upon a non-mainstream niche title at a store, you might be better off ordering the rest of it online.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:59 pm
Erg, why does Answerman bother answering the same questions over and over again? Certainly the column must get other questions!
I've so far identified the following types:
- How can I break into the anime industry?
- When is ___ coming out/going to be licensed? And by __ or__?
- Can I have information on ANN's licenses and their products?
- Is the live-action adaptation of _______ going to be made?
- Will there be a sequel to _________?
People, please. Chances are, if you aren't Japanese, you won't be breaking into the anime industry proper. Maybe you might get involved with an American licensor or become a VA, but that's a shot in the dark.
As for the rant, I was hoping there would be more examples of the discouraging behavior of the con attendees than just loudness. It's expected when any sort of convention or gathering is going on, anime or otherwise. But yeah, it's pretty ridiculous how some people act at cons. But they aren't exactly Mensa gatherings.
Last edited by penguintruth on Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 21 Oct 2005
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Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:10 am
penguintruth wrote: | Erg, why does Answerman bother answering the same questions over and over again? Certainly the column must get other questions!
I've so far identified the following types:
- How can I break into the anime industry?
- When is ___ coming out/going to be licensed? And by __ or__?
- Can I have information on ANN's licenses and their products?
- Is the live-action adaptation of _______ going to be made?
- Will there be a sequel to _________?
People, please. Chances are, if you aren't Japanese, you won't be breaking into the anime industry proper. Maybe you might get involved with an American licensor or become a VA, but that's a shot in the dark.
As for the rant, I was hoping their would be more examples of the discouraging behavior of the con attendees than just loudness. It's expected when any sort of convention or gathering is going on, anime or otherwise. But yeah, it's pretty ridiculous how some people act at cons. But they aren't exactly Mensa gatherings. |
I was pretty much going to say something about Answerman getting badgered with those "Here we go again!" questions, but it seems penguin covered that through and through. Nice.
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Former ANN Editor in Chief
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Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:39 am
You know, I realize I'm a jaded, cynical ass, especially when it comes to young anime fans with pie-in-the-sky dreams of making it in the anime industry, but Lord Almighty...
If that first letter (from the breakdancing pro gamer) wasn't screaming for the return of the "Flake of the Week" section, I don't know what else will.
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Joined: 18 Jun 2003
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Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 2:07 am
That letter actually made my day with the "breakdancing pro-gamer" title... I mean... seriously.
Or could he be possible invented a new form of DDR?
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Joined: 05 Nov 2004
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Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 3:21 am
The thing I don't understand about why so many people want to break into the anime/manga industry (Japanese or American) is that, generally, in both, there is a WHOLE LOT of work involved and the money isn't so great.
Interest and love for something are great, but it can't really keep you in food.
(Yes, I realize that I come off as cynical, but it's exactly what happened to me. I entered the industry all bright-eyed and excited at getting to work at my dream company, not really caring what it entailed, but much abuse, over-use and underpayment have sort of... caused me to lose most of my enthusiasm for manga. I really care way less for it than I did when I started, unfortunately.)
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Joined: 26 Jan 2006
Posts: 374
Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 3:40 am
This awnserman column was a tad too boring for me. As stated above, some of the topics covered are so repetitive. The awnsers are always good but the questions - ONE BIG YAWN!
I really enjoyed the last column on pricing because it's rarely been done.
Please select more original / eccentric questions to awnser like John over at animenation.
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Haru to Ashura
Joined: 13 Jan 2005
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Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 3:43 am
linlinchan wrote: |
(Yes, I realize that I come off as cynical, but it's exactly what happened to me. I entered the industry all bright-eyed and excited at getting to work at my dream company, not really caring what it entailed, but much abuse, over-use and underpayment have sort of... caused me to lose most of my enthusiasm for manga. I really care way less for it than I did when I started, unfortunately.) |
I know this is just really pushing it, but I'm interested on other people's opinions on the comic/manga/whatever industry. Would you care to go into a bit more detail? (Without alluding to personal info, of course.)
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Joined: 03 Nov 2004
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Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:42 am
Suggestion: two things to always point out in answering "I wanna make anime" questions.
1. You will have to move to Japan so learn the language.
2. If you have any, no matter how minor, drug convictions you cannot get a visa to live in Japan.
When I point out #2 at my speaking gigs there are always a few in the audience with stark looks of fear in their eyes.
Gilles "I wanna make anime too" Poitras
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Joined: 08 Oct 2005
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Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:09 am
"[T]here really is no such thing as a job where you just sit around all day and come up with ideas for anime and manga series and then there's no more effort on your part after that. . . . there is no such thing as a job where you simply come up with some idea for an anime series and then someone else makes the show."
