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NEWS: Evangelion: 3.0 Film's Latest Trailer Streamed

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Joined: 13 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:22 am Reply with quote
This actually shows a small amount of new footage; mostly stuff from the original TV series, but enough to get the gist of things, i.e. Shinji will meet Kaworu in this one.

A VITAL POINT which the accursed Rei/Shinji shippers may have missed after the "happy" ending to Rebuild of Eva 2.0 :

According to the interviews in "The Complete Destruction of All Records", there wasn't supposed to be a "Happy" ending to Rebuild of Eva 2.0, with Shinji in love with Rei. (For god's sake people, she's a clone of his mother!)

You see, Assistant Director Kazuya Tsurumaki stated in the behind-the-scenes book that he agreed to work on an Evangelion remake only on the condition that Hideaki Anno promised that the third movie would focus on the third Rei clone.

I myself have been really intrigued by this in the original TV series: we only really meet the third Rei clone for about an episode and a half, plus the TV series, as she showed up in the middle of episode 23. But notice that there are subtle differences between "Rei 3" and "Rei 2", i.e. she's much more emotional.

Apparently, Tsurumaki has similar feelings, so he said that instead of introducing Rei 3 practically before the end of the narrative, they should move around the schedule in such a way that they reach this point in the narrative by the halfway mark, so they can highlight how she's really not quite the same person as "Rei 2".

Some have questioned if Rei is even a clone in the new Rebuild continuity: notice that when Rei appears floating in the LCL tank (to be templated for the Dummy Plugs), the metal collar she's wearing actually says "Rei 2". Yes, the Rebuild-Rei is indeed "Rei 2" and appears to be a clone.

Some of the new footage we see in this trailer matches scenes from Episode 23, when Rei 3 gets back from the hospital wrapped in bandages -- to maintain the farce that Rei 2 was just badly hurt, not killed -- then when she's back in her apartment she takes off all of her bandages to reveal that she wasn't even injured; she's not Rei 2.

Thankfully, though, this trailer also includes footage of the main female character, Asuka, though how that storyline is proceeding I have no idea.

So why did Rebuild of Eva 2.0 end with a "happy" love song Rei/Shinji shipperfest?

Basically this was simply due to Executive Meddling. In the Destruction interviews, they said the studio pressured them to end on a happy note, even though the original plan was to end on the cliffhanger of Rei 2 dying much as she does in the TV series.

Tsurumaki was "not amused" given that he'd been promised this, as a condition for even working on the movies, but Anno managed to talk him down.

The Rei/Shinji shippers, however, took this ending at face-value and proceeded with "restrained jubilation". Oh, things have been working out quite well for them so far:

Asuka was nearly marginalized

The second movie was a giant Rei/Shinji shipperfest, seemingly killing Asuka.

Because your typical Rei/Shinji shipper has no respect for human life. Not even his own. That's how your hardcore Rei/Shinji shipper works.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:34 am Reply with quote
_V_ wrote:
This actually shows a small amount of new footage; mostly stuff from the original TV series, but enough to get the gist of things, i.e. Shinji will meet Kaworu in this one.

No it didn't. None of that trailer was from the TV series. You could interpret it was reimagined events from the TV series, but it certainly isn't "mostly stuff from the original TV series" at all.


You see, Assistant Director Kazuya Tsurumaki stated in the behind-the-scenes book that he agreed to work on an Evangelion remake only on the condition that Hideaki Anno promised that the third movie would focus on the third Rei clone.

Requesting source. Sounds like you just made that up or misinterpreted an interview from something.


Apparently, Tsurumaki has similar feelings, so he said that instead of introducing Rei 3 practically before the end of the narrative, they should move around the schedule in such a way that they reach this point in the narrative by the halfway mark, so they can highlight how she's really not quite the same person as "Rei 2".

Again, source on the Tsurumaki statements.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:40 am Reply with quote
Well, "corresponding" to scenes apparently from the original series, though I understand that trailers can be misleading.

I'm heading out to class right now its 8 am but I'll try to find cited quotes from "Complete Destruction of All Records".
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Joined: 11 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:50 am Reply with quote
_V_ wrote:
Well, "corresponding" to scenes apparently from the original series, though I understand that trailers can be misleading.

No, it's not misleading, it's clearly evident that the scenes are a complete reinterpretation of what happened in NGE. We already have met Kaworu, he never played the piano in NGE. Shinji never laid on a road like surface all chilled out. Asuka wasn't a space pirate. None of these scenes are directly lifted from NGE.


I'm heading out to class right now its 8 am but I'll try to find cited quotes from "Complete Destruction of All Records".

I only get one source for "Complete Destruction of All Records" and I believe you're actually referring to the interviews in Evangelion 2.0 The Complete Records Collection. Even then you're misremembering the interview.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:21 am Reply with quote
Awesome! Totally sharing this on FB!

