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NEWS: Synch-Point on I'm Gonna be an Angel Release

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:20 am Reply with quote
I'd be happy to see a mini-box to close off the series. Something along the line of what was done with Saint Tail. I know it's not on a lot of people's list of favorites-but, I enjoyed it, and after YEARS of waiting, would like to see it wrapped up.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:16 pm Reply with quote
They also need to make their older titles more available as well. FLCL for example, certain DVDs are either out of stock and have been for a while, or they're just out of print.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:49 pm Reply with quote
Synch-Point has pretty much made this problem themselves. First they release only one DVD then put the series on hold for a couple of years to work on something else. Even when they S-L-O-W-L-Y start to release more discs they act like they don't have any intention of finishing it. Every time I've asked them about Angel I got a maybe-we-will-or-maybe-we-won't answer. How can they expect people to spend money on a series with no reasonable assurance that it will ever be finished?

Synch-Point: Finish the series and I think you'll see all people who've sitting on their wallets start buying. I will. VIZ finally wised up about Maison Ikkoku, why can't you?
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Necros Antiquor

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 7:30 pm Reply with quote
Know what they need to do? Put those production booklets they discontinued for FLCL back into production and make another artbox for those who missed it. Maybe remix the awesome audio tracks to full 5.1 surround sound a la Evangelion Platinum and Cowboy Bebop Remix. Special incentives like those will draw in anime fans. Or consider releasing all of FLCL on 1 disc at a lower price if the profits are starting to slow down.

The concept of releasing single and boxed sets of different volumes sounds interesting, though. It'd be nice if a long series started out with some individual discs, then released the next discs in sets of 2 or 3, since it's not often that fans buy volumes in the middle of a series. This would help out the tedious process of buying discs one at a time, and would surely help profits for long anime series. (I'm looking at you, Naruto.)
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Joined: 25 Feb 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:16 pm Reply with quote
Wow. Color me cruel, but I have no sympathy for this company. If they are so fly-by-night that they can't afford to release a series they've acquired, then they need to get out of the anime business and leave it to those who can.

Heck, even in the early 90's, when anime companies were much smaller, I don't remember companies buying series and then choking on them. (Unless you count AnimEigo and Urusei Yatsura. But even they put out a ton of volumes before they got off track.)

This really smacks of "we don't know what we're doing".

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 1:11 am Reply with quote
LordRobin wrote:
Wow. Color me cruel, but I have no sympathy for this company. If they are so fly-by-night that they can't afford to release a series they've acquired, then they need to get out of the anime business and leave it to those who can.

Heck, even in the early 90's, when anime companies were much smaller, I don't remember companies buying series and then choking on them. (Unless you count AnimEigo and Urusei Yatsura. But even they put out a ton of volumes before they got off track.)

This really smacks of "we don't know what we're doing".


Took the words out of my... mouth, so to speak. Not being able to afford to release an acquired license speaks of poor planning, and/or gross mismanagement.

I do like the series well enough, and I've seen halfway through it, but by this point, I would have expected to see the whole thing by now. If they go under as a company at this point, I doubt I'd shed a tear.
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Joined: 22 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:41 am Reply with quote
Unrelated to the I'm Gonna be an Angel releases (and the slow releases it will definitely have), it seems that FLCL has gone backordered almost everywhere (even BestBuy.com), and those that do have very limited quantities.

Really, what is going on at SynchPoint?
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Joined: 05 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:59 am Reply with quote
I really want them to finish releasing it because my damn fansubs tapes are looking like crap. Its a fun little show that gets really twisted and dark near the end.
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:42 am Reply with quote
So that's what happened to 'I'm gonna be an angel'.

Does 'Synch-Point' also distribute 'Strange Dawn' as well?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:01 am Reply with quote
*snort* So they need to put a series on hold. That doesn't make them a horrible company, especially considering how oversaturated the anime market is right now, and how hard it is to sell DVDs nowadays. (Honestly, numbers aren't pretty. Not surprising, considering the HUGE amount of titles out there, and all the "Oh I liked this on fansubs, I'm going to buy this!!... when I have the money" folks.)

But that's beside the point. At least Synch Point had the honesty to tell fans what was going on with their product. It doesn't suddenly make them an irresponsible company when they have to put something on hold. Fans barely blinked an eye when ADV put Princess Tutu and indefinite hold and what happened? The internet was filled with "Awwww David, I'm sorry. Hope things get better soon!!! <3 <3 <3" So what's different about Synch Point? Just because they're a smaller company?

Synch Point has always bent over backwards to give fans exactly what they wanted. Incredibly accurate translations, high quality booklets... Hardly a case of "we don't know what we're doing." I'd love to see just how many "I LOVE THIS SHOW I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS SYNCH POINT SUX" people in the US actually bought the show.

Yeesh. I for one hope that their other ventures will be profitable enough to get this series back on track again,and I wish them the best of luck.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:02 am Reply with quote
Chrno2 wrote:

Does 'Synch-Point' also distribute 'Strange Dawn' as well?

No, that's Urban Vision. But they did release another rare volume of Ninja Scroll TV recently.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:44 pm Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
I for one hope that their other ventures will be profitable enough to get this series back on track again,and I wish them the best of luck.

