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EP. REVIEW: Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:02 pm Reply with quote
One more bit of trivia about old Sess and his kids: Moroha knows what he smells like because she sniffs Towa and says to her, 'Sess's your daddy." So did Moroha meet Sess someplace? Or does she just know the smells of all the big time demons?

Maybe it's a bit silly, but inquiring minds want to know. Wink

And yeah, eps 2 and 3 are really overpacked with stuff. Hopefully it works out.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:23 pm Reply with quote
This series just cries cringe with each passing second.

Have to stay strong.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2020
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:52 pm Reply with quote
Dextres wrote:
This series just cries cringe with each passing second.

Have to stay strong.

What's been cringe about it?
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Joined: 18 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 6:11 pm Reply with quote
Style question for the ANN folks, and I've seen this throughout the site a lot over the years and never worked up the courage to ask until now.

Why do you italicize the character name "InuYasha"? I understand italicizing the show name, but not the name of the character itself. It's super weird, and y'all are the only ones I see doing that.

InuYasha = Name of show
InuYasha or Inuyasha = Name of the character

It's like this throughout a lot of other articles and reviews where the name of the show and the name of the character are the same.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 6:33 pm Reply with quote
Willo567 wrote:
Dextres wrote:
This series just cries cringe with each passing second.

Have to stay strong.

What's been cringe about it?

For me it's how underplayed is Inuyasha and Kogame's daughter despite being the child of the previous MCs. She just appears with a sword and an arrow and barely stands out in the narrative. It doesn't help that Sunrise's budget is so low that her first fight is as most boring as something you might see in the Takahashi's comedy centered manga Rinne.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 6:38 pm Reply with quote
Willo567 wrote:
Dextres wrote:
This series just cries cringe with each passing second.

Have to stay strong.

What's been cringe about it?

I don't know what this person's problem with it is, but I saw some people on twitter getting Big Mad about Towa's dislike of gender roles.
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Joined: 13 May 2017
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 7:24 pm Reply with quote
I’m not a Sesshomaru and Rin shipper (and not a huge Inuyasha fan) but Rin and Sesshomaru didn’t really have a father/daughter relationship. She was a traveling companion. In that time period it’s not abnormal for a woman to marry young and have a family. And in the case of the age gap Inuyasha is like 200 or so while Kagome is 18.

In my opinion I always taught they had a cute relationship with Rin being the cause of Sesshomaru’s character development though I would never imagine it being romantic.

Age gap wise I not talking about child Rin but the older Rin

Last edited by Tai92 on Sat Oct 17, 2020 7:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 25 Mar 2018
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 7:25 pm Reply with quote
Episode 1 felt kind of necessary, since they're trying to tie that demon from the epilogue with the plot for this anime. So I personally liked it. It was also a way to animate the epilogue without going the OVA way.

Now, episode 2.... dear..give me strength lmao. I love Inuyasha, it's right there with Sailor Moon in terms of how much I love it, so I don't dislike this anime but yisus. My main problem with episode 2 wasn't as much the story/amount of plot questions left in the air as much as the characterization... Setsuna was cool, pretty much like Sesshoramu and his 'idc go die' attitude, but then you have Hisui screaming her name like 3 times and, we get it show, he likes her, way to introduce a character lmao (Hisui's main trait at the moment is "SETSUNAAA") Then you have Moroha. yk I get it, she's Inuyasha's daughter, and she grew up by herself so like, I understand why she speaks the way she speaks, but it's so annoying. It's like her seiyuu was asked to replicate what Kappei did with Inuyasha but she has yet to find a center ground with how she plays Moroha, so honestly, the way she spoke the entire episode really annoyed me, but I think is more of a personal preference.

Then you have Towa...spare me the 'big sister complex' please, YOU ARE LIKE, IDK 10 MINUTES older that Setsuna, stop this whole 'MAMORU' thing. It's just, it makes her look annoying and puts Setsuna into the 'im useless nee-san save me' category and I...no lmao. Towa not being 'traditionally' feminine ain't a problem, but the show does not know how to portray this, so far at least. It's like feminism gone wrong lol. Also, the use of those bullies, for an anime playing in 2020 it feels very outdated and it was just an unnecessary plot device to show Towa's strength and continue with her 'big sis complex' issue.

Episode 3 was better, indeed it was, especially because it showed a different side to Moroha, who to my surprise is actually very smart and does know how to keep her demeanor in check when the situation calls for it. And for what we can tell so far in the plot, something happened which messed the memories of all these individuals, because while I would expect Sesshomaru to not care that much about raising his kids, Inuyasha and Kagome are not those kind of people, so why does Moroha not remember them???

But if that's the main plot point in the story (that and the rainbow pearls, which more pearls? wow original lmao) we won't be getting answers so soon. I liked episode 3 better than episode 2, so I would say the show is just having a wonky beginning.
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Joined: 02 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 7:49 pm Reply with quote
Willo567 wrote:
Dextres wrote:
This series just cries cringe with each passing second.

Have to stay strong.

What's been cringe about it?

