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EP. REVIEW: Trickster

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Joined: 16 Aug 2016
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:43 pm Reply with quote
Aww, I kinda like Trickster. Why? The two boys make me laugh, the one never falling to be as morose as possible, and the other's reaction to him is always funny to me. The older two guys are eye candy, which is enough for now. The loli is a little too sexualized for me, but I don't have to look at her often.

The stories have been quite shallow and quickly resolved, and normally I'd blame it on manga opening chapters, but this is an original so they have no excuse. Eye candy can only hold my attention for so long. I hope they start a longer term plot next week. It seems they might.

I'm enjoying it for now, but in three weeks I might get annoyed if there's no progress.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:21 pm Reply with quote
Same here. I'm a sucker for angst, and I know that cliche and pseudo-profound come with the territory, so I've made my peace with that. Smile I actually like most of the characters, to a degree. Hanasaki is a wee bit too hyper for me, but not intolerable. The owl keeps throwing me off when hacker girl speaks through it.

For now, I'm just hoping that someone will have the decency to gift Kobayashi with a pair of shoes.

Then he can learn what true pain is all about.
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Joined: 17 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:19 pm Reply with quote
As someone who grew up with Detective Conan, enjoys the casual detective genre, and easily falls in love with polar opposites and angsty boys, this show was probably made for me. I actually enjoyed the MCs (though I do hope something happens to calm Hanasaki down a bit bc he really is a bit too hyper). The cases weren't all that exciting but frankly that's pretty much real most of the time.

Someone told this was based on a manga so I thought it'll probably get darker later on. That had been a mistake but I still think there's potential to develop more, especially with 24 episodes (no wonder it started slow). Of course I'm mainly in it for Kobayashi's development and background but I still think I'll enjoy it regardless. Very Happy
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:56 pm Reply with quote
While Kobayashi adds insult to injury by letting the bad guys beat up his wheelchair-bound ally just three episodes after blowing up a puppy (seriously, someone please cure his immortality already)

Man, you're really not going to forgive him for the puppy, are you! Smile It's not like he killed it on purpose. And frankly, for someone who can't ever touch or be touched by another human being (or even hug a puppy), I think Kobayashi is doing pretty good in the not being a complete psychopath department. He's got good reason to be emo, and it's not being immortal, it's being lethally barred from human contact. At least the Bubble Boy could get a hug through space suits, and with gloves Rogue can touch people without killing them.

While he claims “interest” as his motivation, forcing them to work together might be Akechi's unusual approach of steering both of them into a place where they might be able to help each other.

In other words, it's Akechi who's the title character?
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:13 pm Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:
And frankly, for someone who can't ever touch or be touched by another human being (or even hug a puppy), I think Kobayashi is doing pretty good in the not being a complete psychopath department. He's got good reason to be emo, and it's not being immortal, it's being lethally barred from human contact. At least the Bubble Boy could get a hug through space suits, and with gloves Rogue can touch people without killing them.

I agree. There are characters that are not-so-nice-people just because they can be and then there are those where you can at least see where they're coming from. Kobayashi is the latter and currently I doubt anyone has tried to reach out to him like Hanasaki has (though he says he doesn't remember I hope to get a background episode for him at one point). I'm looking forward to seeing how he'll develop. Maybe even if the mist might settle down and allow those he trusts to touch him.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:20 pm Reply with quote
Miyanoai wrote:
Gina Szanboti wrote:
And frankly, for someone who can't ever touch or be touched by another human being (or even hug a puppy), I think Kobayashi is doing pretty good in the not being a complete psychopath department. He's got good reason to be emo, and it's not being immortal, it's being lethally barred from human contact. At least the Bubble Boy could get a hug through space suits, and with gloves Rogue can touch people without killing them.

I agree. There are characters that are not-so-nice-people just because they can be and then there are those where you can at least see where they're coming from. Kobayashi is the latter and currently I doubt anyone has tried to reach out to him like Hanasaki has (though he says he doesn't remember I hope to get a background episode for him at one point). I'm looking forward to seeing how he'll develop. Maybe even if the mist might settle down and allow those he trusts to touch him.

I can totally understand people like the reviewer wanting to punch him but I do have to agree that it's not like he is not actually being that horrible considering how the world and it's characters treat him.