Well, said. I agree. It's not easy being a little company. Hell, considering that titles that CPM has put out over the years and they have had a slowdown for some time. But every now and then they'll release a REALLY old vintage title (ie. 'Outlanders, which is being released by them). They are probably just as small as 'Synch-Point' but they are still around. There are a lot of small companies and they need fan support if they are going to survive. Even if they decided to purchase an odd title that may not interest some fans. After all they had to have some reason for releasing it. And more than likely there are fans that want that series no matter how good or bad it is. I really hope that they can get back on track. It's hard to stay in a competitive business.

Seanb wrote:
No, that's Urban Vision. But they did release another rare volume of Ninja Scroll TV recently.

Ahhhh! Very Happy Thanks on that note.
So 'Urban Vision' is still around. Now that's an old company Smile
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Joined: 09 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:36 pm Reply with quote

Fans barely blinked an eye when ADV put Princess Tutu and indefinite hold and what happened? The internet was filled with "Awwww David, I'm sorry. Hope things get better soon!!! <3 <3 <3" So what's different about Synch Point? Just because they're a smaller company?

That's simple, ADV has credibility. They've messed up in the past but they've always made it good. If you get a reputation for coming through in the end people will believe what you say. David said they're working on getting Tutu out and we have no reason to doubt him.

OTOH, Synch-Point doesn't have much credibility. That doesn't make them a horrible company or a pack of liars. It means that people have no reasonable assurance that their anime money won't end up wasted if they commit to Synch-Point. Of all the people I know who like Angel I'm the only one with all the DVDs. The rest of them gave up and dumped their stuff on eBay. They still want the show but won't buy anything until all the DVDs are released. "I just can't trust them anymore" is what I usually hear. When your customers are talking about you like that you've got a problem.

I've been in business for over 30 years. Synch-Point strongly reminds me of many companies I've seen come and go. They break into the market, put out a great product and within 5 years they're buzzard food. Their failure has nothing to do with the quality of their product. They die because a lack of credibility gives people no reason to do business with them or keep doing it. I hope Synch-Point pulls through because it's sad to see any business go under. That and I want the rest of Angel.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 2:19 am Reply with quote
Seanb wrote:
Chrno2 wrote:

Does 'Synch-Point' also distribute 'Strange Dawn' as well?

No, that's Urban Vision. But they did release another rare volume of Ninja Scroll TV recently.
thought they finished that a while back after all it was only 13 eps.
only took a year or so put our. Im gonna be a angel on the other hand has been what almost 5 years and only 2-3 volumes.

Granted I am glad they finnaly put some word out on whats up.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 3:24 am Reply with quote
linuxguru wrote:

Fans barely blinked an eye when ADV put Princess Tutu and indefinite hold and what happened? The internet was filled with "Awwww David, I'm sorry. Hope things get better soon!!! <3 <3 <3" So what's different about Synch Point? Just because they're a smaller company?

That's simple, ADV has credibility. They've messed up in the past but they've always made it good. If you get a reputation for coming through in the end people will believe what you say. David said they're working on getting Tutu out and we have no reason to doubt him.
That's generally true. Moreover, DLW has stated elsewhere (AOD) that there have been problems on the other side of the Pacific causing the delay here. Additionally, he said he had a preview disc of the second volume dubbed that he planned on promoting at conventions this summer.

OTOH, Synch-Point doesn't have much credibility. That doesn't make them a horrible company or a pack of liars. It means that people have no reasonable assurance that their anime money won't end up wasted if they commit to Synch-Point. Of all the people I know who like Angel I'm the only one with all the DVDs. The rest of them gave up and dumped their stuff on eBay. They still want the show but won't buy anything until all the DVDs are released. "I just can't trust them anymore" is what I usually hear. When your customers are talking about you like that you've got a problem.
This is exactly the type of thing that happens with consistent delays in a release like this. Let's look at the dates of release, shall we?

Volume 1: 04/30/2002
Volume 2: 03/30/2004
Volume 3: 01/04/2005

It's been more than 3 years, and all they have to show for this series is 3 DVD's? I can't blame the fans at this point for being agitated. It's a pretty valid concern if you believe you won't get the rest of the series because the company can't handle themselves.

I've been in business for over 30 years. Synch-Point strongly reminds me of many companies I've seen come and go. They break into the market, put out a great product and within 5 years they're buzzard food. Their failure has nothing to do with the quality of their product. They die because a lack of credibility gives people no reason to do business with them or keep doing it. I hope Synch-Point pulls through because it's sad to see any business go under. That and I want the rest of Angel.

The loss of credibility IMO, is on their shoulders. Something wasn't managed very well somewhere. They got FLCL on Cartoon network. As with other series, stuff shown on CN is typically more profitable than a series with less exposure. As such, it would make more sense that they would have had the capital to get other stuff out there sooner.

Are other companies without guilt in this area? Certainly. If I wanted to look at a delay problem and ADV, I'd point out Kaleido Star: New Wings as an example. Due to time mis-management, and not having enough directors, the dub hasn't been produced for this next DVD.

Delays do happen with other companies. On the other hand, those other companies have other product to show for those delays. Synch-Point has shown no other product due to the delays put on this title, and instead has come just short of admitting financial irresponsibility here.
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