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NEWS: Blood TV Series Scheduled

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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2005 9:10 pm Reply with quote
So...the Blood TV series is going to be aimed at elementary school children? How the hell is that going to work? I mean, the last several series to be placed in this time slot had that demographic in mind, and you'd think that if Blood TV was going to be aimed at the same audience as the rest of the franchise, it'd have the usual late-night time slot that other adult-oriented anime (Berserk, Hellsing, et al) get.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:13 am Reply with quote
That is a very good question Nagisa, and to be honest with you I don't know. DO you think that will mean a less graphic show in your opinion? I think that blood is getting this timeslot because it's such a hot item I hope it's not meant for little kids to be watching it. Also Nagisa when you say "adult-oriented" do you mean like 18+ or just not for your typical ten year old?
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:21 am Reply with quote
18+. Gore aside, just the way the Blood OVA & manga were written have a very adult air about them. It'd almost be like sticking X-Files on Nickelodeon; content aside, it just wouldn't fit because it'd be something kids wouldn't watch. And it was that style of writing that got me interested in the franchise, and initially sparked my interest in this series. Of course, then there's the gore (and for those that read the manga, spoiler[violent lesbian vampire rape]), but that's really secondary in my view. I don't want to see this become some simplified shounen action cartoon about a vampire girl with a sword that hunts down monsters.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 2:21 am Reply with quote
oh dear god, that character design is horrible. what the hell are they thinking?
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 10:14 am Reply with quote
Nagisa wrote:
18+. Gore aside, just the way the Blood OVA & manga were written have a very adult air about them. It'd almost be like sticking X-Files on Nickelodeon;

Yea I guess I see where your coming from on that angle, any idea on where the TV show is going to pick up in terms of the manga? IF they do turn it into your typical shounen that scares me; the design of the characters in the movie were perfect so I hate to see them switch everything that I already love about this series.
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 10:45 am Reply with quote
I hate to say it, but I'm nervous about this too. Blood is one of my favorite franchise, and I have pretty high expections of the upcoming series. To see it watered down visually and content-wise would be very dissapointing.

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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:13 am Reply with quote
tempest wrote:
I hate to say it, but I'm nervous about this too. Blood is one of my favorite franchise, and I have pretty high expections of the upcoming series. To see it watered down visually and content-wise would be very dissapointing.

Well it is TV and not OVA. If the art is like that cover poster at the Encyclopedia, it does look rather sanitized a bit. Also Saya looks like she's a junior high student, I agree if that is the case it just won't be that enticing as the OVA was. Shame there isn't a trailer to get a feel for it.

[update]I just read a review for the Blood manga at Amazon.co.uk and the reviewer basically said that it was nothing more than a doujinshi with erotic lesbian overtones and hardly a "true sequal" of the anime. Is he correct then?
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 2:29 pm Reply with quote
Hmmm, 'Blood the TV series'. I was wondering when they would get around to it. But the character design is a little too "chipper" to be a vampire flick. The story is dark enough. You got Production I.G doing the animation with 'Katsuya Terada's designs. Very dark. But again it still might be one version of it. Unless anyone's read it, who knows why they chose the designs for this installment. Maybe they wanted to do this to fit the manga. But, from what I've seen, possibly the drawings were still on the dark side. There was an artbook for it with work by 'Terada'. But the manga is illustrated by 'Benkyo Tamaoki'. Katsuya Terada is the official character artist on this project. That's why he was fitting for what many thought was a one shot high-production flick.

But hell, if they're designing the lead this way there might a reason to who they are targeting. And school kids might not be the answer. Hahahaha!!

As far as 'lesbian" overtones. Hmm, I always wondered if that were true after watching 'Masquerade'. But hey, do you think vampires really care? Razz Hahahaha!

But I'm curious to see where this series goes. Hopefully people won't judge it too harshly or compare it to much with the OVA. But it is a big design change.
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 3:18 pm Reply with quote
Mohawk52 wrote:

[update]I just read a review for the Blood manga at Amazon.co.uk and the reviewer basically said that it was nothing more than a doujinshi with erotic lesbian overtones and hardly a "true sequal" of the anime. Is he correct then?

