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REVIEW: B-PROJECT Episodes 1-12 Streaming

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Joined: 21 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:47 am Reply with quote
Rebecca wrote:
Fortunately the final two episodes, although overly dramatic and underexplained, do manage to redeem things somewhat.

Really? That was one of the most ridiculous endings in anime (or any kind of medium) ever i ever was unfortunate enough to witness.

It might be up for debate if the Okita Souji ep. was even more bizarre, but those final 2 eps. most certainly didn't "redeem" anything...perhaps if they went back to the pleasant "cute male idols doing cute things in a mild reverse harem-ish setting" while pretending that Okita Souji never happened, but suddenly turning the show into an absurd mystery thriller without any kind of explanation is not what i'd call "redeeming things"...not even somewhat.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:08 am Reply with quote
I ended up dropping this after episode 6 because it was too ridiculous. I'm honestly surprised I even made it that far.
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Joined: 18 Mar 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:14 am Reply with quote
The story revolves around the nine-member boy idol unit B-PROJECT.

both as a nine-man unit and as three smaller idol groups: duo Kitakore, trio MooNs, and quintet THRIVE.

Ten-member unit. 5 in Moons, 3 in Thrive, and 2 in Kitakore.

While the other seven members are willing to just accept what's going on

Eight members.

I have to agree with Merida. The ending left a lot to be desired. I enjoyed the show as a whole, but the end was incredibly rushed. I felt like if they had just one more episode, they would have enough time to wrap things up nicer with more explanation than "boys jump down from the ceiling in sparkling outfits and everything's good again"

However, for me, there's one major difference between B-Project and UtaPri that makes me feel like I might enjoy B-Project more if it continued. B-Project, like UtaPri, is self-aware, it knows its fan base. But, unlike UtaPri, B-Project is not afraid to ACT on that awareness. Where UtaPri gives us a beach scene with all of the guys asking Nanami to compose for them, B-Pro gives us a beach scene for a fan book where the manager calls and literally says "Don't forget to tell the boys to include lots of fanservice!" and they do. UtaPri teases, B-Pro delivers. I can't recall any other scenes but the beach episode where the UtaPri guys were shirtless, and BPro had half an episode of singing shirtless in the rain. Neither of these shows has particularly strong plots, they're both just pandering, but BPro goes the extra step to really deliver itself to its audience, though you could agrue that maybe the plot is weaker for that reason. I love both UtaPri and BPro, but really appreciated the extra length BPro went.

Overall (sub) : B+
Story : B-
Animation : B+
Art : B+
Music : A+ (completely biased but I really loved the music and even bought THRIVE's Dreaming Time CD by like episode 3)
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:23 am Reply with quote
I think the series was kind of beyond redemption by the last two episodes, so I wasn't expecting much, but what the hell was that? It wasn't so much that I didn't understand why anything was happening, as that I didn't know what was happening. What was all that nonsense with the plane? spoiler[Did they teleport to the concert hall? Did they all crash into the sea and die and reunite in heaven for a grand finale? Was it all Tsubasa's fever dream from overwork?] Even UtaPri would be going whaaa? at all that, and they're guys who suddenly get naked with the audience and fly during their concerts. Wink
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Joined: 14 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:06 pm Reply with quote
Going to have to agree with everyone in the thread here, the last two episodes really soured my entire experience with the series. (Maybe it was just because Yashamaru was my favourite and that whole plot thread was just dropped on us out of nowhere...) I could forgive how silly it was up until that point, then it was just a frustrating rushed mess.

Gina Szanboti wrote:
What was all that nonsense with the plane? spoiler[Did they teleport to the concert hall? Did they all crash into the sea and die and reunite in heaven for a grand finale? Was it all Tsubasa's fever dream from overwork?]

This is now the only solution to the plane scene I'll accept. Thank you ;D
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:44 pm Reply with quote
Which one? Very Happy
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Joined: 24 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:51 pm Reply with quote
I jumped ship in episode 6, it was so unnecessarily stupid and nonsensical.

I do feel it's unfair to compare Tsubasa to Nanami, at least Nanami has the qualifications and, in Utapriverse the songs she composes are supposed to be super good. Tsubasa's only skill seems to be that she has a good ear? The whole premise of getting hired for a job she didn't even know how to do was already stretching my suspension of disbelief, but with rare exceptions, all she does is flounder and make mistakes. It's by pure miracle that whatever she does somehow fixes problems.

I also felt the show had a rather mean-spirited outlook on the industry while at the same time it glamorized it, so it felt like it couldn't decide on whether being an idol was great or if the industry was super rotten. The guys themselves didn't seem to havemuch interest in the B-Project (afaik, the three groups were independent and became BPro to gain popularity through collab, it's not that BPro existed first and was broken into three afterwards), so a lot of the guys didn't seem very interested in the collaboration.

While I felt the character development moments could get pretty decent, it just wasn't really entertaining and Tsubasa was terribly grating as a character, and the songs weren't really good either.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:32 pm Reply with quote
@Gina - sorry, I meant the crash into the sea and fever dream ones combined ;D

CrowLia wrote:
Tsubasa's only skill seems to be that she has a good ear? The whole premise of getting hired for a job she didn't even know how to do was already stretching my suspension of disbelief, but with rare exceptions, all she does is flounder and make mistakes. It's by pure miracle that whatever she does somehow fixes problems.

I honestly didn't pay enough attention at the beginning to remember if it got mentioned before but
spoiler[It's dropped in the last or second last episode that she has relatives in high places in the company. Which makes WAY MORE SENSE than the earlier drivel that she was randomly scouted while working at a music store.]
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Joined: 07 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:17 am Reply with quote
Makio-Kuta wrote:

I honestly didn't pay enough attention at the beginning to remember if it got mentioned before but
spoiler[It's dropped in the last or second last episode that she has relatives in high places in the company. Which makes WAY MORE SENSE than the earlier drivel that she was randomly scouted while working at a music store.]