Personally this show is a good recipe for a guilty pleasure for me so I am enjoying it just as that.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:35 pm Reply with quote
Did I correctly interpret hacker-girl's comment that watching the film somehow prevented the owl's camera from recording usable images? How would that even work? How do you put DRM on analog media (or digital, for that matter) that affects unconnected recording devices?
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:39 pm Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:
Did I correctly interpret hacker-girl's comment that watching the film somehow prevented the owl's camera from recording usable images? How would that even work? How do you put DRM on analog media (or digital, for that matter) that affects unconnected recording devices?

I was wondering about that as well but I would be more curious how the heck they made it exploded mission impossible style.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:42 pm Reply with quote
Maybe heat-activated explosive? Once the lightbulb gets hot enough (over the time it takes to watch the film), kaboom!? Or exposure to air at the end of the reel?
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:02 pm Reply with quote
I'm thinking it had something than sparked when it reached the end of the film. Film is quite flammable so it wouldn't take much for it to burst into flames. I doubt we'll find out though.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:37 am Reply with quote
Gina Szanboti wrote:
Man, you're really not going to forgive him for the puppy, are you! Smile

I have four dogs, so that's a no. Wink

I know I'm being harsh. Even if Kobayashi didn't care when Inoue was beat up (which was still low), he kinda expected them to get out of there.
He has to relearn fear just as much as trust in order to start caring again. And with the effectiveness of his barrier being somewhat related to his emotional state, there's a lot of dramatic potential there.

Did I correctly interpret hacker-girl's comment that watching the film somehow prevented the owl's camera from recording usable images? How would that even work? How do you put DRM on analog media (or digital, for that matter) that affects unconnected recording devices?

Maybe the white noise that had little business being on a roll of film had something to do with that? Or maybe showing off Akechi and Twenty Faces' connection by use of outdated technology and Inoue's superhuman memory at the same time was more important than technological plausibility.

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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:26 am Reply with quote
You mean the echo? I took that as an indication of where they were recording, given how cavernous that place is. Otherwise, I couldn't sort anything else out for the background music.

I think it would have been enough to just have Inoue notice the code. If his memory itself is especially noteworthy, there are other organic ways of letting us know (like having his google map memorized instead of printed out?).

And I don't think Kobayashi is not afraid. It's the opposite, actually. When he thinks about doing something dangerous, he doesn't hesitate because he's prepared and knows he's safe, but otherwise, he's jumpy as a long-tailed cat in a crowd, and his tsundere act is to cover how afraid of people he is.

So I disagree that his lack of caring is because he's fearless. As for why he didn't help Inoue, well, a) he doesn't like him and b) to protect him he might've had to kill or maim the men attacking him. He says he doesn't care, but he doesn't want to hurt people with his power either, and if he'd intervened, that's what would have happened. I think that's why he didn't want to be in on the case to begin with, but he thinks it's better to say he doesn't care if people die than to admit he's afraid he'll kill someone if he gets involved.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 4:19 am Reply with quote
I mean this. On film stock? Weird.

Oh yes, pretending not to care is definitely easier than facing potential loss. Which is why Kobayashi constantly reminds himself and everyone around him how he surely, most definitely can't be bothered to give a pair of shoes. The problem is that his perception of danger (and fear thereof) has become warped and now only reflects his own reality: Nothing can hurt him physically because of his powers and emotionally because nothing can touch him, and because nothing can be worse than being forced to live on, anyway. His worldview has become so narrow that nothing registers beyond his own misery. He doesn't refuse to intervene because he is worried what he might do, but because he cannot sense the danger anymore - there is none for him, after all, so why not just wait it out, dead hostage be damned. And even if there was any danger, he doesn't want to live, so others valuing their lives and the lives of others is both baffling and insulting. Which is where I hope the next episode will pick up and elaborate on. I'm ready to cut the kid some slack.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 4:59 am Reply with quote
Well, he didn't have a leader handy, so he just shot some steel wool while twigging the focus and called it good. Wink (or he shot it digitally and transferred it to film so he could asplode it on cue)

As for Kobayashi, I think it will help a lot once (if ever) we learn how he came to be immortal and more about what he's been doing before and/or since. Until then, I think there's a case to be made for either view.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:21 am Reply with quote
Anne wrote:
Maybe Inoue will learn not to bet his life on the accuracy of Google Maps?


I'm usually the first one to sympathize with characters like Kobayash, but he makes it really hard for me by being such an insufferable brat...Hanasaki isn't far behind, though. I was relieved that he seems to have calmed down a bit, but that's probably not gonna last all the way through.

Well, the fact that they started to show us Inoue's backstory gives me hope we'll eventually see something similar for the other boys. But for now i''d be happier if the kids disappeared and i could just watch Akechi and Twenty-Faces playing (mind-)games with each other.
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