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(The) Healer Who was Banished From His Party is Actually the Strongest (TV).

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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2024 12:57 pm Reply with quote

(The) Healer Who was Banished From His Party is Actually the Strongest (TV)

Source: Light Novel (ongoing @ 5 volumes, written by Kagekinoko, illustrated by Kakao Lanthanum)

Demographic: Seinen

Animation Studio: Studio Elle

Genres: action, adventure, fantasy

Themes: isekai

Plot Summary: A healer gets booted from his party because the leader notices he isn't really contributing much to the team. Soon enough, the healer must look for new members to party with. After finding a cute martial artist to work together with, he reveals his secret: while he's a fairly mediocre healer, he actually fights well in close combat. This is the story of a support who's secretly a DPS, and where the entire conflict stems from the fact that he never told his old party he was a DPS.

Air Date & Platform:
October 5, 2024 (Saturday)
Available on: Crunchyroll

Episode Count / Runtime: 12 episodes

Last edited by Tony K. on Wed Jan 01, 2025 8:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2024 5:58 am Reply with quote
For me, this first episode was an okay experience. The female lead, Narsena, is a bit like an overeager puppy, but she seems like an extremely competent fighter for an overeager puppy, and she hasn't actually done anything dumb other than revealing her pouch full of coins in a guild full of people who are basically mercenaries. By which I take it, she comes from a rich family, and it's her first time out in the world at large on her own. So there's some back story to be explored there. For me, her scale has tilted more towards likable than annoying.

As to the male lead, what's up with the name Laust? When I had to google the spelling of Narsena's name, I saw all these sources like IMDB and wiki calling him Raust.. But I have to say, the alternate spelling of Lost is pretty appropriate. If this anime is going to become one that I watch regularly, Laust/Raust is going to have to move a bit beyond being such a narrative block of wood. But it's possible that his progressing beyond his passivity will be the focus of the next few episodes. If I had to guess, I'd say that Narsena's kindness and support will start to get through to Laust/Raust, and then he'll have to step up and be a real partner when whatever circumstances resulted in him becoming an outcast come home to roost.

But I don't have to guess. I just have to watch the next few episodes, and that doesn't feel like a chore.
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2024 1:28 pm Reply with quote
Not an amazing start but the idea of watching more does indeed not feel like a chore. I am pretty curious about how Laust ended up in the situation that he is in. Given the title of the show and what we saw in the first episode does not make him seem incompetent at all. That makes you wonder about his previous party and given the pay revelation it seems like said party treated him badly. Thus it may be a case of him simply not getting a chance to show what he can really do.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2024 3:30 pm Reply with quote
Yup, this is a pretty basic show. Basic art. Basic animation. Basic story. Not substandard mind you, but barely making par in my opinion. The characters aren't particularly complicated either, but they are likable, and this kind of story has become a new standard for a reason. Lots of people enjoy Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song...I mean...anime.

Just to provide some benchmarks, I'd say this one is a small cut above The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids and Beast Tamer, two other mediocre but somehow enjoyable enough examples of this genre, and a cut below the first season of Banished From the Hero's Party though of course these are my subjective opinions.

The anime does leave two questions open that have me kind of curious.

(1) What's this sleeping princess business and why does it sound like it put our MC on these shmuck's radar well before the events of the first episode?
(2) Who's the mentor who apparently took the MC in and trained him to be a low key All Rounder?
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2024 4:51 am Reply with quote
It is indeed a decent one of those. No element of it is anything beyond okay but because it does not do anything that bad it is amusing enough to keep watching. It is hard getting a read on how strong the mc is though. The title makes him out to be the strongest yet so far he seems like a solid all rounder, certainly not anywhere near the strongest of anything. The party getting a new healer is a trope often used to show how good the previous guy was but what we saw did not make the mc seem all that amazing either.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2024 5:49 am Reply with quote
Ep 2:

Well this is pretty generic so far, and despite more than half an episode of backstory we do not actually get the explanation of his Incompetant title. Just the standard Isekai subtype B: Spiteful party to prove how much better the main character is (despite being bland).

Animation wise weirdly we got more animation on the main character turning around then in any of the combat in this episode. All other combat was still frames, complete with frozen monsters.

Only source of interest for me is: Are we gonna do the 30 year old adventurer thing where he was trained by S class adventurers? And will the show come up with a good reason people think he is incompetent or will it live up to my expectations and it is mean people bullying the MC.

I wonder if this is going to turn into a party of underage females going off the mage from the Lightning group. Especially because the very first member is calling him Oni-san.

