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A couple of questions about the end of the first FMA anime.

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face in the windowpane

Joined: 03 Nov 2010
Posts: 32
PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:34 pm Reply with quote

First off, I want to say that I really enjoyed this series. "Reunion of the Fallen"? One of the darkest endings to an episode ever. That episode put When They Cry to shame, it was so disturbing.

Now, a couple of things have bugged me. I just can't seem to figure them out. This list was a little bigger while I was watching, but as usual with me, by the time I finished I forgot what those issues were and can only remember these two.

1) Greed
What was his whole deal? Why did he want to figure out Al's seal? He claimed that he wanted to learn Al's secret so he could become immortal, but as Al pointed out, Greed was already as immortal as Al. Greed was about to explain that, but the military interrupted his speech and he never got the chance to talk about it again.

Maybe Greed wanted to know how the seal works so he could unseal the body Dante is currently using. But Greed never gives any indication of this, so that's pure speculation on my part. Besides that, unsealing Dante doesn't seem like it'd be any easier than just outright killing her.

Maybe he wanted to make his companions immortal? Again, possible, but the show gave no indication of this.

I found the Greed episodes to be tiresome, because I didn't see the point of his character. Can somebody help me out here?

If Dante was so concerned about her bodies aging, why not seal herself to one of the homonculus early on?
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:08 am Reply with quote
Spoilers should be in the title but anyways

1-Greed's immortality wasn't perfect, as you can see an episode or two later, you CAN kill a homunculus, even if it takes alot of effort. He wanted to be REALLY unkillable.

2-Homunculi EAT souls and use them to move around. I'm guessing that transfering your soul into one wouldn't be a smart idea.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:11 am Reply with quote
What? The Greed episodes were the best ones! Greed was the best character!

spoiler[Anyway, homunculi are virtually immortal, but if they sustain enough damage that they run out of the lesser Stones that give them their abilities, they could fail to regenerate. Alphonse, on the other hand, never gets tired and never has to sleep. Greed probably figured that's much more convenient than even his current form.

As for Dante, I guess it's a matter of preference there, too. She probably just wants a human body. It's also possible a person can't graft themselves to a homunculus body, but they didn't really go into that. The first series could be like that sometimes.]
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face in the windowpane

Joined: 03 Nov 2010
Posts: 32
PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:04 am Reply with quote
Shenl742 wrote:
Spoilers should be in the title

I tried, but there wasn't any room left in the title. Sorry. Figured the title itself was enough to drive away people who haven't finished the show, but I still put it at the beginning of the post just in case.

2-Homunculi EAT souls and use them to move around. I'm guessing that transfering your soul into one wouldn't be a smart idea.

spoiler[Yeah, that's an interesting notion, and you could be right. Although, they eat the souls in the form of red stones... I'm not sure if the homonculi can harvest the power of a soul in an unrefined state. You never hear about Gluttony getting more powerful by eating live people, for instance.]

However, given that we don't have any answers from the show, and all we can do is speculate, your explanation is a logical one. Thanks!

penguintruth wrote:
spoiler[Anyway, homunculi are virtually immortal, but if they sustain enough damage that they run out of the lesser Stones that give them their abilities, they could fail to regenerate. Alphonse, on the other hand, never gets tired and never has to sleep. Greed probably figured that's much more convenient than even his current form.]

spoiler[Al is way more prone to damage than Greed, though. He gets damaged to the point of being totally immobile three times during the course of the series. And that's not even considering that a little scratch (or water) to the seal, and it's goodbye.]

As with the last answer, though, this falls into the realm of the show being unclear. They never explain exactly what Greed knows about Al's strengths and weaknesses, so it's fair to guess that he didn't know how fragile Al really is (compared to Greed himself, I mean). So your explanation is also good. Thank you.

Well, it looks like these questions kind of have to be fanwanked away... but I never was one to look down of fanwank, as long as it's logical. You guys did good, and I'm satisfied. Smile
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