I'm thinking about selling at a con but booth prices are really high. AX has 50,000 unique attendees and 100,000 turnstile count. $1200 for a 4 day booth. AM2 I think had 8,000 unique last year and is charging $775.
In contrast, a space at the Rose Bowl Flea market with 15k-20k attendees can be had for $100.
I'd like to sell some unique items that can't be had anywhere else but the booth prices are steep enough for me to wonder if I can even break even from selling an ok amount.
The first thing you have to look at, is that there are at least 3 ways that people can sell things at a con, and you have to see what's available at each con, and what the rules are regarding those.
First, obviously, is the Dealer's Room/Exhibitor's Hall, which you're already aware of.
Second is the Artist Alley, if you're selling things you've created yourself.
Third is Small Press, which I know Sakura-Con has, but I don't know how many other conventions do. Small Press is kinda between DR and AA, more expensive and larger booth than AA, but it's still personally-created work, as opposed to official merchandise. It's mainly for self-published artists.
Whichever is most appropriate for you, your best bet in finding out if its worth it for you is to talk to someone who has sold at a convention in that area. Find out how they judge which cons to go to and what to bring, and how well they attract customers. I can't speak for anyone specific, but I'm sure if you ask around, you could find someone willing to help out a first-time seller, especially if your wares are different from theirs, and less likely to be competing with them.
Your best bet is probably local, newly established and/or smaller conventions. And no offense but "unique items that can't be had anywhere else" that you would consider selling at the Rose Bowl Flea Market would bomb at Anime Expo, you'd be so in the hole so bad that you could set your booth up unattended on the sidewalk all weekend and still be better off.
Types of conventions that you might find some success at if you are selling cool, unique but not anime/cosplay relevant items are sci-fi, comic book and gaming conventions. And besides AX should only be attempted if you are a seasoned anime convention seller. You're literally throwing yourself to the sharks I've you've never had a booth at an anime convention before. It's a completely different ballgame.