Plot Summary:
Kurosaki Ichigo is a 15 year old boy that has an ability to see ghosts/spirits. Because of his ability, he is able to meet a female death god (a.k.a Shinigami) named Kuchiki Rukia. To save his family and friends from unwanted soul-eating spirits (Hollows), Rukia transfers her Shinigami powers to Ichigo. As Rukia takes on a human shell, together they solve mysteries involving spirits and hollows until from the spirit world comes 2 other shinigamis explaining that it is illegal to transfer Shinigami powers to humans and Rukia exceeded the time limit to stay in the human world. After they sentence her death for breaking the laws, Ichigo snaps and swears to everyone he will retrieve Rukia by breaking into the spirit world.
Kurosaki Ichigo, a 15-year old boy living in the town of Karakura, has been able to see spirits for as long as he can remember. However, on one fateful day, he sees a shinigami (death god), named Kuchiki Rukia, and his world is changed forever. Assuming the powers of the shinigami to protect his friends and family, Kurosaki Ichigo must take on the difficult job of slaying "Hollows," horrifying beasts that eat human souls, disturbing the balance between the real world and the world of souls - Soul Society.
Kurosaki Ichigo, a 15-year old boy living in the town of Karakura, has been able to see spirits for as long as he can remember. However, on one fateful day, he sees a shinigami (death god), named Kuchiki Rukia, and his world is changed forever. Assuming the powers of the shinigami to protect his friends, Kurosaki Ichigo is drawn into the world of the shinigami. When Rukia is forced to return to her home, Soul Society, under arrest, Ichigo and their friends venture into that realm to save her. What happens to them there, and the events that are set in motion as a result of their arrival, change Ichigo and his friends forever and may have grave implications in both worlds -- human and shinigami. |