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ANN Article on Anime Junkies

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2003 10:27 pm Reply with quote
I just finished reading the article on Anime Junkies. Wow, I always knew they had a bad reputation for fansubs, but this is ridiculous. I'm definitely with Urban Vision in shutting them down.
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Joined: 05 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2003 10:54 pm Reply with quote
well if UV does sue the crap out of AJ then my preditcion of the hand of god smitting fansubbers in the next few years was spot on.

also in another related note the legality of fansubs article forgot to mention its legal for a fan to fansun his import LD,DVD's, whatever as long as its not being distrobutied.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2003 11:07 pm Reply with quote
Is it really a good idea to: 1)Be mentioning that Ninja Scroll tv is being fansubbed and 2)Say who's fansubbing it? I know you mean well, but you're just giving them free advertising.

Edit: P.S. Just a reminder that if you want to see Ninja Scroll legally, the debut of the first episode will be at AX, courtesy of UV. (One of the few reasons to attend this washed-up con.)
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2003 11:40 pm Reply with quote
first off... who defines unethical? then unwritten book?

not that i am siding with AJ or whatever, but that article is so biased.

why isnt there both sides to the story? also titles that is licenced by american companies dont have the intention of releasing it anytime soon.

also, did the article address teh growing tension between fansubbers and licenses? no.

please if you are going to write an article... make it unbiased.

am i from AJ? NO
anime leecher? NO
fansubber? NO
R2 supporter? YES
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 12:19 am Reply with quote
I am the webmaster of the official website for AnimeJunkies and I would simply like to add that we have made our official response to this editorial on our main page, www.animejunkies.com as we are not taking any actions to hide from this issue. We are an open group and stand by our actions. We do not view this issue as a personal matter between AJ and Christopher Macdonald and instead see it as only a small illustration of a growing issue in the anime community concerning fansubs.

We leave it to the general populace to decide what they feel is right and wrong. Remember, the law is not our moral guide. The day people begin to stop living by their ethics is the day our society loses its humanity.

Later, BrundelFly - [url]AnimeJunkies.com[/url]
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 12:21 am Reply with quote
MishaSU wrote:
but that article is so biased.

Yes, it is. That's why it was called an editorial.


also titles that is licenced by american companies dont have the intention of releasing it anytime soon.

It comes out in September.
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Joined: 08 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 12:29 am Reply with quote
i agree that "unethical" is a term that people are throwing around a lot lately, when it is something in the eye of the beholder.
however, that article is in the editorial section, and the point of editorials is to provide a person with enough interest the ability to share their opinion about something in an organized, well-thought-out manner. just check the editorials section of your newspaper-- i bet every one of them is completely biased. on that topic, wouldn't it be nice if not just ANN staff members were able to write editorials for the site? sure, that'd be a lot more mail to sort through, but it would also provide a more balanced set of opinions, rather than just the ones that ANN staffers hold.
i also agree with GATSU on the point of mentioning the names of both the anime being fansubbed and the fansubber-- no press is bad press, right?
kira kira
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 12:30 am Reply with quote
Tempest wrote:
MishaSU wrote:
but that article is so biased.

Yes, it is. That's why it was called an editorial.

oops ^__^ sorry to repost what you said, i was still writing it when you posted Embarassed
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 12:39 am Reply with quote
Re Junkies Editorial: "With the announcement by Urban Vision that the series was licensed for American release,"

Well first of all, it was long known that UV had the rights to that show, since they announced it BEFORE it came out in Japan, since THEY were funding it. They even had a poll on their site about what network fans would want to view it on in the the U.S.

"We did not however, immediately stop distributing the first five episodes we had already translated and released."


"Fansubbers are by no means receiving any kind of paybacks for the work"

That's bs right there. You either get money or hits. And most of those shows are available on Japanese dvd, which, unlike LD, isn't as hard to import.

"other than the satisfaction of having helped an anime become popular in a region of the world"

Ninja Scroll was already popular, which means that even if UV hadn't funded or licensed it, the tv show would've eventually been picked up.

It's the same argument I had with certain fansubbers who blacklisted me, because I said there was no point in fansubbing the Utena and Escaflowne movies, since the licensing and success of the shows would guarantee they got picked up.

"where the title would not normally have reached in any kind of expedient time span. "

The point of fansubbing isn't to beat the competition.

"We only wish to help the growth of anime in America and around the world."

Um, it's already growing.

"That we continued to allow distribution of the first five episodes of Ninja Scroll is simply because we had already produced them,"

Doesn't that contradict your statement about always dropping a series when it's been licensed?

"We openly and honestly stand by our actions as anime fans and as decent human beings. "

Except for the e-mail flooding.

Last edited by GATSU on Mon Jun 09, 2003 12:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 12:41 am Reply with quote
From the article that I read, I see that the article is so biased.
Although it is an editorial, when people want to write something, they should focus on one thing.

Firstly, the editor talked about ninja scroll, and how AJ is.
But in conclusion, you talked about closing AJ.

In my opinion, if the ninja scroll had already been licenced and released, AJ should stop their distribution, but they are not responsible for the distribution in IRC, since most of the distributors are not AJ staff member.

And how in the world the editor conclude that AJ should be shut down? we are focusing on Ninja Scroll here, and nothing else.
My opinion that AJ it doing a good job; they are giving us (Anime Fans) the best anime, and they are doing this with no other means than helping the growth of Anime in America. They are doing this only for Anime Fans, not for profit.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 12:46 am Reply with quote
I like how Anime Junkies is sending its flunkies(hey I made a rhyme!) to defend their actions on this message board by arguing about the technical flaws of the article and not on the message. (Something Awful does this a lot whenever someone makes fun of them.) Sorry, AJ, but I can smell the bs, and you're not fooling anyone.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 12:52 am Reply with quote
Are you talking about me?
Because I am not from AJ member.
I am one of anime fans in America, and I am not fooling anyone.
I talked about what I think and what my opinions are.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 12:54 am Reply with quote
just as a comment on the conclusion of the editorial: look at it like this. AJ commited a crime when they continued to distribute a liscensed title. when someone commits a crime, and they go to trial, something that the judge figures in to their sentence is their amount of remorse. if they are genuinely sorry for what they did, the sentence will be lighter than if they sit through the trial jeering and making offensive comments. AJ did the latter according to the editorial-- rather than taking the show down and thanking the sender of the email, they sent an offensive email. therefore, they should receive a harsher punishment than a slap on the knuckles. if they had responded that way in a murder trial, the sentence would be execution instead of life without parole; in this case, its being shut down rather than just chastised.
of course none of us here have the power to shut anyone down, and its certainly not legal stomping grounds for us; and certainly my analogy was a bit dramatic. but you get the point, ne?
kira kira
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 1:00 am Reply with quote
so what you guys are saying is the true spirit of anime is in buying an amercian dvd and any such products. granted i see the the problem in the fact that they should have taken down the episodes they had, but this is ridiculous. what you're saying isn't fandom, it's capitalism.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 1:08 am Reply with quote
Agree on this one.
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