It made no sense to me at all that she was scouted while working at a music store. There's tons of cute people everywhere. What made her special? Cute girls are a penny a dozen and not worth the effort to draw them (that applies to boys too). Her reason for being, other than to help the boys, was absurd from the first minute.

I dropped this by the middle of the second episode. I didn't last as long as some of you. I can only do one reverse harem show in my life and that's Utapri. The rest are trash. Actually, Utapri is skating on thin ice. It's one episode away from getting dropped.
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marvel knight

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:43 am Reply with quote
WashuTakahashi wrote:
The story revolves around the nine-member boy idol unit B-PROJECT.

both as a nine-man unit and as three smaller idol groups: duo Kitakore, trio MooNs, and quintet THRIVE.

Ten-member unit. 5 in Moons, 3 in Thrive, and 2 in Kitakore.

While the other seven members are willing to just accept what's going on

Eight members.

I have to agree with Merida. The ending left a lot to be desired. I enjoyed the show as a whole, but the end was incredibly rushed. I felt like if they had just one more episode, they would have enough time to wrap things up nicer with more explanation than "boys jump down from the ceiling in sparkling outfits and everything's good again"

However, for me, there's one major difference between B-Project and UtaPri that makes me feel like I might enjoy B-Project more if it continued. B-Project, like UtaPri, is self-aware, it knows its fan base. But, unlike UtaPri, B-Project is not afraid to ACT on that awareness. Where UtaPri gives us a beach scene with all of the guys asking Nanami to compose for them, B-Pro gives us a beach scene for a fan book where the manager calls and literally says "Don't forget to tell the boys to include lots of fanservice!" and they do. UtaPri teases, B-Pro delivers. I can't recall any other scenes but the beach episode where the UtaPri guys were shirtless, and BPro had half an episode of singing shirtless in the rain. Neither of these shows has particularly strong plots, they're both just pandering, but BPro goes the extra step to really deliver itself to its audience, though you could agrue that maybe the plot is weaker for that reason. I love both UtaPri and BPro, but really appreciated the extra length BPro went.

Overall (sub) : B+
Story : B-
Animation : B+
Art : B+
Music : A+ (completely biased but I really loved the music and even bought THRIVE's Dreaming Time CD by like episode 3)

Don't forget the shower scenes, the crazy French director and the naked end cards. I'm glad BPro got great sales for that.

Btw, how old are the guys supposed to be? Late teens or early 20s?
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Joined: 05 Jan 2016
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:09 pm Reply with quote
I'd not seen a male idol show before and can't stand most harems (reverse or not) so I found it refreshing that B-Project kept the romance to a minimum. But besides that, the show was ridiculous. I was sort of expecting a glamorized look at the daily lives of idols, which I thought the first 4 episodes delivered on. But then the 5th episode gave us amnesia that was recovered from by the episode's end. It only got more silly and culminated with one of the worse endings I have seen. Yes, they gave hints of the betrayal throughout the season, but that ludicrous rooftop confrontation scene had me laughing in disbelief. And yet it got worse!

Oh well, at least the music was decent.
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Joined: 18 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:33 pm Reply with quote
I was praising B-Project for being an idol show that focused on the characters as idols and not as romantic specimens. The focus as sub groups (Kitakore, THRIVE, and MOONS...however the caps work for the last one) But even at the end I felt that the drama was not needed. I'm still confused to this day what the heck the purpose of it was. There wasn't even an example of why such feelings were directed towards her (like a flashback scene.) I feel it even pulled away from the final scene where they performed.

As someone who follows seiyu, the 4.5 episode was great but I was hoping to have that every so often to see the other seiyu....Katou Kazuki stole my heart in tenimyu so I wanted to see him again....

Overall I enjoyed the show but I agree with the review for the most part. I do hope for a new season!

Side note: I'm still bummed we didn't see spoiler[Hot Limit TM Revolution] again Neutral I was laughing so hard when he showed up.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 4:02 pm Reply with quote
marvel knight wrote:
Don't forget the shower scenes, the crazy French director and the naked end cards. I'm glad BPro got great sales for that.

Btw, how old are the guys supposed to be? Late teens or early 20s?

Seeing Kento showering gave me life. The end cards were also great xD

Honestly thought the age question would be a simple google, but I'm not seeing an answer on the bpro wiki. Weird. I'd assume a mix of late teens to early 20s. Some of the characters definitely feel older (Tomo, Kento, Moon's leader whose name I'm spacing on) while some seem younger (Goshi).
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Joined: 23 Jun 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:11 pm Reply with quote
Generally, I liked the show, but the mid-portions felt like they were written just to pad the show to its scheduled 12-episode run. Episode #6's Ryūji's lap to childhood (that somehow solves every stressful event that happens on-site) and Episode #7's "rush" to get the cure-all mugwort in particular felt forced. But then the last two episodes came in, and showed us the definition of "ridiculous," with its out-of-the-blue conflict, and its similarly abrupt resolution.

A show with nice visuals, entertaining voice talents, and catchy songs, but nothing more.
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Joined: 02 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:35 am Reply with quote
So basically people are mad because the last 2 episodes inserted an unexpected thriller plot. B-project is supposed to be a nonsensical plotless-fanservice show because that's what it sells. The ending tho felt so rushed because they added a "plot" twist, b-pro's supposed to be plotless nonsense and the last 2 eps did surprised us... its a foundation for a 2nd season which I'll probly guess that that's the serious version. But I hope that everyone would understand that B-pro doesn't have a plot, and the ridiculous last episodes are like a prologue to the more serious story of B-pro, not actually related to the main thing.[/b]
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