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Hey, Answerman! [2005-10-14]

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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:00 am Reply with quote
ok last week you said naruto is being pronounced right in the cartoon network butcher version and you need to know that you are wrong, also what they did to naruto is a travesty and a crime, they made it into a show for kids, it is a show for adults. you should publisdh this letter and also correct your old answer, they do not pronounce naruto right.

I pray this person was just looking to get posted as the flake. Seriously, people can't be THAT stupid...right?
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Joined: 08 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:01 am Reply with quote
DANG! TUTU is up for grabs this week! I do have a copy though... but man, that's awesome!

Especially considering that the second volume comes out next month.
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Joined: 13 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:01 am Reply with quote
I haven't been on this forum much lately, but I'm glad someone said something about the whole fansub vs american industry, good job Zac.

Berserk 2nd Season? Ugh, this is like one of the 10 ten most ask question of all time. Maybe there should be a FAQ, so you woldn't have to answer all the same old question every time.. The Berserk manga is so much better too.

Also Narutards always crack me up. Once I read part about "Naruto aim at adults" I couldn't even take the comment seriously. And hey, my little 10 year old nephew and all his buddies seem to love this show on CN. I don't think they really care if Naruto was pronounce incorrectly or if blood was gushing out of the teacher's nose, they just enjoy all the "cool" fighting and "neat" special techniques.

Last edited by darkhunter on Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:10 am; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 15 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:05 am Reply with quote
The stupidity of the Narutards make me ashamed to admit I actually enjoy Naruto.
But the 'anthology obviously targeting children' is both true and untrue....as Shonen Jump is also the home of Ichigo 100%, a manga which has the same humour and 'level' of 'things' as Love Hina, which never gets called a 'children's manga'.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:10 am Reply with quote
There are episodes of The Smurfs that deal with death and abandonment; something tells me you wouldn't argue that The Smurfs is a mature show for mature adults who are mature.

that and Hidden Leaf village was never firebombed:

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Joined: 04 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:29 am Reply with quote
championferret wrote:
The stupidity of the Narutards make me ashamed to admit I actually enjoy Naruto.
But the 'anthology obviously targeting children' is both true and untrue....as Shonen Jump is also the home of Ichigo 100%, a manga which has the same humour and 'level' of 'things' as Love Hina, which never gets called a 'children's manga'.

But it is a magazine targeted mainly to the 10-13 boys demograph, IIRC, even though it has series that a lot of people outside of that demograph enjoy. The fact it has series that look like their for an older crowd doesn't change the fact its marketed to a young audience.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:30 am Reply with quote
Zac, I'd just like that thank you for answering a question that has been on my mind for ages: how to break into anime-related journalism.

Thankfully, it's a lot easier than I imagined (well, if I want to work for Newtype, anyway Wink Does Protoculture Addicts work more like Newtype USA or more like Anime Insider when it comes to freelancers, by the way?). I've always been interested in journalism, and being able to combine that with one of my favorite hobbies is something I've had a desire to do for years. Very Happy

Hey, what if you have, say, skills like speaking more than one language (I do plan to study Japanese), or knowledge of a particular franchise or its background (for instance, if you did your journalism thesis or whatever on the Shinsengumi and AI has an anime whose story is based on them, or if you wrote a book about WWII's effect on Japan and the magazine is doing a retrospective on Barefoot Gen or Grave of the Fireflies), or a connection to somebody (like a translator, maybe) that allow you to do specific stories more or in more depth than others would, would you get paid a little extra for that? My gut says yes (at least in certain circumstances, such as being able to interview someone in Japanese and translate it to English), since it's a service not everyone would be able to provide, but I figured I'd ask since anime journalism got brought up like that. Wink

This column made me very happy this week, actually, because I'm trying to start a Japanese Club at my college, and if I succeed, one of the things I wanted us to do in it was have a print or online club magazine. The information you give in the column indicates that I could use writings for the Japanese Club's magazine as a writing sample quite easily, or even for that matter use some of the old articles I wrote for my old high school newspaper. Smile

Oh, one thing I'd like to note, though: I believe CPM's Gogai! Gogai! magazine actually takes submissions from fans. I think all you have to do is send a query, or maybe just the article even (I would definitely double-check this before trying to submit anything, though). No writing samples required, though. Smile Since any writing published can be used to pad one's resume, especially when it's related to the stuff the magazine you're pitching to or wanting to work with writes about, you might want to include that as well. I think I could dig up my PDF issue of Gogai! Gogai!, if you'd like...

