Well, this feature always takes Rebecca and I a year and a day to put together, but there it is. Can I ask what you all thought of it this year? Is there anything you'd like to see added/removed/changed? Which of the shows are you looking forward to most?
Thanks for your input!
I rather liked the article (why do I always put "rather" before "like[ed]) and I don't think there are any changes I can suggest. This type of article doesn't really offer too much room for change unless you outright switch formats, and I don't think that is necessary. The writing was quality to say the least and the reviews seemed fair (some will inevitable disagree and give you a hard time about this, but it happens so much I'd expect you are nearly numb to it). The MST3k style captions won me over instantly. I'm an MST3k fanatic (well, actually a term between fanatic and mere fan that doesn't exist). I can't go through any film without mocking it, even just a little (I even instinctively mocked The Pianist under my breath, even though I really admired the movie. I encourage use of such captions in future iterations of the feature. I do feel a little bad about that). In total, I will say it is an exemplary piece.
As to what I an anticipate, well none of them really grabbed me, but a few look as if they might be worth trying out:
DNAngel is of a type I typically avoid, but given that I love things that do a premise prone to poor quality well, I think I will give this one at least a cursory glance.
LastEXILE, despite bothering me with it's eccentric capitalization (I'm an insufferable pedant and I love it), is appealing to me since politically themed series with a sort of late 19th century feel has always held an appeal to me. I dare say I've almost romanticized it.
A show I'm interested in, but not to optimistic about is Demon Detective Loki Ragnarok. While I'm a sucker for stylish (it may be ultimately inferior to substance [nebulous a concept as that is], but it still takes effort and creativity and deserves a bit more credit) and a twist on the detective angle usually proves at least mildly entertaining. But it's an old premise mixed with an old hook, even if the blend is new, so I doubt my interest in this series.
I almost passed Scrapped Princess by. I deluged myself with fantasy at one point, and I'm still trying to wash the taste out of my mouth (or, unmetaphorically, the experience from my mind), but I admire any fantasy that is done well and either avoids clichés or handles them well. I'm still dubious, particularly given the obvious metaphysical alignments of the characters, but given the glowing assessment it received, I'll look into it.
The remainder either disinterested me or are too idiotic for me to pay any attention to. Although I might break down and try Ninja Scroll, I just really didn't like the movie, and it's trying to overcome that feeling.