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Outlaw Star Question '02 Collection vs '06 Collection?

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Cain Highwind

Joined: 08 May 2006
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PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:23 pm Reply with quote

I was just looking on Amazon, thinking of getting Outlaw Star for my collection (I'm slowly starting to expand my library with "Classic" Favorites of mine) and they have two collections.

The "Perfect Collection" released in 2002 (according to Amazon):

And a "Complete collection" released March of last year:

And so far I can't find any concrete differences mentioned. The Perfect is just a few dollars more and seems to have some nice boxart, but then I'm curious if maybe the newer "Complete" collection is actually a Remastered version" with better Sound and picture as the OS Wiki has a link to a Japanese site mentioning a Remastered DVD release.

Can anyone help me out?

EDIT: I COMPLETELY overlooked that Bootleg on Amazon report, but RightStuf has both versions too.
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PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:55 pm Reply with quote
I happened to own this collection and it's definitely a very nice set. I think that there actually the same set, other then the 06 set being smaller and taking up less shelf space. But other wise I go with the best price, seeing as how there both great deals.
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PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2007 12:09 am Reply with quote
I happen to have the older black set and it seems to be the regular set of the six individual DVDs, which were released in sets of two DVDs per case, with the art box. I assume that the newer version is just a repackaging of the same content but with a lower price. Both are legitimate versions. You shouldn't take the recent report of a bootlegged DVD set on Amazon to assume that the site is completely infested with them. Bootlegs are typically fairly easy to spot, and if you're still not sure, you should review the stickied thread on spotting bootlegs.
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PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 11:44 am Reply with quote
I was looking through this, as I will read anything doing with Outlaw Star. And I noticed when you click on the pictures. It gives you eight different photos to chose from on the left. The first four choices are the legit copies. The last four are the bootleg copies. I know, because I was once swindled with that bootleg version quite some time ago. Rolling Eyes

To the poster, keep in mind that the Anime Legends '06 version is a brick pack version. Usually bricks are just fine, my only warning is that Bandai sometimes has the habit of making its discs double-sided(like on the Blue Submarine No.6 collecters edition), which I personally hate, because it is so much easier to mess up your discs. And in Blue Subs case, the way the discs are actually sitting in the case can cause scratchs if you shake the case to hard. Which sucks because that is a show I don't want skipping around.

Unfortuntly, I don't own that version of Outlaw Star, so I can't tell you what it is like. But I was searching around the web and found this picture of the back cover at DVD Empire. Now it says 3 DVDs, not 6. Which would make sense if they are double-sided it. Now I have also seen companies interchange the words DVD and Volume as well, so there is no way to be sure. All I am saying is take this into account. And if you like doubles as some people do, buy away.
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EVA fiend

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PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 3:40 pm Reply with quote
Dargonxtc wrote:
But I was searching around the web and found this picture of the back cover at DVD Empire. Now it says 3 DVDs, not 6. Which would make sense if they are double-sided it. Now I have also seen companies interchange the words DVD and Volume as well, so there is no way to be sure. All I am saying is take this into account.

The info on the back of that box is a little misleading. I have the 2006 re-issue of Outlaw Star, & I can confirm that the box has 6 DVDs, not 3 as quoted on the back of the box, so when it states 3 DVDs, it actually means three volumes (with 2 DVDs per volume).

As for it being the 'remastered' version, I'm afraid to say that you're out of luck. The set I have was released in March 2006, whereas the remastered version was only released in Japan in Sept 2006.
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Cain Highwind

Joined: 08 May 2006
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PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 12:38 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for the info guys! Smile

Yeah I was kinda curious about that 2006 set because a reviewer at Amazon said that it had 5.1 Sound on it, but unless the boxset is mistaken about that too, it seems to be just regular Stereo

The info on the back of that box is a little misleading. I have the 2006 re-issue of Outlaw Star, & I can confirm that the box has 6 DVDs, not 3 as quoted on the back of the box, so when it states 3 DVDs, it actually means three volumes (with 2 DVDs per volume).

So they aren't double-sided then? Because I tend to not like double sided discs for the reasons Dargonxtc mentioned. If that's the case and the newer set is smaller and thinner, I'll just go with that then since I don't have a lot of shelf space to work with at my place.
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