And that kitten... so... darn... cute! Anime hyper Where do you find such adorable pictures, or do you take them yourself?

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Joined: 25 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:32 am Reply with quote
Narutards will forever be a source of entertainment. Lets just sit back and watch as these people openly admit that they are a few cans short of a six pack.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:41 am Reply with quote
Answerman wrote:
These people live in a fantasy world that does not exist outside the internet.

Yes that is right. Fansubbing is an international operation that can only be done on the Internet.

Answerman wrote:
They behave as though the ultimate show of affection and support for someone's art is to steal it, slap your lame fansub group name all over the title sequence (Like #ANIME-SOX PRESENTS CHRONO CRUSADE)

I guess you are forgetting the 99% of fansubbing groups who remove their releases after the mentioning of a license.

Answerman wrote:
use gaudy fonts and half-assed translations to subtitle the show and then give it to as many people as possible for free.

Half-assed? Gaudy? Have you seen fansubs? And if fansubbers aren't fans, why would they work their asses off for several hours poring over vdub filters, ssa timing schemes, and karaoke? Fans? Oh yes I think they are fans.

Last edited by ladholyman on Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:42 am Reply with quote
^ Agreed. Like I said in the forum last week, even if "Naruto" isn't pronounced 100% correctly, it's still pretty close and a lot better than it could have been.
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Joined: 13 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:50 am Reply with quote
ladholyman wrote:

Half-assed? Gaudy? Have you seen fansubs? And if fansubbers aren't fans, why would they work their asses off for several hours poring over vdub filters, ssa timing schemes, and karaoke? Fans? Oh yes I think they are fans.

They do it so simple-minded guys like you would adore them and admire them. Nowadays, fansubbing seem more like a popularity contest.

Answerman wrote:
I guess you are forgetting the 99% of fansubbing groups who remove their releases after the mentioning of a license.

The last time I checked, Naruto is still being fansubbed by 3 or 4 different groups and every episode are still available on torrent. Gash Bell also still being fansub? Your 99% theory isn't true. If one group drop, another one pick it up.
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Joined: 23 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:08 am Reply with quote
Ahh, thank you so much for the commentary on fansubs! It drives me crazy when people start ranting about how official translations are "wrong" because fansub group x or scanlation group y did it differently. Even better considering that the people who complain invariably don't know Japanese. Anime hyper

Personally, I think there's a use for fansubs. There's been at least one series that I'm fanatically into (i.e. buying as much as I can afford) that I probably never would've been interested in had a friend not talked me into downloading some fansubs. And similarly, series that are out of print or otherwise almost completely unknown can get exposure that way, and possibly even become enough of a hit to be a profitable liscence.

But even so, fansubs certainly aren't an end-all holy grail of anime. Just a practice that just barely manages to avoid serious legal trouble because it still has a few merits...

ladholyman wrote:
I guess you are forgetting the 99% of fansubbing groups who remove their releases after the mentioning of a license.

And I guess you're forgetting the many who don't. I know there were at least 3-4 groups subbing FMA after it was liscenced, even at the very end of the series there were several still on it. And as already pointed out, there's the cases like Naruto, One Piece, and once someone picks up Bleach, I'm sure that won't stop the fansubs. And evern for series that're finished, it's not hard at all to find torrents if you know where to look.

Half-assed? Gaudy? Have you seen fansubs? And if fansubbers aren't fans, why would they work their asses off for several hours poring over vdub filters, ssa timing schemes, and karaoke? Fans? Oh yes I think they are fans.

