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Necros Antiquor

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:26 pm Reply with quote
I'm not that knowledgeable about Robotech beyond the information about its original three stories (and the original anime series they were made from), so could someone clarify this for me? After all these years, they're making another Robotech series from all-new animation? Is this a series that is Robotech-continuity for both Japan and America, or is this just another anime that has been adapted and rewritten to fit into Robotech continuity?

Finally, is anyone else sad that all the space battles don't even attempt to disguise the fact that they are CG like Gundam SEED did?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:43 pm Reply with quote
This is an all-original project by both Harmony Gold and Tatsunoko, with animation produced by Korean-based DR Movie. IIRC, Tatsunoko may probably market this new series in Japan as a sequel to Genesis Climber Mospeada, since majority of the mecha come from that series.

As far as the animation quality goes, I'm pretty disappointed. The character designs are too plain and the CG work is not detailed enough. At least it's better than Robotech II: The Sentinels.
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Joined: 14 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:29 pm Reply with quote
Is it just me or does it look like the third saga? The one set during Sentinels, but on earth...

Aka where they send a mission back to earth from the sentinels base (& the home fo the masters) only to find earth has been claimed by the Invid? Cause I could have sworn that's what GCM's animation was used for... The tiny bits of story they mention all match what I remember of that arc in the story...

I've read the books more recently than I watched the series, but I could have sworn this was done before...
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Joined: 21 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:18 pm Reply with quote
TheShadow99 wrote:
Is it just me or does it look like the third saga? The one set during Sentinels, but on earth...

Aka where they send a mission back to earth from the sentinels base (& the home fo the masters) only to find earth has been claimed by the Invid? Cause I could have sworn that's what GCM's animation was used for... The tiny bits of story they mention all match what I remember of that arc in the story...

I've read the books more recently than I watched the series, but I could have sworn this was done before...

To clarify some things for everyone.
This takes place just after the third story arc known as the invid.The mecha are from invid and the Sentinels(more precisly that all the mecha are from the Sentinels period but comes back to the earth with the various reclaimantion forces..intially juptier divison and then the mars division).
This new storyline has not been ever done before.It is all brand new.There might be characters from the Sentinels storyline though.
There was a game done for after the invid series that was done by Palladium books for the robotech world but that is a different story arc.

Last edited by hikura on Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:31 pm Reply with quote
I wonder if any Japanese artists worked on it.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:51 pm Reply with quote
FYI, hikura, it's Sentinels. "senitles" isn't even a real word.
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Joined: 26 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 11:27 pm Reply with quote
This movie is a direct sequel to the end of the 85 episode Robotech series. Would this be the first one though?

Also, what happened to Lisa?
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:06 am Reply with quote
It looked ok to me. At least the CG doesn't look as bad as Vandread. The space battles are going to be huge.
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Joined: 20 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:38 am Reply with quote
There's something I don't understand however. Now that ADV is making available the original Japanese versions of the three shows in question, why is it still necessary for HG to keep making future "Robotech" projects? I mean, times were different in 1985. Back then, we had to pretty much take what we could get. Now that the original JPN shows are avaliable, doesn't that technically invalidate the whole Robotech thing? Let's say some company (in a ficitonal scneario) was releasing the original JPN versions of Go Lion and Dairugger XV. It would be like WEP continuing to make "Voltron" related material even though we now what "really" happened in those shows.

In any case, did HG only allow the original JPN versions released just for the sake of comparision, or something like that? If so, then that would mean that the "real" focus is still on Robotech even though we now know that the three shows aren't connected in any way (well, we've technically known that for some time, but you know what I mean, right?).
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 8:29 am Reply with quote
TheHTRO wrote:
There's something I don't understand however. Now that ADV is making available the original Japanese versions of the three shows in question, why is it still necessary for HG to keep making future "Robotech" projects? I mean, times were different in 1985. Back then, we had to pretty much take what we could get. Now that the original JPN shows are avaliable, doesn't that technically invalidate the whole Robotech thing? Let's say some company (in a ficitonal scneario) was releasing the original JPN versions of Go Lion and Dairugger XV. It would be like WEP continuing to make "Voltron" related material even though we now what "really" happened in those shows.

In any case, did HG only allow the original JPN versions released just for the sake of comparision, or something like that? If so, then that would mean that the "real" focus is still on Robotech even though we now know that the three shows aren't connected in any way (well, we've technically known that for some time, but you know what I mean, right?).

Because Robotech is a more recogniseable name than any of the three originals, if only for nostalgia's sake. On top of that, making a Robotech thing and not a Macross thing would mean they wouldn't HAVE to interact with Japanese companies, who can be extremely fickle and irrational.

And while Robotech was a creation of desperation, it stands on it's own two feet as it's own universe/project, and so continuing it wouldn't be such a problem.

TL;DR- Robotech =/ Macross/Mosepedea/Southern Cross, but was born from them, so more Robotech is okeydokey.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:33 am Reply with quote
areaseven wrote:
FYI, hikura, it's Sentinels. "senitles" isn't even a real word.

A simple note saying i misspelt a word would have been fine not kinda a snarky comment.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 11:59 am Reply with quote
This project is typical of HG's handling of RT.

Milk it for all it's worth.
Don't believe me? How many rereleases of RT have we seen already?
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:59 pm Reply with quote
about 6 in the last 5 years. Well, there's an explanation for that (I think). Confused

1. The first set of RT DVDs had terrible picture quality and lots of people were complaining about it. So they released the Remastered DvDs.

2. Macross, Southern Cross and Mospeada were released on DvD because the American fans might have demanded it.

3. The re-re-release of Macross? I'm really not sure why, but it could be because the DVDs released by animeigo only had a japanese language track or the english track really sucked.

As for Shadow Chronicles, I'm actually looking forward to this latest adventure in the RT saga. I hope it doesn't suck.

Is that Batou I hear in the trailer?
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 4:45 pm Reply with quote
I saw the UN trailer at the last Sakcon, and they've posted a list somewhere of their voices. Luke Skywalker is one of the voices. Lotsa talent, and the voices have been done for like a year and a half.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:56 am Reply with quote
Celebrity voices don't always make a better product. Take Armitage III: Poly-Matrix, for example. Elizabeth "I can't do anything after Showgirls" Berkeley does not belong anywhere near a mic. Mark Hamill's performance as the Joke in Batman: The Animated Series is priceless, so his role in this new series shouldn't be too bad. Don't know about Chase Masterson, though, as she hasn't done anything remotely groundbreaking.
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