Based on the fact he is still pretty meh as a healer after his training, perhaps he shouldnt be called a healer but a utility warrior or cleric warrior. Since he is far better as a fighter in the show so far.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2024 5:22 pm Reply with quote
Cryten wrote:
Ep 2:

Only source of interest for me is: Are we gonna do the 30 year old adventurer thing where he was trained by S class adventurers? And will the show come up with a good reason people think he is incompetent or will it live up to my expectations and it is mean people bullying the MC.

I'm a bit interested in the mentor too. As to the reason behind his disgrace, it kind of looks to me like the guild master manipulated/allowed the idiot blond party leader into that scenario because of whatever is going on with this "Sleeping princess" thing. It sounds like he's about to do some similar character assassination again if not get outright lethal.
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2024 3:11 pm Reply with quote
Welp, that sure was a lot of party related stuff in the third episode. Laust not wanting to return to his old party makes sense, Margulus being so extremely self-centered and moronic is also what you would expect. Surprising are the additions of Lyra and Sieg who seem to have some history and their goal is unclear. Given the music at the end the third Hydra hunt might be a success.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 4:48 am Reply with quote
The title for next week's episode was basically a spoiler.

This Lyra character is kind of interesting. She's kind, but she isn't a doormat, which is a nice contrast from the mage. It was kind of funny when the mage started listing the doorknob leader's faults and wound up starting a laundry list, but at the same time, I have limited sympathy for the kind of loyalty that lets @$$oles run rampant without calling them on it.

As to the thief, she's clearly self-aware but has been milking the party for whatever benefits she can get from it. I wonder if she has the same kind of loyalty as the mage, or if she'll ditch when its clear that the gravy train has started hauling fertilizer?

At first I thought Stig or Stieg or Shig or Shieg or whatever the hell his name is was the guildmaster in a wig, but whoever he is, I am betting that he has something to do with that old dude in the tower and the guildmaster's mission to get Laust out of the picture.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 5:45 am Reply with quote
Edjwald wrote:
The title for next week's episode was basically a spoiler.

The promo image of the series (at the top of this thread) gives us a lot of semi spoilers to what the show is currently not revealing anyhow.

I do agree that the young mages justification of Laust returning to abuse is incredibly flawed. Its seems to come down to: You should be responsible for them even if they are terrible. Frankly Laust going to save them would be written as a mistake in a work that wasnt based on the idea that the MC is a misunderstood powerhouse.

I know this is how these shows attract followings (strong but meek character, gets many girls). But I would love for a series to do someone who left a party and both the party left and his new party works out well. Instead of the weirdness that is: only main characters can be successful in fired from the party sub-genre. Because they couldnt possibly show the character being happy at the old parties downfall unless they are shown as both terrible and incompetent.
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smurky turkey

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2024 2:11 pm Reply with quote
Well, in the end Laust did bail those idiots out and said idiots basically got away free after trying to pull off even more hideous stuff. As for how strong Laust is: he does have his unique style of healing and good overall fighting capabilities but those are not really overpowered. What seems to make him strong is that one horned form that is implied to be something evil.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2024 3:46 pm Reply with quote
I was wondering if the whole bit where some psychically spying mystic said that "Something that shouldn't have been awakened has been awakened" (paraphrase) had anything to do with the "Sleeping Princess" thing too. Just saying, it seems like a bit of a coincidence that he wanted to keep Laust and Narusena apart, and that both of them seem to be associated with some kind of magical power being dormant.

And yeah, I can't say that I admired Laust for his benevolence when he let two people who were planning to sell a young girl into captivity go free.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2024 5:40 pm Reply with quote
Can really feel the lack of story writing experience in this shows conversations. But its worse then that, it seems to not understand the reason why shows use the tropes its copying. Or at the very least the author is so isolated from society that he doesnt understand morality and relationship building.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 5:54 pm Reply with quote
I don't think that this is the kind of anime where we're supposed to care enough to nitpick - it's very much one of those content-to-make-par kind of shows, and I think for the most part it does. But I did find myself asking...what's the point of having a phoenix if it's not going to resurrect? Why not just make it a firebird? I mean, those are things in mythology too. Or a dragon if you want to go more well known, because if you want to go well known, why do it in a way that goes against what's well known?

I'm not really all that passionate about it, just curious.

Anyway, I think the fire goddess' arrival has cranked things up a notch. Hints of the deeper mystery coalescing and all that.

Edited to add a missing verb.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2024 5:49 pm Reply with quote
Two thirds into the season, and I'll say this too: the anime knows how to tell a coherent, consistent story. Maybe the characters don't always act all that logically, but I'm a firm believer that humans often don't. And with butthead's warning to Laust to get out of Dodge fast, it sounds like the crap is about to hit the fan.
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