While this may be true, it's also tragic. A lttile sympathy would be welcome for those whose dreams are being crushed by a world that only values production, not desire. As far as I'm concerned, every one of these people who write in should be given millions of dollars and a staff of supporters whose sole function in life is to do all the work that their anime and manga plans warrant. I consider them life's victims, thrust from their rightful positions by some unspeakable evil.
And as a fan, I also pity myself that the anime I see is produced by veterans of the industry who, as linlinchan said, have lost their enthusiasm. I want to see the anime that the passionate dreamers want to make.
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Joined: 24 Jun 2004
Posts: 40
Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:42 am
I can't really even SEE the painting in the banner. THere is the text in the way, the face, and the painting is so light-colored
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ANN Executive Editor
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Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:43 am
Steroid wrote: |
While this may be true, it's also tragic. A lttile sympathy would be welcome for those whose dreams are being crushed by a world that only values production, not desire. As far as I'm concerned, every one of these people who write in should be given millions of dollars and a staff of supporters whose sole function in life is to do all the work that their anime and manga plans warrant. I consider them life's victims, thrust from their rightful positions by some unspeakable evil.
What the living..
so now we don't even want to reward hard work and knowledge, every Joe Nobody with a lame idea deserves millions of dollars and a production staff?
liloaznangel wrote: | I can't really even SEE the painting in the banner. THere is the text in the way, the face, and the painting is so light-colored |
Hey, you discovered what makes the contest challenging!
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Joined: 05 Nov 2004
Posts: 286
Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:25 am
Haru to Ashura wrote: |
linlinchan wrote: |
(Yes, I realize that I come off as cynical, but it's exactly what happened to me. I entered the industry all bright-eyed and excited at getting to work at my dream company, not really caring what it entailed, but much abuse, over-use and underpayment have sort of... caused me to lose most of my enthusiasm for manga. I really care way less for it than I did when I started, unfortunately.) |
I know this is just really pushing it, but I'm interested on other people's opinions on the comic/manga/whatever industry. Would you care to go into a bit more detail? (Without alluding to personal info, of course.) |
Well, quite simply put, I was a huge, rabid manga fan a few years ago. I probably own close to 2500 volumes of manga at this point, and while of course I had distinct likes and dislikes, I was still extremely openminded about trying things, reading various things. Not to mention the fact that reading manga was my primary hobby and joy. I was a translator for a little more than a year, and loved it. So, I figured continuing along to actually get a job within a manga company would be a great way to make a steady salary and enjoy what I loved.
Basically, I didn't feel like my expertise was respected there, and I came out of it all with a very disappointed world/corporate view. I had a LOT to offer and every time I tried to offer it, I was told that it was unneccessary, that I was incapable (which is simply not true). There was a lot of red-tape, strange policy and weird bias at every turn that made my work generally difficult, and to top it off, the salary for what I was doing was offensively low. I am rather young and feel that I was offered way less than what I am worth because of my age.
This is by no means representative of every job in the industry, but I have heard similar complaints from other people working for not only the company I worked for, but for other companies as well. A large problem is that many manga and anime companies, as purveyors of a fringe product, seem to be making JUST ENOUGH to survive so things are often tight everywhere and many people just generally seem to have way more responsibilities than their companies can pay them for.
Like I said, though, this is my impression based on my experiences, and not representitive of everything.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2003
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Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:26 am
Lauren here.
What, Zac, "I love to send in rants?" Am I the only one sending any in?? I'm just bored at work and finding things to fuss about that I'm curious to see if you'd actually post in your column. I had a hard time coming up with a rant this week, to be honest, but I've kind of made a stupid goal to figure out something to write about on a regular basis (hey, the editors I work with do it, so I should be able to as well, right?). I don't think I'll share my recent hentai rant, though, even if it would get people's tempers up.
Joe Mello wrote: |
It's unfortunate, but it's going to happen with large conventions because it's a place to meet up with people and hang out. |
The so-called inevitability of bad behavior at con hotels doesn't mean we should throw up our hands and just say, "Oh well, fans will be fans, nothing we can do." People can have a good time without prompting the hotel to send out a warning letter to all congoers about proper behavior.
penguintruth wrote: | As for the rant, I was hoping there would be more examples of the discouraging behavior of the con attendees than just loudness. |
Loudness was only the tip of the iceburg, I thought I made that pretty clear. I didn't want to get into a huge rundown of what exactly was causing the loudness, but it was basically dozens of peolpe crammed into single rooms, music turned way up, people shrieking and yelling, running about in the halls at all hours of the night and generally making a raucous. I did mention the manner in which people were using windows, right? None of this kind of behavior would be acceptable in any place but a frat house.
I was lucky, I was on a really quiet floor, but I guarantee I'd be a LOT more personally ticked off about this if I'd been the one awakened at 3 a.m. by the commotion. (3 a.m.? you're thinking, that's early in the morning! Yes, but I was up until 2 a.m., at least, at con events, so I'm ready to murder anyone who interrupts my sleep mere hours after I've crashed.)
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