Speaking for myself only I enjoyed these episodes but if Rin is the mother I may drop this show. I’m pretty tired of this whole “it’s okay cause we’re not blood-related” bullshit.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2017
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 7:55 pm Reply with quote
I'm really enjoying this season, it does have some problems, mostly with the introductions of everyone back in the Warring States Era, but once they all get brought to the present it massively improves. It also doesn't hurt that the animation is pretty good during the action scenes. My favorite character is definitely Moroha, as she seems to be the most competent one in the trio. I'm also glad we got some kind of explanation for what happened with Sesshomaru. It seems he just left his daughters alone to see if they could survive, which seems pretty in character to me, and I know a lot of people are wary of who Towa and Setsuna's mom is but it's probably Rin. Sure it's kind of creepy because of the age gap, but it's not going to ruin the show for me.. Also I just saw the next episode preview and apparantly spoiler[Kikyo and Kagome are trapped in the sacred tree now] which is weird and I don't know what to make of it. I'm looking forward to the series and I hope it manages to not fall into the same problems Inuyasha did.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 8:51 pm Reply with quote
Romuska wrote:
Willo567 wrote:
Dextres wrote:
This series just cries cringe with each passing second.

Have to stay strong.

What's been cringe about it?

Speaking for myself only I enjoyed these episodes but if Rin is the mother I may drop this show. I’m pretty tired of this whole “it’s okay cause we’re not blood-related” bullshit.

How do you feel about something like Sanson and Marie in Nadia, with Sanson being in his late 20's and Marie being 4 when they met?
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Joined: 08 Aug 2020
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:01 pm Reply with quote
Sesshy x Rin forever. We already all know she's the twins' mom. Ther's no question about it. Cool
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Joined: 03 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:42 pm Reply with quote
I just have more questions than answers at this point, so even if I hated the show (which I don't - I think its mostly fine, although really messy), I'd probably tune in each week just out of sheer curiosity. I also already like Moroha a lot, she's fun (and just based off the OP, it seems like those three will have a fun dynamic).

Do the rainbow pearls have anything to do with the black pearl in the first series (pretty sure it disappeared in the manga, but it stuck around in the anime), and are all the parents just like... stuck in the pearls in something? Why does no one remember their parents or each other for the most part (and yet Moroha knows what Sesshomaru smells like)? I can't even tell if the girl in the tree during the Ep. 4 preview is Kagome or Rin at this point, but either way, I hope we get some more info next week on wtf happened to everyone.

Even though it is pretty ick, I never cared as much about the whole Sesshomaru & Rin thing because she only travelled with him for like, 6-8 months spoiler[and then he left her at a village so she could grow up with humans and make her own choice on how she wanted to live (yeah it blows my mind that the entire Inuyasha series up until the very end only takes place during the course of one year).] Timeline-wise, it doesn't make a lot of sense, but that isn't necessarily a huge barrier in fantasy? Frankly, given the extra material that's come out more recently, I have a hard time believing she won't go that route, even though I'd still rather she didn't.

Why do Sesshomaru's kids look so human for half-demons? I get why Moroha does, but you'd think the twins would have similar features Inuyasha did (like ears, claws, etc...)

If Moroha is wearing clothes made from Inuyasha's fire rat robe, what the heck is he wearing? Dude had one outfit for the entirety of that show.

So many important questions unanswered.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:36 pm Reply with quote
Even if I wasn't an established Inuyasha fan, I'd watch this series for Moroha if nothing else. I think they have done a great job of integrating traits from both Inuyasha and Kagome in both character design and personality senses while still allowing her to be her own person. She's got spunk and spirit, is highly adaptable, and does not seem tied down by the baggage her parents carried.

Overall, I have enjoyed these first three episodes quite a bit, to the point that this will be up there with DanMachi III as one of my priority views for the season.


DQBunny wrote:
Style question for the ANN folks, and I've seen this throughout the site a lot over the years and never worked up the courage to ask until now.

Why do you italicize the character name "InuYasha"? I understand italicizing the show name, but not the name of the character itself. It's super weird, and y'all are the only ones I see doing that.

InuYasha = Name of show
InuYasha or Inuyasha = Name of the character

It's like this throughout a lot of other articles and reviews where the name of the show and the name of the character are the same.

This happens when the title of the show and the name of the protagonist are in common. There's a feature which, once activated for a title, automatically italicizes all occurrences of the title, regardless of context. There is a coding trick which can negate the italicizing from being applied to character name uses, but it's a bit of a pain to use if the character name comes up several times.
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Joined: 25 Jan 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 12:09 am Reply with quote
KitKat1721 wrote:
If Moroha is wearing clothes made from Inuyasha's fire rat robe, what the heck is he wearing? Dude had one outfit for the entirety of that show.

This comment made my day Laughing

So far I'm liking the show, if only because there are still so many mysteries left to unravel. Everyone's wondering where Inuyasha, Kagome and Sesshomaru are hiding, but there's also not a peep from Miroku or Sango in the current era. We were only shown Hisui, their youngest child (that we know of), and the fact he calls Kohaku 'uncle' at least means he knows they are related, but where are they? Where is everyone?
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