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The Mike Toole Show - Ishinomori's Story

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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:39 pm Reply with quote
I love Ishinomori's work, Cyborg 009 was excellent, and I especially love Jet Link and his design. There's a reason why character's based off of Jet Link are always awesome. Oh and also his name was Jet Link! The man was a legend, and its great to read about how awesome he is. I should check out 009-1 because Funimation is streaming it.

Overall another fun article, and it's to bad Mike couldn't get Sony to comment on why Cyborg 009 was treated like trash considering it had a tv airing.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:00 pm Reply with quote
Great Article Mike, can't wait for one on Go Nagi

I have always wanted to own Cyborg 009 on dvd, but it isn't meant to be.

A little tidbit of info that i found,

Japanator had an article about how Sony was rolling out their new streaming service Crackle. And in the comments this happened,

No Cyborg 009? Sony, you own it, show it!

then a rep from Crackle said

Regarding Cyborg 009...I hear you loud and clear and I promise I am jumping the necessary hurdles to bring you this show on Crackle ASAP.

later the rep came with bad news

Unfortunately it is looking like Cyborg 009 will not be coming to the site anytime soon. It is a rights issue and I am looking into it....

All we can do is hope from better news in the future.
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Joined: 21 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:06 pm Reply with quote
Way to get me all excited only to let me down! I'm trying to get into manga, so you tempt me with something cool and then I find out it's out of print! ARGH!

Not trying to plug this random guy's ebay sale, but here is an example of the entire set of Cyborg 009 on sale in the US.

I'd pick it up but as I said, trying to get into manga. I also don't have a spare AUD$220+ lying around. Still, it does sound awesome and I will keep an eye out for it as I find out who stocks manga around here.

Great column!

I see what they did there.

Also, I've found a newsletter from a NSW library that mentions it, I think that's pretty damn awesome (for Australia). I wonder if there's a library closer that I can nab this from...

Edit: I have noticed that this is not the title I'm looking for. Move along.

Last edited by Nephtis on Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:23 pm Reply with quote
There's even a museum dedicated to Ishinomori's work. in the town of Ishinomaki, not far from Sendai. The route from the train station to the museum is scattered with brightly colored sculptures of Ishinomori characters.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:40 pm Reply with quote
This for digging that info up jrnemanich. As disappointing as it is. Just to see this series streaming again would be fantastic.

Just recently, a new Cyborg 009 chapter was published - thirteen years after his death, you still just can't stop the guy.

I loved that, an earlier ANN article directed you to see it online.

Oh the Super Galaxy film! This film, complete with its typical 80s American dub, is great to watch if you enjoy lampooning anime. So much bad acting and horrendous accents. Though, surprisingly, no changes to plot or covering of character deaths! It's a good way to spend 2 hours with friends. Laughing

I remember when 009 broadcasted on Toonami, they would run commercials for the DVDs! If I remember correctly, they were priced at a more premium price, at the time as only a casual fan of the series I passed it up. Oh hindsight. I know many people enjoyed this show, but they were not old enough to buy DVDs or just didn't hit that collector mentality in folks at the time.

I've seen most of Ishinomori's animation inspired works. I have still yet to get a copy of Gilamesh, I'm curious to see what wonderful story this weaves. I would also like to get my hands on the rewritten Skullman story released in the late 90s as well.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:43 pm Reply with quote
Has anyone else created as much cool stuff? Let me know in the comments.

How about Mitsuteru Yokoyama? His stuff gets remade often enough and there's enough variety to it (he started both the giant robot and magical girl genres) that he probably deserves his own article.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:51 pm Reply with quote
Since I'm a big fan of Toku, I had always heard Ishinomori's name thrown about, but I never made a effort to look for any of his other works until the Tokyopop 009 release. I was able to nab the first two volumes before they vanished off the shelves, but it was enough to spur me on to collect the rest of his works. I wasn't aware Gilgamesh was his, so thats another one I need to hunt down.

Nagai definately needs to get some more love over here. Sure, he might seem a bit childish and crude, but thats just part of his charm. And along with Tezuka and even Ishinomori, he's one of the few creators that continually has fans and his works stay in the public mind even years and years later. Add to the fact that he doesn't seem to age makes him a definate person worth discussing.
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Joined: 08 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:47 pm Reply with quote
jrnemanich wrote:

Unfortunately it is looking like Cyborg 009 will not be coming to the site anytime soon. It is a rights issue and I am looking into it....

