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The Mike Toole Show - The Shonen Jump Formula

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Joined: 25 Apr 2017
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 3:48 pm Reply with quote
Whenever I watch a movie for whatever series I read from JUMP, I always go in with a different mentatilty then when I wacth said series' TV show. I see JUMP movies as a celebration of the series and for a movie to be a success for me it needs to give me that feeling that, well, it celebrates what makes us enjoy the series in the first place.

I want to see the cast of characters I love have fun, in a envrionnenment I never read about and with amazing visuals. A movie like TWO HEROES does exactly that. It was pure fun all the way through with the most amazing visual climax I have ever seen personnaly. A real celebration for fans.

I liked many others too. Bleach's Hellverse, Bungo stray dogs dead apple, the OG Naruto movies and the fourth Inuyasha movie to name a few. All these succeed at giving me more great moments with characters that I loved so much with these bombastic visuals.

But I also disliked a few others like HXH movies. Main reason for that is because I feel that the characters don't act how they normally would which breaks the exprience. Shippuden also didn't get many good movies beside the canon ones.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 3:58 pm Reply with quote
I must say that there is something gloriously messy about those promotional posters.
Tessellation, coordination and restraint are missing, and the resulting collage is a stimulating hotchpotch. Presumably, the children who saw them were expected to linger for a while just to ascertain which characters were present.
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John Thacker

Joined: 28 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:41 pm Reply with quote
Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer is the obvious choice, but I am still going to choose it.

Arguably all Mamoru Oshii movies have something in common with this, considering how they tend to be a bit side to the original work.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:42 pm Reply with quote
The first Inuyasha movie will always hold a very special place in my heart since it was the first of its kind I'd ever seen. That being said, my favorite one I've seen recently is the Boruto movie. It was a great burst of nostalgic fun and it was great to be back in Konoha again, on the big screen, so I'm glad the actual TV show is a thing.
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TdFern 87

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:51 pm Reply with quote
I get that movies like these are to just cash in on the popularity of a series but they really are boring. The only good come of it is the action itself and the music used in it such as One Piece Films like Strong World and Z.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:08 pm Reply with quote
For me, One Piece Film Z is a step above every OP movie other than the Mamoru Hosoda one, which isn't recent (and everyone knows that one is really good). Just about the only thing it gets wrong is that the Strawhats' dialogue is very "Flanderized", the characters are boiled down to their basics and there's a lot of jokes about the character traits they're known for. Other than that though, I think Z is a really good villain, better than Gild Tesoro whose backstory is something we've seen before in OP. The movie is epic, and utilizes canon side characters in a better way than Strong World and Film Gold, where they amount to glorified cameos. There isn't a new female character that needs to be protected, just a family of people that shows up for exposition or something, I don't really remember because they don't matter that much which is cool.

The MHA movie really disappointed me. It looks like the series, uses the same music as the series, and the worst thing is that the arc that the anime will start off season four with is actually REALLY similar to this "Shonen Jump movie formula", in a way that makes this movie feel even more redundant.
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Devil's food cake

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:23 pm Reply with quote
TdFern 87 wrote:
I get that movies like these are to just cash in on the popularity of a series but they really are boring. The only good come of it is the action itself and the music used in it such as One Piece Films like Strong World and Z.

InimitableUman wrote:
For me, One Piece Film Z is a step above every OP movie other than the Mamoru Hosoda one, which isn't recent (and everyone knows that one is really good). Just about the only thing it gets wrong is that the Strawhats' dialogue is very "Flanderized", the characters are boiled down to their basics and there's a lot of jokes about the character traits they're known for. Other than that though, I think Z is a really good villain, better than Gild Tesoro whose backstory is something we've seen before in OP. The movie is epic, and utilizes canon side characters in a better way than Strong World and Film Gold, where they amount to glorified cameos. There isn't a new female character that needs to be protected, just a family of people that shows up for exposition or something, I don't really remember because they don't matter that much which is cool.

Film Z had really bad pacing and I strongly disagree that it utilized its side characters well since its a movie about the Marines yet they play the exact same role they also do in the series and they don't contribute to much of anything. Yes yes the title villain Z is a good antagonist (in fact that's one thing OP movies does well circa Strong World is that the villains are very memorable unlike so many other SJ movies) but it doesn't have much to offer. I agree with Mike that GOLD was a step up and was much better paced with all the Strawhats having something to do (no useless tidbits like Nami, Chopper and Robin becoming children) and it was more of a heist movie than an adventure one and even the obligatory OC female was decent.
The MHA movie really disappointed me. It looks like the series, uses the same music as the series, and the worst thing is that the arc that the anime will start off season four with is actually REALLY similar to this "Shonen Jump movie formula", in a way that makes this movie feel even more redundant.

That arc and the movie had nothing in common.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:36 pm Reply with quote
I thoroughly agree that Baron Omatsuri And The Secret Island is fantastic. Another film in this vein I must mention is the Ao no Exorcist movie, which is an exemplar both of the "nothing that happens in this movie really matters" philosophy of such films and a bang-up, surprisingly emotional wild animation fest.
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Joined: 29 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:59 pm Reply with quote
Some Shonen Jump movies thrive on being accessible and brisk, but the MHA movie feels like a true-fans-only affair to me.

I spent my second viewing of the movie (yes, I loved enough to see it twice) sitting next to two strangers who weren't the slightest bit familiar with the main series. They apparently really liked it, and even commented afterwards that they had zero trouble following the story or understanding the characters.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:36 pm Reply with quote
Would you say that the yearly Pokemon movies count? I find them kind of fun and charming, even the bad ones. Not that Pokemon has ever had a big massive plot to begin with, so it's hardly interrupting their adventures no matter what they do or when they do it. I also like how Ash is ALWAYS the chosen one, who only appears every 100, 1000, 555, or 279.8 years and somehow all these odd time dates are just falling into perfect place just for Ash.