I see this thread turning into yet another ridiculous Eva debate...don't they always? :p
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:45 am Reply with quote
Edit: Well, it's about time we see some actual video; now I want to see the film right now. Anime cry

*squee* There is some Kawrou/Shinji content! Yay, the piano actually matters! >////<

So, Eyepatch! Asuka goes to space "probably" to deal with an Angel since, in the TV series, the EVA couldn't even swim let alone battle outside the atmosphere. Mari might join her which would be awesome if they tag-team. And it seems like Rei(3?) has been released. How though since Rei (2) was saved in 2.0? Confused

luffypirate85 wrote:

I see this thread turning into yet another ridiculous Eva debate...don't they always? :p

It wouldn't be such an interesting fandom without it. Wink

Last edited by Keichitsu0305 on Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:01 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 05 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:09 am Reply with quote
_V_ wrote:

Maybe it was executive meddling in The Real World, but it works fine in context too. I always saw the ending of 2.0 as significant not because of any "shipping" nonsense, but because Shinji actually does something for himself - which he doesn't do in the series until End of Eva (or maybe the end of the series, depending on how you view that ending).

That he saves Rei isn't REALLY that much of shipping thing anyways. He's close to her at that point in the series, too; in fact, it's her return as Rei-III, with whom he has none of the prior connection he got with Rei-II, which is part of his downward spiral in the last third. In 2.0, like in the series, he wants to save her...and, in a distinct departure from the passive-to-a-fault Series Shinji and despite the overwhelming odds against him, he DOES, the very act of which I guess taps into some greater power of Unit-01.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:26 am Reply with quote
Krotchstak wrote:

I can no longer idly sit back and allow Rei shipper infiltration, Rei shipper indoctrination, and Rei shipper subversion.
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Joined: 15 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:06 am Reply with quote
Besides saving Rei in 2.22 was better than saving Rei in end of 1.11.
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why no guest post option?

Joined: 02 Dec 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:24 am Reply with quote
why there's a lot of english retard posts on nico?

Last edited by why no guest post option? on Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:26 am; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 11 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:26 am Reply with quote
why no guest post option? wrote:
why there's a lot of english retard post on nico?

Yeah, that was something. A very unfortunate something.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:39 am Reply with quote
_V_ wrote:
Krotchstak wrote:

I can no longer idly sit back and allow Rei shipper infiltration, Rei shipper indoctrination, and Rei shipper subversion.

wow, you REALLY don't like Rei x Shinji do you?

Well as for myself I find this seires to be one or those where I knd of care less about the shippingsand just want to know what the hell next will happen (also I want more mari screentime as well as hints as to why she's here)

This is looking like the third protion of eva which is really making me curious as to how things are going to play out. I figured shinji wasn't dead but after THAT cliffhanger, I'm sort of surpised to see it nonchalantly put in that he's perfectly fine (and back to depressed mode) I figured there be more struggle to get him out, but considering how he gets out in the show I guess I really shouldn't be that surprised spoiler[I also don't think I should be surprised that rei gets replaced by rei 3. TANG!!]

I'm also surprised that kawarou *appears* to be fitting in fairly well (again given his role) but he did spoiler[chuck a friggin spear into shinji] at the end...but then again in of itself he did technicly 'save' everyone by doing so I guess...?

Arugh who the hell am I kidding I won't come to any conclusions until I see this flick myself (only to bring up more questions no doubt!) may as well get the barf bags ready.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:49 am Reply with quote
GUYS I am so EXCITED about this! I could not stop grinning the whole time I was watching this trailer and about five seconds in I was ready to jump up and shriek "LOOK AT MY BABIES... LOOK AT ALL MY BABIES!" Rei looks so pretty and Asuka and Mari are bosses and Kaworu is going to be IN IT and it looks like Shinji's going to go through a lot of crap again and that makes me sad but I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT! AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa
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Mee Deggi The Punisher

Joined: 27 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:04 am Reply with quote
supercreep wrote:
why no guest post option? wrote:
why there's a lot of english retard post on nico?

Yeah, that was something. A very unfortunate something.

Yeah, how dare they taint that site with a barbarian language.
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Joined: 09 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:05 am Reply with quote
I feel like there must be something wrong with me for shipping Shinji and Kaworu, even though I'm a straight male. I just think... 1) It's funny. And fun. And... 2) It doesn't seem that out-there, considering the amount of development toward it in the single episode this was featured in. One of my favorite scenes is the famous one-minute-long scene in the episode.

But then again, it just seems like there were a lot of hints toward just about every shipping you could imagine without turning the series into a "harem" (somehow...). Anime hyper
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