That stinks Sad It's like cyborg 009 has a curse on it!
I had the chance to see the last four episodes in Spanish at least, although I would like to see the English dub of those eps.

I have 9 volumes of the Cyborg 009 manga, I don't have vol 9 because the price for it is absurd Shocked I also have the DVDs that were released in the U.S.

I remember seeing the Cyborg 009 Legend of the Super Galaxy, that dub is horrid Confused I prefer the English cast from the 2001 series.

I have 6 of the omnibuses of the Cyborg 009 series that was released in Japan in 2009, so I get to see the manga beyond vol 10, but I barely understand a word Laughing

I remember Kikaider Smile I didn't get to buy the boxset since I was just a teen when it aired and didn't have the money. I wished they would have released the Kikaider vs Inazuman special. I have the Inazuman manga, it has the Kikaider vs Inazuman chapter in it.

I have the 009-1 anime with the cool little spy suitcase Smile
I still have to buy the Skullman anime, I got a chance to see it on Hulu, I loved the little Cyborg 009 references in it. Very Happy
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:34 pm Reply with quote
Oh man, Ishinomori gets no real respect over here. Cyborg 009's 2001 series was great and I would love to have it on DVD, but I can't, and that dubtitled set isnt going to do it.

The Kikaider anime was really good and the 01 OVA was as well, giving off a real bittersweet ending. It is a shame that we never got the Inazuman OVA, though, as it gave great closure to the Kikaider anime series and left everything off with a good sense of hope. At the same time, though, it's understandable that we didn't get it, as Japan didn't get it until after Bandai released the complete collection over here. Maybe a company can license rescue the show and get that OVA with it...

I haven't seen the Skull Man anime yet, though I did buy Sentai's release, but the 009-1 anime is excellent; I really wasn't expecting to love it as much as I did.

The Skull Man manga TokyoPop brought over is really good, and even with TP's stupid mistakes (like the infamous word bubble that had a note to the editor kept in instead of what it is actually said), just having all of the original 009 manga is great. I've brought up the subject of releasing Ishinomori manga to Ed Chavez of Vertical multiple times, and each time he's really hesitant ot the idea, just showing once again how unrespected Ishinomori is over here. I'd love to have the original Kamen Rider, Skull Man, and Kikaider mangas.

Also, Mike, you bring up how Ishinomori kept topping himself with each Super Sentai show, but the man himself was only involved with the first two shows, Goranger and JAKQ. After JAQK's low ratings, Ishinomori left the series, but the production company kept his name as "original creator" as a sign of respect. As for Kamen Rider I think he was involved with each of them all the way up through the 90s movies.

As for other people who should be given a "Story" on the show, I do agree with Go Nagai, and I'll add to it Masami Kurumada, whose contributions to shonen battle manga are very understated; his B't X manga is also very inspired by Cyborg 009 at the last parts as well, which I found really cool.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:07 pm Reply with quote
Shotaro Ishinomori is an awesome person, I read about him way before this article was made. He did a lot for both Japan and US (with some outside help in US). Kamen Rider became part of Japan's pop culture and I would consider Ishinomori "the father of Power Ranger" because without him, Power Ranger wouldn't have existed in USA. I never got chance to read or watch Cyborg 009. Mike, I'm glad you did a article on him. Thanks for giving anime fans insight on this person.
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Joined: 08 May 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:41 pm Reply with quote
Great article. Love Ishinomori, the guy is a legend.

As for further installments.....well, you already mentioned Go Nagai, so that's out...

How's about Mitsuteru Yokoyama? He was one of Tezuka's contemporaries and was responsible for creating many of the now familiar manga subgenres. Also, despite the old school artwork, his stories tended to be significantly darker than Tezuka's were (he was also arguably better at world-building than Tezuka was). His famous Tetsujin 28-go (AKA Gigantor) takes place in the shadow of WWII. He was also one of the originators of ninja manga and created a ninja boom. He also helped pioneer the apocalyptic supernatural manga with Babel II.