I also quite enjoyed the Trigun movie, also basically an extra long episode that I found very enjoyable!
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Joined: 02 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:19 pm Reply with quote
I think One Piece's story lends itself well to movies, given it's one grand adventure and more feasible for the characters to wind up on any given new area and such. My favourites are Strong World (OP at its purest, highest quality and fine tuned), Baron Omatsuri, and Clockwork Island Adventure which gives each of the crew members something to do (was just the first 5 at the time) and has some neat aesthetics and convincing world building, quite fun.

Speaking of aesthetics, the first Bleach movie has this polished, willowy, autumnal look, with Senna's zanpakuto bringing about big tornadoes with leaves flying around and such, I dig her design, the Blanks and Ganryu the villain and all, pretty cool.

I haven't seen the 2nd Saint Seiya movie, but I heard someone make a great case for the 3rd one (the only feature length one still barring the weird epilogue one I think) and yeah it's pretty neat, got some high production values, bit of symbolism and just a lot of stylish direction and such, not really a fan of Saint Seiya, but that's probably the best thing I've seen out of it myself.

What else...I like the 3rd Inuyasha movie for giving Sesshomaru more spotlight, my favourite character. The first Bardock Special for DBZ was great, also like Bojack, Broly 1, Fusion Reborn and Wrath of the Dragon, maybe first Cooler movie. Mike mentioned Urusei Yatsura, only seen the 2nd film, but I think I read it was Mike or Justin or someone say there's a pretty avant garde one in there, so that has me curious.

But yeah, I enjoy silly one off shonen films, easy short bursts of entertainment.
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Stuart Smith

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:34 am Reply with quote
classicalzawa wrote:
Would you say that the yearly Pokemon movies count? I find them kind of fun and charming, even the bad ones. Not that Pokemon has ever had a big massive plot to begin with, so it's hardly interrupting their adventures no matter what they do or when they do it. I also like how Ash is ALWAYS the chosen one, who only appears every 100, 1000, 555, or 279.8 years and somehow all these odd time dates are just falling into perfect place just for Ash
To be fair, that was mostly a 4Kids dub add in, like with the dub of Revelation Lugia changing the whole theme to be about 'the power of one person' and 'the world will turn to Ash' despite everyone helping out in that movie and nothing of the sort being mentioned in the original. The movies got more accurate when TPCI took over, although they still changed the OST. The latest two movies are non-canon, though.

Clockwork Island Adventure is also one of my favorite One Piece movies, for similar reasons as mentioned. Beautiful aesthetics, and everyone got a chance to shine in it. It also had that fun little dance short with Jango in it which was catchy.

But my favorite movies based on a shounen property are the Detective Conan movies. They're always fun little thrillers that have higher-stakes than the TV series, and they're usually canon to the series, at least I treat them as canon unless otherwise stated, since Aoyama said he used one of the movies to make a big reveal that he couldn't do in the manga. I also like that backstory with Kogoro and Eri in The Fourteenth Target because it's really interesting.

Funnily enough, tokusatsu movies are usually required viewing if you want to follow the plot of the series. They usually introduce plot points and special powers that make their way into the Super Sentai and Kamen Rider series they're based on. For example, if you don't watch the 3 Gokaiger movies, you'll actually miss quite a few major plot events. It can lead to TV only viewers to be a bit confused. I suppose that's why Dragon Ball Super decided to adapt the Battle of Gods and Resurrection of F movies at the beginning, just in case viewers never saw them since they were also required viewing.

-Stuart Smith
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:26 am Reply with quote
classicalzawa wrote:
Would you say that the yearly Pokemon movies count? I find them kind of fun and charming, even the bad ones. Not that Pokemon has ever had a big massive plot to begin with, so it's hardly interrupting their adventures no matter what they do or when they do it. I also like how Ash is ALWAYS the chosen one, who only appears every 100, 1000, 555, or 279.8 years and somehow all these odd time dates are just falling into perfect place just for Ash.

I also quite enjoyed the Trigun movie, also basically an extra long episode that I found very enjoyable!

the problem is that the pokemon movies ARE NOT & never will follow the basic shonen jump formula so it will always stick with the cheesy tropes along as gamefreak and nintendo are in charge of the franchise and its main 7-12 yr old audience dont abandon it!!!!

luckily the one piece movies will not have to worry about those issues since they definitely follow the same formula as the TV series.

the problem is none of us in the US market will probably ever see them excluding of course movies 8 and onward since its becoming more and more obvious that funi will not be licensing movies 1 to 7!!! too much time have passed to do so!!!
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Joined: 01 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:45 am Reply with quote
I'm just a simple woman. I saw All Might getting hog-tied in skintight spandex in the trailer, I put down $12 to watch that on the big screen, and I was not disappointed. Yeah it wasn't really any more fulfilling than the popcorn I was eating, but I didn't expect it to be. A movie can be as formulaic as it wants as long as it remembers to be a fun watch and you go in just wanting to be entertained.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:48 pm Reply with quote
But Shonen Jump used their theatrical event, usually called the Jump Super Anime Tour, to create a number of really neat spectacles—along with using the festival to debut anime versions of popular shows like Naruto and Prince of Tennis

I don't know why, but now I want to see a zany all-star tennis ninja battle crossover between these two franchises. XD

John Thacker wrote:
Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer is the obvious choice, but I am still going to choose it.

It's funny how that movie is much beloved in the U.S., but utterly despised by Rumiko Takahashi and the Urusei Yatsura fandom in Japan.
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