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INTEREST: Production I.G Creates Promotional Anime Music Video For Kamimine Town

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Joined: 09 Jan 2014
Posts: 346
PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:45 am Reply with quote
Kim Morrissy wrote:
...eventually he returns to Kyoto to rescue his father in the midst of the Hōgen Rebellion of 1156.

The Comic Natalie article says:

The Tale of Hōgen says:

Certainly, the Comic Natalie article, too, says '...eventually he returns to the capital in order to rescue his parents in the Hōgen Disturbance,' and also the sequence from Tametomo's reading a letter to his fighting against enemy warriors in the anime short makes the audience think, 'Tametomo returns to the capital in order to rescue his parents in a war.' But actually the reason why Minamoto no Tametomo had to return to the capital is that:
Minamoto no Tametomo did violent things in Kyūshū. He disobeyed Imperial orders. He falsely claimed a high-ranking police-military title in Kyūshū. Since a shrine in Kyūshū complained to the Imperial Court about Tametomo's violent deeds, the Emperor ordered Tametomo to return to the capital and behave himself. Tametomo again disobeyed the Imperial order. So the Emperor dismissed Minamoto no Tameyoshi (Tametomo's father) from a high-ranking police post. The Emperor also ordered the regional government in Kyūshū not to support Tametomo. Tametomo heard about his father's having been dismissed because of Tametomo's bad deeds, and this time Tametomo returned to the capital and behaved himself. Tametomo returned to the the capital one year before the Hōgen Disturbance's occurrence.

Since the Kamimine town describes Tametomo as a gentle and strong man and treats him as the hero of Kamimine, that in reality violent guy Tametomo obeyed an order of the Emperor and returned to the capital because Tametomo's dad had been punished and fired due to Tametomo's bad deeds is probably a thing which does not suit Kamimine, which wants to paint Tametomo very positively.

The credit-title sequence of the anime short says:
この物語は史実を参考にしたフィクション [fiction] です。

Kamimine may have added this disclaimer like a disclaimer printed in small type and contained in an insurance document to the credit-title sequence so that they can use the disclaimer as the excuse when people do tsukkomi on the historical inaccuracy of the anime short.

The credit-title sequence of the anime short says:

The official website for the Kamimine town says:

So that may be an example of that provincial jacks-in-office who were cajoled by dairiten think making an anime related to a town will easily and greatly revitalise the town in the sticks.w

In Mashin Sentai Kiramager, a Tōei's tokusatsu super-sentai TV show, the name of one of the principal characters is Imizu Tametomo, who is good at shooting. The name of the character 'Imizu Tametomo' is derived from the name 'Minamoto no Tametomo'. Imizu's being good at shooting is derived from Minamoto no Tametomo's having been a good archer. The kanji for the 'I-' part of 'Imizu' means 'to shoot', and the kanji for the '-mizu' part means 'water'. It is probably derived from a Minamoto no Tametomo-related legend that an arrow which Tametomo shot from the Izu Ōshima island reached Kamakura and water gushed out from the point of impact on the ground. It is said that a well in Kamakura is the point of impact in question.
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