I have to agree with Answerman, I personally greatly dislike this silly competition between fansubbers to see who can do the flashiest fonts and karaoke. I understand having both translation and romaji of the Japanese lyrics, but guesing at and adding the kanji as well? Making silly animations to make it sing-along style? Ugh. Just make a file of just the theme and make *that* your sing-along, I don't need that stuff distracting me as I watch the episode. Certain fansubbers apparently need to be information of the Keep It Simple, Stupid principle.

I'm not sure what exactly everyone's defining as "fans" here, but my take on it is that fansubbers may be anime fans, but not necessarily fans of the series they happen to be subbing. They're just doing it because they're fansubbers, and they like the reputation that gives them in the fandom. Not because they're some diehard fan of a given series.
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The Xenos

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:08 am Reply with quote
Wow. Reading this article kinda reminded me why a good deal of anime fans just make me want to stab my eyes out.

As for sub vs dub, yeah, I like to hear what the orginal dub was. I used to be more for subs, but it does get tiresome after a while. Plus, I want to see it like they air it in Japan. They don't air it with subtiles over there. Their air it dubbed in a language that the audience can understand. So those who argue that subs are superior need to STFU. Both have their pros and cons. Like you said, the dual audio DVD is moot.

Of course, there's the whole issue of fansubs themsevles. They're not a replacement for the legit US DVD. Unless they totally screw up the DVD and aren't redoing them (I'm thikning Airmaster, but I haven't heard updates), then the fansubs are not better. You ahve paid professional translators often in comunication with the Japanese creators working on it. I like fansubs, but as a temporary way to check out new shows that are not released here yet.

Oh and that throwing your group's name above the title, adding stupid fonts, even the animated karaoke text is getting beyond stupid and is a waste of effort.

And then there's the Narutard. Actually, that guy is a bit worse than a Narutard. I know some Narutards as friends and this guy is worse. Actually, they were bitching about the dub too. I told them to go watch 4kids One Piece and STFU.

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Hika Yagami

Joined: 14 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:32 am Reply with quote
I ,for one, enjoyed the Naruto dub. I watch it with my brothers every Saturday. My 2nd youngest brother now likes ramen thanks to the show.
And who cares if they get the pronounciation wrong? The voice actors aren't native Japanese so unless they were given lessons, don't expect things to be perfect! At least they kept the names, unlike some other dubs. Plus I love Sasuke's voice actor. He knows over 5 languages, including Japanese so I think he was perfect for the role.

As for the fansubbing issue, I usually prefer official DVDs. I've been watching the Tokyo Mew Mew fansub for a while and I noticed that they put so many cuss words that aren't even there. They've done every word except for "F", "GD", and the second "D". I don't know if they put them there to make it more cool or what but I think it's unnessicary. The only time I watch fandubs is if there is a strong chance that official DVDs won't come out with subtitles.

Hika Yagami
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Joined: 28 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:33 am Reply with quote
And let's not forget about filesharing. Even after a series has been licensed, it's usually still swapped over services like Soulseek or Kazaa.

Heck, out of curiousity, I typed "anime" into soulseek as a search query.

Every video file that came back, save for one weird hentai clip perhaps?

A fansub of a series not only licensed, but long since on DVD, including:

Tenjou Tenge
Fruits Basket
Cowboy Bebop
Ah! My Goddess!
Serial Experiments Lain
Fullmetal Alchemist
Samurai Champloo

And those were just the ones that EARLY episodes were available on.

Every last one of them is on legal, bilingual R1 DVD with English subtitles, yet all of them were STILL being traded as fansubs over fileshare.

Heck, I saw most of Bebop, Eva, and Lain, and ALL of FLCL on there.

So yeah. I don't think stopping bittorrent distributions or downloads on your site after it's been licensed is going to do anything to stop people from copying it after it's been licensed. They'll just turn to fileshare instead.

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