And of course, who can forget his life's work...the epic 60-volume manga adaptation of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Yeah.....you definently need to write about this guy.
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Fallen Wings

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:37 am Reply with quote
Another interesting fact:

Leiji Matsumoto also shares the same birthday as Ishinomori. (January 25, 1938)

Anyway I was one of the lucky individuals who has actually bought the Australian version of Sony's release. Though it sucks that my friend took it and now lives in the US .... damn ...

Though I wish to this day I could get my hands on the original Gilgamesh manga - it seems quite different to the TV series.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:12 am Reply with quote
Love the guy's works. Cyborg 009 was how I became a fan of him in the first place. And I've said it many times before, but i too hate how Sony only released 8 episodes instead of releasing a box set of it. They release the entire 2003 Astro Boy series except it wasn't bilingual and some of the episodes looked out of place.

As of now I'm trying to see more of the Super Sentai series and the Kamen Rider series as well. Though I'm still a long way from being an expert on Kamen Rider.

Anyways Mike, I love what you did with this article cause Ishimori did indeed do a lot of accomplishments during his life and would done other great things if he lived longer.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:14 am Reply with quote
This is a nice introduction, but I feel like it mildly glosses over some of the impact of Ishinomori's work, unfortunately I've long lost a link to a rather detailed history of his work.

In addition to children's entertainment, Ishinomori also did more adult stuff. He illustrated for Playboy. Unfortunately at this point it's simply hearsay, but another major work of Ishinomori's which has far less recognition among fans is HOTEL, whose adaptions is considered a seminal work in modern japanese "Dorama".

It's also worth noting that Cyborg 009 mimics X-Men, an American contemporary, in that it used a motif of catch-all "outsiders" to subtly criticize cultural prejudices. From a fat, buffoonish Chinese man to a minstrel-style escaped slave, each character is introduced as a simplistic stereotype, and Ishinomori strives, in turn, to deconstruct the stereotypes and get the audience to see beyond the character's looks and recognize their humanity. Joe is significant not simply because he's the hot-headed hero archetype, but he's hapa, a half-white that is essentially abandoned by the Japanese care system because he's a "mongrel" yet is now one of the most enduring of characters in what was once, and at times still is, a highly insular society focused on homogeneity.

Skull Man and Kamen Rider have a complex history in that SM was, essentially, the abandoned pilot. A one-shot manga, it was considered far too dark for adaptation, so was re-tooled into the show we know and love. It's also worth noting that, in stark contrast to contemporaries like Spectreman and the big man, Ultraman, Kamen Rider doesn't only eschew super science; it also presents it's hero starting off from substantially more morally ambiguous ground. KR is a product of the evil forces he fights, and to some degree it's a dark revenge fantasy, instead of a benevolent being sent to protect the environment, or some such thing.

Kikaida's fanbase is mostly Hawaiian because the show wasn't popular in Japan. It was cancelled partway through the run and through some serendipitous moment, the production staff decided to simply throw out much of the monster-of-the week-conceit and focus of the character aspect of the finale. When it was exported to Hawaii, it became a huge hit, and there are Kikaida cons to this day.

Um, what else am I going to gently disagree with? Probably that 009-1 isn't so much 009 with cold war spies as it is 007 with cyborg women. Sorta like the fembots from Austin Powers if they were played straight.

I'd be willing to go as far as to say that where Tezuka laid the groundwork for modern Japanese animation, Ishinomori was just as significant in planting the seeds of modern Japanese live action TV.

Nonetheless great article! The man had a nearly peerlessly large body of work and it's amazing you were able to express as much as you did in such a small space.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:55 am Reply with quote
but the show failed to catch fire.

I wonder why... Rolling Eyes Plus, I heard he had a cameo in the Japanese version of the Kojima game, Snatcher.

Notable releases of the past decade like Gilgamesh and Genma Wars (okay, maybe that one's not so notable) are based on his works.

Surprised you didn't bring up Harmageddon though. Unlike Genma Wars, it doesn't suck.

(the Cyborg 009 gang regularly surface in TV and magazine ads, hawking a variety of electronics and goodies),

There's also a spoof of 'em in the Excel Saga anime.
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