I didn't feel that way when I reviewed it but he does have a point. The manga is of a visual style that is often associated with adult doujinshi. But the lesbian erotic overtones are no more out of place here than the homo-erotic undertones in the Vampire Chronicles.

All in all I think it has its own merits as a proper part of the story, much more than some yuri doujin.

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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 5:01 pm Reply with quote
Woah...I did a double-take there for a moment before I realized that it was TBS in Japan, not the "Turner Broadcasting System" channel in America that shows all the old reruns of comedy shows. Embarassed
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 8:03 pm Reply with quote
Chrno2 wrote:
The story is dark enough. You got Production I.G doing the animation with 'Katsuya Terada's designs. Very dark.

The story as it's been depicted so far is rather dark and brooding. The fact that the TV series is being placed in a timeslot reserved for children's action shows causes those of us who became fans of that to be rather nervous.

Also, Katsuya Terada isn't working on the TV series. Or at least it sure doesn't look like his handiwork to me.

Chrno2 wrote:
Maybe they wanted to do this to fit the manga.

The character design being shown for Saya looks nothing like the manga at all. See above.

Chrno2 wrote:
But hell, if they're designing the lead this way there might a reason to who they are targeting. And school kids might not be the answer. Hahahaha!!

Old pedophiles, then? People with gothic loli complexes?

Chrno2 wrote:
Hopefully people won't judge it too harshly or compare it to much with the OVA.

I think people should. This franchise needs more fleshing out in line with the material we've seen thus far to make us understand and appreciate it more. It does not need an alternate, independent retelling for the little kids while the existing rendition remains unfinished. I want to see more of the existing Blood, I don't want to see another type of series entirely.

Mohawk52 wrote:
[update]I just read a review for the Blood manga at Amazon.co.uk and the reviewer basically said that it was nothing more than a doujinshi with erotic lesbian overtones and hardly a "true sequal" of the anime. Is he correct then?

The manga doesn't answer every question & fill in every gap, but it's certainly worthy of recognition. It does manage to flesh things out substantially and explain some of what's going on, so there's still some more than competent plot & character development at hand. The unusual art style and graphic sex & violence being depicted do not invalidate that.
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Joined: 13 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 12:32 am Reply with quote
This reminds me of when they made "The Toxic Avenger" into a kid's cartoon, although this would skew older.
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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 1:58 am Reply with quote
Nagisa wrote:
It does not need an alternate, independent retelling for the little kids while the existing rendition remains unfinished.

Oh please. If you've actually seen any of the shows that have aired in that timeslot, they're hardly just 'little kid' shows, and likewise Blood was hardly some kind mature piece of work - call a spade a spade, it was an animation demo with graphic violence.
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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 2:14 am Reply with quote
Panon wrote:
If you've actually seen any of the shows that have aired in that timeslot, they're hardly just 'little kid' shows,

The producers of at least two shows in that slot have blatantly gone on record as saying they were aimed at elementary school children. And yes, I actually am a huge fan of Gundam SEED & Fullmetal Alchemist, but they're still shounen action shows aimed at young audiences. Fullmetal Alchemist was abnormally intelligent in its writing, and any audience can conceivably enjoy it, but it was still aimed at children.

Panon wrote:
and likewise Blood was hardly some kind mature piece of work

If you take the OVA solely on its own, you halfway have a point. But take it with the rest of the existing franchise, and you have something more adult with a very "gruesome X-Files" feel to it. If this were a proper adaptation of the rest of the material, it would not fit in a 6:00 late afternoon timeslot, end of story.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 9:39 am Reply with quote
Nagisa wrote:

If this were a proper adaptation of the rest of the material, it would not fit in a 6:00 late afternoon timeslot, end of story.
Erm, apart from the short OVA and that one GN. where is the rest of that so called "franchise"? A multi volume manga only released in Japan then? Question
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